I.The Beginning of Silence

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"Perseus Jackson!" The thunder god boomed,  You have been accused of murder! What do you say to defend your actions?" 

In the center of the room a lone boy stood, staring down at the pristine marble floor of Olympus, the gods Demeter and Dionysus held him still, as unneeded as it was. He had no intention of running. "I didn't-

"Oh, just cut the crap Percy! Everyone saw what happened" Annabeth, daughter of Athena and love of his life, yelled, face twisted in an ugly sneer.

Percy sighed, hardly glancing her way, for if he did he would not be able to stop the tears behind his eyes from flowing.

 "You didn't give me the chance to finish." He murmured, "I didn't mean to... my powers, I lost control." He continued to stare at the floor, teeth grit in silent anguish.

Poseidon raised an eyebrow, "Oh, Did you now, son? Care you explain?"

The son of Poseidon nodded, albeit hesitantly, uncertain of his fate if he were to tell the entire truth. "Well," he took a breath, "I...I don't completely know, but I kind of just- spoke?"

"You spoke?"

Percy nodded. "Uh- yes? I think?- I kind of god into this argument with a couple campers..." He bit his lip. "I don't really remember what was said or what we were even arguing about- all I remember, is this awful feeling in my throat. It hurt- like when you're eating a bag of chips and you don't chew on well enough an then a piece is stuck in your throat and feeling like it's cutting your skin and-

"Percy, you're rambling."

"Right," He flushed in embarrassment, "Anyway, yeah- I don't know what I said after- it just really hurt. But then it didn't anymore- and by the time I snapped out of it..." He swallowed, vision blurring with the sudden rush of tears. "The next thing I knew, they were dead and steaming beneath me..." 

It was silent for a moment. But it felt like an eternity.

 Aphrodite gasped in horror,"You killed them by speaking?" 

Percy couldn't help but notice how the deities holding him in place tensed. 

"We must figure out how to stop this from happening again!" Artemis hissed glowering at the murderer. To think she ever respected him! "Who knows when it could happen again?!" 

The Throne Room was in chaos. Everyone was arguing with one another on what to do, some attempting to defend Percy, although were immediately shot down with harsh words from those against it. Though, with the exception of Dionysus and Demeter who both looked a little nervous having to hold a threat of such caliper. All the while Percy was starting to lose his patience. His life was in the mind of their hands? Christ. The stress and anxiety of the situation was eating away at him. "

Finally he snapped, "Would you all just shut. up?" 

Everyone went silent, shocked by Percy losing his temper. Percy rarely lost his temper, while it had become more common after Tartarus, it was still rare.

He sighed. "Thank you, now, will you all just decide what you're gonna do with me?...Please." He whispered, looking back down at the floor. He was scared, but he had killed those campers. They were innocent, and Percy was not. 

"I have a proposal," Athena interjected, "We shouldn't kill him. He is too important of an asset." Ares raised his hand in objection. "Let me finish. We should... dispose of this ability." She trailed, gazing down at Percy with an unreadable expression. 

Okay, cool. Percy could deal with that. 

"And just exactly how would we do this daughter? " Zeus questioned, turning to face his favorite daughter.

"Simple, we rip out or destroy his larynx." There were several gasps around the room. 

Percy's breath hitched, "What!" he screamed, "Do you have any idea how much that will hurt?! You can't just do that!"

"We understand precisely. This needs to also be a lesson taught, so while it may be a bit... painful, consider it mercy. 

"We are gods we can do what we must do in order to keep the world safe," Zeus finished for her.  "We shall take a vote. All those in favor of Killing Perseus Jackson raise your hands. Present campers may vote."  The score was, 4-0-0. Percy couldn't believe his eyes. This was all a game to them! The gods didn't care! "All those in favor of letting Perseus out unharmed?" 4-2-0. Percy felt like crying.  "And removing Perseus' voice?" The score was 4-2-15. 

"Then it is decided Perseus Jackson's Larynx will be removed. Open his mouth and don't allow him to close it." Athena declared. 

"Wait- No! Please!" Percy begged, "Don't do this! Dad!" He tried to back away, but the gods refused to let him go, grasping at his face and wrenching his mouth open. He screamed, the tears flowing like rivers, his face the Earth. 

A Dentist mouth prop was placed in his mouth, made of wood compared to plastic or metal. Out of the corner of Percy's eyes he saw a large vat of steaming liquid nearing him, frost covering the sides. 

Liquid Nitrogen. 

(UNDER EDITING) The One Who Never Speaks- a Percy Jackson Betrayed FanficWhere stories live. Discover now