Chapter 6

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"Wake up Samantha!" Ryan whispers as he shakes me awake. My eyes open slowly, and I sit up. "You can call me Sam or Sammy, you know that right?" I ask as I stand up and grab an apple from my bag. I take a big bite, and Ryan says, "Well...I guess Sam will do..but that's not why I woke you up." I look at him, and he looks toward the doorway. I walk slowly toward the doorway, but see that our hut and us, were in a cage. "What the?" I say. "No magic can break it. Only by hand. This is an Invice trap too, so we need to hurry!" He says as he gets our stuff together. "Lucky for you, my grandmother taught me a few tricks.
I tell Ryan to rip down a long vine from the hut, and he does. I get out a thin, sharp knife, and get a small iron wire. "Hand me the vine!" I yell. I stand up suddenly, and listen. "Invice are coming. About three to four miles away. Hurry!" I yell. He hands me the vine, and I wrap it around my waist. "The lock is at the bottom right?" I ask. He nods, and he ties the vine that I wrapped around my waist. He ties the other end to the other side of the hut, for safety reasons, and holds the rest of the vine. "Good luck!" He says to me. I smile and jump out the doorway. "Lower me down! A little more!" I yell as he lowers me down. "More! Keep going! More! Good! Stop!" I yell. He stops lowering me down, and I lean forward. "I can do this.....Invice's two miles away!" I yell. I put the knife and wire into the lock. "Please work, please, please!" I whisper to myself. I jiggle the knife, and here a click. "Got it!" I say. The cage opens, and Ryan pulls me up as fast as he can. Just then, the hut starts sliding down. I gasp, and the hut starts to fall. "RYAN!!!!" I yell. I close my eyes, and my magic works when the cage falls off. I float up slowly, and land in the hut. I run to the back of the hut, and hang on for dear life. Ryan screams, and I close my eyes. I breathe in and out, and finally breathe out again. The hut slows down, and lowers to the ground softly and steadily. "You can stop screaming Ryan." I say with a smile. He runs out, and loses his breakfast. "Ugh!" He yells before another meal comes up and onto the ground. I start collecting our weapons that fell onto the floor, and touch the hut. "Go." I whisper. The hut disappears, our stuff in a bag on the ground. "Are you okay Ryan?" I yell. He gives me a thumbs up, and he waves his hand over his head, and all the vomit on him disappears. He stops vomiting, and walks toward me. "Ugh your breathe smells like a dead possum that ate a dead Invice." I say. He cringes, and breathes out. His breath smells fresher thankfully. "Let's get moving." He says.
We stop at a waterfall after we come out of the woods. "I can't believe I walked fifty miles without passing out!" Ryan exclaims as he puts our weapons on a rock. "Are you thinking what I am thinking?" I ask. He smiles, and we race up the hill. I make it up first, obviously! I wait till Ryan gets up, and we jump. I yell, and a smile forms across Ryan's face. "WOOHOO!!" We both yell. We land in a lake beneath us, and I break the surface. "Oh my goodness, that was so fun!" I exclaim. Ryan breaks the surface, and smiles. "That was AWESOME!" He yells. I make us float us to the top on a thin layer of water, and we jump again.
"What's that?!" I yell. I wave my hands, and we sit on the water once again. I make more water come beneath us, and I wade in the floating lake. "Invice." Is all Ryan says. "When did they have wings?" I ask. "I don't know, but it's not good. They are going toward Archway." He says. I let us fall into the lake below, and I get onto land. I spin around with Ryan, and we become dry.
I get two daggers, and place one in each of my boots. I sheath my two swords, and place an axe on my back. I place a dart in my hair, and I am ready to go. Ryan struggles to sheath his short sword, and I put a dagger in his boot. "Be careful to not stab yourself." I say. He smiles and nods.
"Miss us?" Someone says behind us. We both turn, and see Mark and Nikki. Mark has a missing nose, and a long cut across his face and down his neck. Nikki has an eye patch, and two missing fingers on her left hand. She has a long gash down her leg. "Ugh!" I reply. "I don't think you wanna use your magic." Nikki says. She holds up a green gemstone. "This unlucky person will die, unless you come with us, and then we torture and perhaps kill you. But I don't know, you may decide." Nikki says with an unfriendly grin. "Tick tock...time is your only enemy right now. Hurry up, before I destroy it with my Sheeniane Acexin." He says, and raises a long golden gun. "Fine! Take us, just spare that unlucky Pixter!" I say. I wink at Ryan, and I think he understands. "Ok, we surrender." He finally says. They put us in chains, and our hands are tied and put in front of us, not behind. Why in the world did they do that? It makes it so much easier to escape! Idiots. We walk forward, maybe a mile or so into the forest, and then I start my plan. "Oh wait! Got a rock in my shoe! Ouch! Hold on, let me take it out!" I say. Thankfully, my dad forced me to take acting. "Fine! Hurry up!" Mark says. I put my hand in my shoe, and kneel down. I wave my hand in my shoe, and a rock appears. "Got it!" I say. "Wait, got something else." I grab my knife. "Can you help me up Ryan?" I ask. "Of course" He says. He grabs my hands, and swings me around. My boots hit them both in the face, and knock them down. They get up quickly, fists and guns raised. I throw my knife at Mark's hand, and he drops his gun, hand starting to bleed out. "Ahhh! You idiot!" He screams as he takes out my knife. He holds his hand as if it is about to fall off. He rips off part of his long shirt, and wraps it. I kick Nikki in the face, and I put my knife at her throat. "Freeze Mark!" I say. Ryan freezes Mark. "Where is Leah?" I demand. "I don't know..." Nikki says. I push the knife deeper into her neck. "Okay! I will talk!" She exclaims. I lower the knife a bit, but not enough for her to escape. "Well, all I know is, Leah went back to Contrillo, and is in hut 36542. It is at the back of Contrillo, so you will have to go through fifty Stellers, plus two Pixters that are our slaves, and many traps. Fourteen traps I believe. Fire, tar, water, animals, and magic are the main traps. Hut 15439 is where our leader lives. He is Marsco Rempter. Leah is co-leader. That is all I know." She says. I thank her, and open a portal to five miles out of Contrillo. "Thank you. There are Stellers in the forest, aren't there?" I say. She nods, "More than you can probably handle." Is all she says. Me and Ryan jump into the portal, and He closes it. I land gracefully on my feet, and so does Ryan. " many Stellers, huh? That is not possible." Ryan says with a grin. I smile back, and we start walking.
"Why didn't we just appear in Contrillo?"
"We would've been seen. They would've immediately seen the giant blue swirling portal in the middle of their camp. They're not stupid ya know!"

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