Chapter 5

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"Samantha!" I hear Ryan yell. My eyelids feel like they weigh ten tons. I force them open and I feel a sharp pain in my back. I am on my stomach on the floor. "This is going to hurt when I pull the glass out. Brace yourself." I close my eyes and scream when I feel a sharp pain in my back. "STOP!" I scream. "Almost...." He replies. I sigh with relief when the pain stops. He shows me a chunk of glass covered in blood. He has a bloody nose, and a cut on his lip. I close my eyes, and he twirls his hands around. My wound heals, and the blood is gone. I stand up, my knees shaking. A ten on the Rictor scale, but I don't care. I walk forward, and Ryan follows.
"When you woke me up, I remembered something."
"What, you stealing gemstones? Did you kill people?"
His face turns red, and sees all the gemstones lying on the ground.
"When I was a boy... Stellers took me and my family. I was the only one that survived. They put a spell on I would do everything they asked. I was like a robot."
"Yes sir I shall kill innocent women and children sir. WOuld you like me to take off their limb sir? Or perhaps torture them slowly sir? May I also destroy a kingdom while I'm at it sir?" I mock, throwing my hands up in the air as I spoke. "They tagged me here. They knew where I was at all times." He points to his neck. I look and see a symbol that I usually see on people's arms after they are attacked by Stellers. I touch it and close my eyes. Sparks fly everywhere and burn my skin. I jump back, and stare at Ryan. "It is enchanted. It can't come off." He says with a sad smile. "Now you tell me?" I exclaim. "So you are their...servant? Minion?" He looks at his feet. "I guess..." He says to the floor. I get a glass of tea. " said you do whatever they say." He nods. "So that sack was a...setup?" He shakes his head. "I tried to escape and I plotted against Leah. But they caught me. I was so close to killing her. So they put me in a sack and they were bringing me to they may have me as dinner." He says. "I heard you singing back in Anique. You have a good voice. What language were you speaking?" I smile, happy he changed the subject. "Well...before my great grandma died..she told me about humans. How they were killed by the Apocalypse and all the wars. She told me that they had no magic, no Stellers, and no Invice. They lived simple lives...until they were killed. Then after the Apocalypse, when she was alive, Pixters spoke one language. Kentinal. She taught me it before she passed away. That was the song my mother sang to me when I was scared." Ryan looks at me, and I smile. "My mother...she had canveriousnessel. Its when her skin started rotting away, until you could see her skull peeking out. I tried to help her. I did everything in my power. I used my healing magic..and it didn't..." I say. I take in a deep breathe. "My great grandmother lived to be 345. Almost 346. She died the day before her birthday. I made her a swan made out of crystal. I never got to give it to her... she had reeverlednessous. It is when your organs start shutting down and whenever you drink water or any liquid, it comes out of your eyes and nose. Except it comes out as blood." I look down and grab an apple from the table. "I....WATCH OUT!!" Ryan screams. He knocks me out of the way, and I look to see an Invice jumps in the doorway. Ryan shoots flames out of his hands, and the Invice stumbles backward. I raise my hand and all our stuff is collected together and put in the bag. I shrink the bag once again and wrap it around my wrist. We run out, and Ryan opens up a portal. "Where are we going?" I ask. "I don't know! Jump in!" He replies. We both jump in and he closes the portal. I fall with a loud thump and sit up. Ryan lands less gracefully onto the ground, and he swallows a mouthful of dirt. I snicker as he makes a face as he spits out the dirt. I stand up, and walk forward. "Where are we?" Ryan asks. My eyes grow wide with excitement and fear. "The Steller woods." I say as I hear a branch crack. "One..." I see one Steller on the tree in front of me. "Two..." I see the next in the tree to my right. "Three..." I see one to my right. "And four." I continue counting. I look behind me and see one with a knife. "Ryan, walk to me slowly" I whisper. "Why would I-" He is cut off as a knife land right by my foot. "Forget about slowly, RUN!" I yell. He sprints forward at knifes are thrown at us. I dodge the first one and it lands in a tree, but the second one lands in my shoulder. The next lands in my thigh. I see black spots, but I manage to stay awake. "Ryan come on!" I yell. "I am coming! Woah!" He dodges a knife, but one lands in his heel. He stumbles forward, but drags himself forward. I walk forward, my wounds bleeding at an alarming rate. I reach him, and put my hands over us. I shield forms around us, and I collapse. "Here." Ryan says as he takes out the knives in me. I fight the pain, and he places his hands on my wounds. They heal in an instant, and I do the same for him. "Thanks.." We both say in unison. I smile, but realize our situation quickly once again. "Lets share our powers and bug bomb these Stellers." Ryan says. I manage a half smile and stand. We hold hands, and the ground starts to vibrate. Our eyes turn the color of our gemstones. I close my eyes, and so does Ryan.
I wake up, and feel so weak. I look around and our sphere shaped shield is gone. I look around and see dead Stellers everywhere. Some were impaled my tree branched cause of the force if the explosion. Others were burned up, or blown to shreds. "Yikes." I say. I look at my hands, and they are covered in blisters and horrible burns. I find that there are blisters and burns all over my body. My shoe was burned off, so was my jacket. I spin around, and I am healed. I touch my foot, and another shoe appears. I wave both hands above my shoulder and my jacket appears. I look around once I find out the most important thing I was missing. "RYAN!!" I scream, my voice echoing around the woods. "Here!" I hear him reply. I look around and see him waving at me from a tree. "Oh my goodness." I whisper. I walk over to the fifty foot tall tree, and yell, "Are you ok?" He says yes and I stomp one foot onto the ground. A cloud forms and I float up. I reach Ryan, and sit on the branch next to him. "The view is beautiful up here, isn't it?!" Ryan says as a light breeze brushes against my skin. "Yeah. If I was at home, they wouldn't even let me close to my window...they were too protective." I reply. Ryan looks at the sunset, and I take my hair out of its destroyed fishtail. It flies in the wind, and I tell Ryan to build a hut while I collect our things. He does what he's told, and I sit on the wooden bed. Don't worry, it's more comfortable than it sounds. "Night Samantha." Ryan says. "Night..." I say before I fall asleep.

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