Chapter 11

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"Sammy! Leah! Are you guys okay?!" Ryan yells. I wake up, and see that we are in huge enchanted glass cubes. I try to move my arms, but they are chained to a bulky stone chair. "Yeah!" I announce. Leah finally wakes up, and she is attached to a smoothe metal chair. I see Ryan chained up in a glass cylinder, and all three of us are tied with chains and rope, from our necks to our knees. "Now can save one. I will let you go, but you can only save one! Who will it be?" Someone says through a speaker. Water starts filling my cube, and so does Leah's. I start fidgeting with the chains, but I can barely move. I close my eyes, and my gemstone becomes visible once again. Ryan stumbles out of his cylinder, and runs in between our cubes. I close my eyes and concentrate. My eyes glow red, and fire covers my body. My gemstone also turns gold once more, and the ropes melt away. I put my hands into fists and try to loosen the chains. The fire disappears, and everything becomes normal once more. I try to break free, but my magic doesn't work on the chains. I lift my foot up, and grab a knife out of my boot. I heat it, and start sawing away. The water is up to my knees. I try to get the knife away from the water so it doesn't cool off. I cut through, and shake the chains off. I feel the back of my neck, and find a dart still there. I pull it out, and cry out in pain. I stand up, and my knife melts away. "NO WEAPONS!" The speaker yells in frustration. I try to run toward the glass wall, but fall into the water. I see that I suddenly have fiery chains around my ankles, and I try to swim up. Fire erupts all over me, and my power goes crazy. I can't control my power, and the water starts to flow in faster. I scream, blind, fire blaring in my face. Even in the freezing water, I start to heat up. I start drowning, and I am not sure if it is from the water or the fire. I writhe in pain. The water is up to my nose. I see Ryan get Leah out of the glass cube, and I finally take control of my power long enough to destroy the fiery chains. I swim upward, and take in a deep breathe. I bang on the glass, and see a tiny crack form. I place my hand onto the glass, and hit it as hard as I can. I feel my hand crack and bleed. The entire cube is full of water. I am not a very good swimmer, so I sink to the bottom, trying to kick the cube. I start seeing black spots, and I try to turn my "Fire Girl Form" on, but it flickers out and dies out. I kick the stone chair repeatedly, and a good chunk of it comes off. I only have a good couple of seconds before I drown. I grab it, and swim over to the wall. I repeatedly hit is as I watch Ryan go up to the Speaker Tower, leaving Leah laying on the ground. I hit the wall harder, until a little hole forms. I little hope flutters inside of me. I hit it harder and harder each time, desperate, the hope starting to die out once more. The hole gets bigger and bigger with every hit, but I start feeling weak, and my oxygen level gets low. I need air. I start to drown and sink to the bottom. Everything starts getting darker as I start to die. A little light comes from Ben's bag, and flies around in the tank. It goes into my chest, and I start to breathe under the water. It says fifteen seconds in my ear, so I can only breathe for the fifteen seconds. I take in deep breathe as it starts to wear off while I hit the glass. It fully wears off, and I swim back up to the hole. I start kicking it, and it finally breaks. I fly out, cutting my hand and back on the glass, and land on my shoulder on the ground. I writhe in pain as I lay on glass. The world starts to fade out, not able to breathe with my water filled lungs. I start coughing, trying to get oxygen back into my lungs. I start dry heaving, too weak to sit up. My blood start seeping into the water, making a mini blood river. I continue to cough, not seeming to get enough oxygen into my weak and burning lungs. I see Ryan and Leah run toward me, and I raise my hand up, as to say I'm okay. A lie. I was not okay. I was not even close to okay, I almost died! I get enough energy to sit up, and Leah helps me up onto my cold feet. Ryan touches me on the shoulder, and transfers some energy into me. I raise my weak hands up. A portal forms, my cut heals, and we become dry. They thank me, but I just glare. "Sorry, but I knew you would get out just fine though." Ryan says as Leah goes through the portal. "And what if I didn't?! I nearly died!" I exclaim. "But you didn't." He says. I glare at him again, and he goes through the portal. I jump through, then close it.
"Ouch!" Leah exclaims as we land on the ground once more.
We sprint toward the nearest house, and hide. "I will distract them, and, Leah, you go grab the gemstones. Ryan you will protect and guard us. Also help kill Stellers if they don't leave." I say. They nod, and Leah runs off. Ryan follows Leah, and I am left alone. I form a strong gust of wind, and it blows down a tree, landing on three Stellers. One is dead, but the others try to get the tree of of them. Five Stellers go to help, but seven still remain. I take out my two swords from the shrunken bag, and thirteen throwing knives. I put the throwing knives in my boot, my hair, and the pocket. I walk out, and yell, "HEY OVER HERE! GET AWAY FROM MY PEOPLE!" The Stellers look my way, and laugh. I walk forward, and two Stellers walk forward also. One takes out a pathetic dagger, and the other takes out an axe. "Ok so Dagger and Axe is what I shall call them." I mumble to myself. Dagger sprints toward me and yells. He grabs my hair and pulls me to the ground. I feel dizzy and still see black spots from the tanks a couple minutes ago. I move as he stabs the ground where I was before. He slices my collarbone, and I kick him in the throat. He falls, but gets right back up, wheezing. I duck his first punch, and return a punch in his nose. He flies back, and I open up the ground beneath him. He falls in, screaming, wheezing, and I snicker. Axe comes at me, and swings his axe wildly. I go at him with my dagger, but he catches my wrist. I spin around and go onto his shoulders. I keep my momentum, spin, taking him with me to the ground. My favorite move. I kick him in the stomach, and he coughs out blood. He stands up a couple moments later, and starts swinging his axe at me once again. I roll underneath his legs, and stab him in the back. Blood oozes down my blade, and I take my sword out of him. He drops to the ground...and two Stellers flee out of Archway. I smile as the rest of the Stellers start circling me. They snarl at me and some snicker. The biggest one starts sizing me up, and my weapons. I see Leah grab the sack of gemstones, and I sigh in relief. I throw two knives at the closest Steller, and one lands in his stomach, and the other in his throat. His scream stops short and he collapses, and all the other Stellers lung at me. One throws a knife, and I duck. He throws another, and it lands in my shoulder. I pull it out and throw it back at him. It lands in his hip, and he howls in pain. I jump onto his shoulders, spin, take him to the ground, and twist his neck. My legs are the strongest part of my body, so I use them to my advantage. He throws one last knife, but it lands in another Steller behind me, and she falls to the ground. I kick one Steller in the throat, and slam his head against a nearby rock. I decapitate two Steller's, and impale another with my sword. The biggest one comes over with a sword. I curse as he lunges at me. He may have his size and strength, but I have speed and skill. I duck and slide under his sword, and slice his thigh. He growls and swings his sword like a madman. It slices my side, and I cry out. He grabs me by the throat and lifts me up in the air. I slice open his chest cavity, but he remains standing. He grimaces as he pulls out a grenade. My eyes widen at the sight of it. All of a sudden he colapses, a knife in his head. I look over to see Ryan, knives in his hands. I drop down onto the ground, and gasp for precious air. I form a wall of fire, and it crashes down onto all the remaining Steller's. They all turn to ash, and I jump over their ashes. Leah hands me the bag, and I lift it high into the air for everyone to see. We pass the bag around, and they grab their gemstone. After everyone grabs their gemstone, we all hold hands. Ryan and I chant:"Vuell Eshkesh Inkey Yindle. Nofen Racken Toofen Senesta Loatna Hoanak Nafe." Their gemstones glow, and everyone cheers, hugs,and shake hands. Everyone thanks us, and I rush to the infirmary. I run to Ash's bed, and put his gemstone on. I chant, "Vuell Eshkesh Inkey Yindle. Nofen Racken Toofen Senesta Loatna Hoanak Nafe." Once again. I hold Ash's hand, and see his eyes open. "RUN!" He yells. I gasp and fall back, surprised. He looks around confused, his hollowed out face contorted into an awkward smile. He looks as if he aged fifty years. His skin has a greyish tone, hollowed out face, skeleton like body, and he looks tired. He might as well wear a sign and scream "I was close to death....I pretty much was! Yippy!" Tears form in both of our eyes, and he hugs me. "Thank you so beloved sister." He says with a grin. I feel many tears roll down my face, and say, "You are my is what siblings do! I am so happy you are okay!" We let go, and he stands. I give him his leather jacket, and he puts it on. "But I didn't do it friends Leah and Ryan helped me." I say. "Two Pixters had the guts to go with you? I like them already!" He says with a grin. "Not exactly...they are sort of Steller's...and Leah is the one who stole your gemstone." I say. He stops, and turns toward me, face red with anger. It's better than ghostly grey and white I guess. He glares at me and three barrels explode. "WHAT?! YOU HAD THEM HELP YOU!" He yells. "So I save you and this is what I get?" I yell back. He gets a wheelchair, and rides away toward our house, and I sit down on a rock. "I guess Ash wasn't too happy about Ryan and me..huh?" Leah says as she sits next to me. I sigh and nod. "He will get over are his sister. He won't be angry at you forever." She says. I thank her and we walk into my mansion. My father walks up to me swiftly and hugs me. I hug him back, and then we separate. "Come with me...all three of you." My father says. We follow him down a long corridor, and into the "planning" room. I see all the officials and army leader in the room, surrounding the map. We walk to the edge of the table as army leader Reginette says, "We need to make a plan to strike back, but harder. And make more traps and ambushes just incase they attack again. Samantha and Leah, you will be with us fighting in Contrillo....if that is okay with you, Leah." Leah nods, and Ryan says, "Well what am I gonna do? And also we just came back from there, I think we need at least a month to rest and prepare." Reginette nods, but replies, "Ryan, since I will be in Contrillo, you will be leading an army of about fifty-five thousand just in case Stellers attack when we leave. And I do agree with you on the month to we will wait eight months to attack and prepare. We need to have ten Pixters in the forest, armed and ready everyday just in case also. Ten people on dusk to dawn, the another ten for dawn to dusk, and two guards at the gates. It would be our best bet if some Stellers decide to come." Ryan nods, and all three of us look at each other. "Tell the blacksmith, Cosmo, to make more weapons for us." My father says to us as we leave.

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