Chapter 8

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"AHHHHH!" I yell as I wake up. I am in another vine hut, and I see Ryan still asleep on the wood bed. I sigh with relief, and stand up. I put all my weapons back on, that were taken off. I walk outside, and take in a deep breathe of the wonderful smelling wind. "We are in the Alpeanio Forest. It is five to ten miles away from Contrillo." Ryan says from behind me. I nod, and yawn. "Soooo good morning!" I say. "Time to get Leah." I say with a smile. We walk out of the hut, and Ryan asks, "Can't we open up a portal to Contrillo?" I look at him, and reply, "Well, you can only open up portals to the land you live in. So we can open a portal to Archway and go in with no problems, but if Stellers try to go through
the portal to Archway, they will be killed. So for Leah, I have a special bracelet that allows people to go through any portal as long as they are with someone that lives there, that is alive. The bracelet also identifies them as a prisoner. You can walk to each land, but you may be killed also if you are trouble. You can only open portals 3 miles away from another's land." He nods, and stops. "Stellers?" I whisper. He nods. "Contrillo, we are close." He says. I take out my axe, which is as light as a feather, and prepare to fight. He puts up five fingers, then four, then three, then two, and finally one. I see Stellers run toward us, and I throw my axe sideways. It cuts at least five out of the forty Stellers in half, and comes back into my hand. Ryan gets out five knives, and starts throwing them at Stellers. Each knife goes through two peoples chests, then lands on the ground.
They come back to his hand, and he keeps throwing them. I spin around like a tornado, my axe out ready to chop some Stellers. I stop spinning after I kill three Stellers, and run into the mass of Stellers. I spin around, faster and faster, and at least half the mass is dead on the ground. I land on the ground, and put the shield up around me. I lay there, dizzy, and then stand up again. I put my arms out like a T, and a GIANT worm made of vines and dirt comes out of the ground, and swallows Stellers one by one. "WOAH!" I hear Ryan yell before he decapitates the Steller behind him. I smile, and open a portal on the ground, and at least ten Stellers are sucked in, and disappear. I put my axe away, and take out my two swords. I chop up a few Stellers, and say, "That was for ASH!" I think about all the negative things wrong with my life, and my gemstone turns gold. The flames appear, and I put my swords away. I start doing hand to hand combat, and dissolve everyone I touch. Anger consumes me, and the flames grow bigger and brighter. "Sam! They are all dead! Samantha! Samantha!" Ryan yells. The flames die, and my gemstone turns back to its original color. "Ok I know. Sorry. Now....let's go get Leah!" I yell back. He smiles as he runs toward me. "That's what I was thinking!" He exclaims. I sit against a tree, and close my eyes, trying to get as much energy I can back.
We finally make it to Contrillo, and I sit down. I drink half my water, and eat a loaf of bread. Ryan does the same. "We are finally here!" Ryan exclaims. We reach the gate, and I touch it. I scream, and fall back. "It is covered with magic. We have to open it from the inside." I say as I heal my hand. "Well that's just..great! We travel all the way over here to have this happen!" He exclaims. I hear someone, and drag Ryan behind a concrete column. "Hello? Pixters?" I hear a familiar voice yell. I peek at the gate, and see Collin standing there, with a scar down his arm. "Yes?" I say as I stand up, and walk toward the gate. "Hi, I am Collin!" He exclaims. "We know." Ryan says from behind me, his arms crossed. Collin's face turns red, and says, "Sorry. I am from Archway. I am not your enemy! I work with your father! Here is my badge. Here, let me open this gate!" He says. He opens it up, and we walk into Contrillo. "Thanks." Ryan says. Collin nods, and we walk to where all the huts are. I link arms with Ryan to share our power, and golden dust flies toward Leah's hut. "Looks like Leah moved into a different hut. Or Nikki lied." I say. I get the bracelet ready, and take out my sword. We walk over to the hut where the golden dust is, and I sneak in. Leah is thankfully asleep, or so we thought. "YOUUUU!" Leah screams as she jumps out of her bed, sword in her right hand. She swings the sword, and I dodge it easily. I swing my weapon at her, and cut her cheek. I swing again, but she dodges and cuts my hip. I bite my lower lip, and we keep swinging our swords at each other. Cling! Cling! Cling! I put my sword in the ground, and the earth shakes. Leah falls, and I put the tip of my sword at her throat. She lays there for a few moments, but then slices my arm with her sword. I stumble back, and she kicks me in the chest. I fly through the door, and try to catch my breathe. I roll away as she throws a dagger at where I laid a few moments earlier. I stand up, and spin around with my hand extended. Water from the ground comes up and splashes in her face. I swing my sword at her once more, and cut one of her fingers off. She howls in pain, and falls to the ground. I quickly put the bracelet on her, and put chains made of vines and wood on her. I stick her in a sphere of water, and open a portal. "Samantha!!!" Ryan yells. I run over with Leah, and see Ryan beating up Stellers. "Traitor!" One boy yells before Ryan cuts him in half. "ALEC!" A girl yells as the boy's body falls to the ground. "Kaliegh! Don't! It's not worth it." A girl yells. Kaliegh runs at us, and I hit her with a lightning spell. She turns to a pile of ashes, I summon a gust of wind, and her ashes blow away. "ANYONE ELSE WANNA GET ON MY BAD SIDE?!! I HAVE HAD A REALLY BAD DAY!" I scream. A Steller charges at me, and I slice both ears and his nose off. The Steller screams, and collapses on the ground, pools of blood forming around him. "You were lucky that time. Anyone else? Next person loses their limbs. How about their arms?" I say. The Stellers stay quiet, and sit on the ground. They then bow to me, and I freeze them. "Pathetic. Let's get out of here!" I exclaim. "Not so fast!" Someone says behind me. I see someone in a black cloak, with a silver tray. "What the..?!" I say, confused. "Not so fast! You need your tea and angel cakes!" The man says as he pulls his hood down. I sigh with relief as I see it's Ben. "BEN!" I exclaim. I run to him and hug him quickly. "Watch the blade." Ben says as he forms a table and chairs. He pours the tea and puts the angel cakes on the table. All three of us sit down, and I drink my tea. It tastes bitter, but I don't care. "I see you got Leah." He says as he looks at Leah in the water sphere. "How did you get here?" I ask. "I used my magic." He replies. I put my tea down, and look at him. Red eyes. I look at his left hand. No scar. I look at his wrist. His gemstone is not on a bracelet. My eyelids start feeling heavy. I feel tired, my body wanting to fall asleep. " are not drugged us." I say. "Yes I did." He announces as he lifts a hand up. He turns into a lady, with red hair, green eyes, and pale skin. She has a white tank top, and black leather pants with furry boots. "Mother." Leah says in the sphere. "Daughter... I am Yasmine Etza Iruzun" The lady says as Ryan falls out of his chair, out cold. "You..will..regret..this.." I manage to say before I fall into a deep sleep.

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