Chapter 3

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"Run Ash!" I scream. I look behind me and see his chest being ripped out by an Invice. I scream and fall into a hole. I land with a crunch and feel my back break. I see and feel Stellers grab my wrists and ankles and neck. They rip off my legs and I scream. Bugs the start climbing into my mouth and start eating my neck from the inside. I see a snake crawl under and into my skin. I comes out of my forehead and slithers away. The Stellers rip off my arms and I scream. I hop away down a deep tunnel. I go under water and start drowning. I scream and see something in the dark corner with red and black eyes. I try to get away but I am frozen in the murky cold water. It swim toward me, and scratches my face. I see the strips of my skin float in the water.

I scream and sit up. I am covered in sweat, and hear something in the trees. I get up and get an axe. I grab my sword, and make sure my gemstone is on tightly. I walk outside and hide behind a thick oak tree. I climb up the tree and sit on a thick branch, sturdy enough for me to sit on, and thick enough to hide myself from anyone looking up. I see an Invice crawling on the ground. I put a levitation spell on the bag and it comes onto the branch. I tie it to my wrist. I get out my sword silently and jump down. I land on the Invice's back, but it flings me off. I send roots up from the ground and they tie around the Invice's wrists and ankles. I look at the Invice and cringe. Its mouth was melted together, and so were its eyes. The skin was connected so it could not open its mouth. Its hair was soaked and black. In fact, it barely had any hair! Its skin was burned off and the remaining skin was white and green. Its claws were about two inches long and sharper than a blade. I had to resist the urge to lose my breakfast. I have seen plenty of Invice in my lifetime, but this one was the most gruesome. I ask, "What are you doing here?" It laughs and replies, "Find out yourself." Its mouth didn't move, but it spoke through its mind. It laughed as I stabbed it. I slowly turn it, and it lets out a blood curdling scream. It crumbles to the ground, and the grass beneath it dies immediately. I was a little disappointed that it didn't put up a fight, being that menacing, but whatever. Makes my life alot easier. I hear yelling and look behind me. I see about fifty Invice's coming our way, all gruesome looking. I run silently to the camp and wake Ryan up. "What the-" Ryan was cut off when I put my hand over his mouth. I put one finger to my lips and whisper "Invice are coming this way. Unless you wanna die, I suggest we leave right now." I raise both hands above my head and the root tent goes back into the ground. Ryan lifts a hand and the stables go into the ground as well. We get onto our horses, and go North. I hear and Invice scream and I look back. I see all the Invice coming toward us at full speed. "Stop your horse. We go on foot. It'll be harder for them to track us, and I don't want to risk their lives. HURRY!!" I yell. "Why don't we just use them as bait or to distract them?" Ryan yells. I slap him, and tell him to do what I told him. We get of of our horses and I put the horses into a portal back to Archway. We sprint as fast as we could. I get out my sword and Ryan gets an axe. An Invice jumps on my back and Ryan decapitates it. I jump over a log and duck as an Invice knocks down a tree in front of us. We barely made it out without being smashed. I throw a knife behind me and hit lands in an Invice's eye. I smile but then and Invice jumped onto Ryan's back. I started to yell when an Invice jumps onto me too. I scream and cut myself on the cheek with my sword as I went down. Invice's held us down and two Invice's brought huge sharp stones above us. All of a sudden both Invice's heads fell off of their bodies. I see a girl about my age with red hair and fair skin. She had silver eyes, was tall, and slim. "Come on! Fight!" She yells as she impales an Invice with her dagger. "NOW!" She yells. I close my eyes as the Invice start trying to tear our limbs off. I scream and a shock of power came out of me and killed the Invice. I stand up and cut off an Invices head, and open up the ground below another and it's sucked into the ground. Ryan shocked as I kill Invice with lightning and a thick chain. The girl finally kills the last one, and turns toward us. She whistles and many more people come out. "My name is Princess Leila Coff. Princess of Anique, home of the exiled Pixters. Who are you?" Leila says. I just stare at her. Ryan nudges me and I snap out of it. "My..My name is Samantha and this is Ryan. My dad is the leader of Archway and he...was found in a sack. He was captured by Stellers. We are going to get my brothers gemstone back from a Steller named Leah." I say. Leila laughs and pats me on the back. "Good luck with that. Apparently you don't know anything about Leah Ire
! She is the best Steller and killer!" Leila says. She invites us to Anique. We walk across the forest and stop in front of a tree. "Umm..this is Anique?" Ryan says stupidly. Leila laughs and mumbles something under her breathe. She takes off her yellow amulet, and places it in a circular spot in the tree. A door appears on the tree, and Ryan's eyes grow wide. Leila's guard opens the door, and we walk through the doorway. I feel a nice breeze as I enter Anique. It was extremely beautiful. There were palm trees, a huge castle made from crystal and gold, many shopping centers, and....a beach! The water was green and blue. It sparkled like a million crystals. "Oh my..." I say. Leila laughs and leads us to the castle. We walk down a red long carpet, and I see the queen. "Mother. This is Samantha and Ryan. They are going to try to catch Leah and get her brothers gemstone back." I bow and the queen laughs. I roll my eyes and look at Ryan. He shrugs his shoulders and I smile. "I know it sounds silly. But he is my brother. I need to get it back. Please, let us stay here for a night and we will leave in the morning." I say. The queen smiles and nods. "Thank you Queen......"
"Grace. Queen Grace. And you are allowed to stay as long as you would like!" Grace says. I bow again and follow Leila to the chambers. I enter my room, and lay onto my bed. SO SOFT! I stand up and go into the bathroom. I comb all the leaves out of my hair, and take a shower. The warm water felt amazing against my cold skin. I smile and start humming.
Yénillor mornë
tulintë i quettar
Tercáno Nuruva.
Quetis Ilfirimain.
Quetis Ilfirimain:
Corma turien te
Corma tuvien
Corma tultien te
Huinessë nutien.
Tercáno Nuruva.
Tuvien Corma tultien te
Huinessë nutien
Corma turien te Corma.

'You are not bound to loss and silence.
For you are not bound to the circles of this world.
All things must pass away,
All life is doomed to fade.
Sorrowing you must go...

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