Chapter 12

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"Hello Lady Samantha, how may I be of service?" Cosmo says as he bows. "I need ninety-five thousand sharp swords, ten thousand axes, two hundred thousand throwing knives, and fifty thousand venom darts. Also twenty five thousand heated daggers. You have two months. We are attacking Contrillo." I say. Cosmo nods and yells, "COLE! SEAN! ZENAIDA! JOSEPH! CHRISTIAN! COME HELP ME BUILD THESE WEAPONS! BREAK IS OVER!!! STOP SHOVING FOOD IN YOUR MOUTHS AND GET OUT HERE! Samantha, would you mind writing what you need on a piece of paper?" I smile, and write all the weapons down. I hand the paper to him, and he hangs it on the wall. "Good thing I have an enchanted hammer! One good swing and a weapon is made! It only takes a week or two to make all these weapons you asked for!" Cosmo exclaims as Cole, Sean, Zenaida, Christian, and Joseph come out from the back. I see a black figure in the back of his shop. "LOOK OUT!" I yell as the figure jumps at Cosmo. Invice. Cosmo spins around, his plastic neon blue fedora flies off,and his long, curly, pink mustache flows in the crisp cool air. He smacks the Invice in the head with his hammer, and it decapitates it. Blood sprays everywhere, and I take cover. "Man, this was a new neon orange suit with new neon pink boots with ⅓
inch of heel! They are designer fashion! At least I didn't ruin my golden C chains!" He exclaims as he starts cleaning up with his magic. He whispers to his yellow gemstone, and all the blood disappears. He bows and cleans his green, bedazzled hammer, and hugs it. "I'm so glad he didn't ruin you Lucy!" He exclaims. He pets Martha, his pink mustache, and whispers to it. I thank them, and head back to my house. "Sammy!" Ryan yells. I stop, and wait for him to catch up to me. "We need to go around to the houses and get all the children, boys and girls, that are seventeen or older for the war." I nod, and we walk to the closest house. "Hello?
Ms. Vannie? It is Samantha! I need to ask your son something!" I open the door, and look inside. It is totally empty, until I look up. I see the Vannie's unconscious, and tied to the ceiling. "What?" I whisper. I hear Ryan yell, and a big bang. I run outside, and I am shoved to the ground by a tall boy. A Steller. I land on the ground, and kick the boy to the ground as well. He lands a couple feet away from me, and he grabs my leg. I kick him in the neck, then the jaw, and he lets go. I help Ryan off the ground, and we run. I look back, and a lightning bolt bursts out of my hand. It hits the girl to the far left, and she collapses. The one on the far right stops and helps the girl up. We keep running toward the safe house, and Ryan opens up the ground. Three corpses burst out of the ground, and two Stellers are dragged downward. The last two Stellers keep running, and Ryan shoots a fireball at them. They both catch on fire, and start screaming. They start running the opposite way to the lake, and we stop running. I sit on the ground, panting, and then we start to laugh. "That was awesome!" Ryan announces. I smile, and lay in the grass. "I am sick of this' I say. We lay there and try to catch our breathe. I see Ben stroll over, and he starts fanning us. "Too much heat will make you pass out!Not good! Tsk tsk tsk." He exclaims as he hands us glasses of water. I take the water, and it is gone in five seconds. We stand up, and the help Ryan to his feet. We walk back to my house, and go to our rooms. We take warm showers, and dress in fresh, clean clothes. We eat dinner, which only takes us ten minutes to devour, and we go to sleep, finally. I lay in the bed, admiring the soft blankets, and thanking the gods that I don't have to sleep in the forest anymore. I smile, and twirl the floating stars in and out of my fingers.
I sit in the corner, and start playing comforting piano music for who knows how long. All I remember is gently touching the keys, and feeling the light warmth of the stars as they seem to dance in intricate patterns in the air. All fear, anguish, and anger is washed away by the feeling of serenity and home. I think that was the calmest moment I have felt in ten years.

4 months later. . . .

"I'll miss you Ryan and Leah." I say. "I have to find my uncle...he is the only living relative I have left." I nod and hug him. "I have to confront my mother." Leah says with a sigh. I hug her as well as the get on their horses. "Come right back to Archway after you are done, okay? We still need to attack Contrillo. It's a pain training teenage soldiers, and now I have to do it..alone. " I shudder at the thought. "Yes mother!" Leah says as she rolls her eyes. I smile, and they ride into the forest, and they turn their separate ways. I yawn, and start walking toward the Glane Se Waterfall. The water sparkles as it falls into a small lake full of Koi fish. I sit on the edge of a stone, and put my legs in the water. I close my eyes, and breathe in the scent of flowers from the field.

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