XI. From Here To There and Back to The Beginning

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Quick A/N: first of all, I want to thank @flamedragon-princess for giving me this Idea to help the story along and helping me get out of my writers block! so, thank you~ you helped me a lot with this chapter...also I started school and have needed a break from writing so I'm sorry this is so late!...now ON TO THE STORY!

(3rd person POV camp half-blood)

" Everyone line up!" Clarisse, shouts, trying to get everyone in order and lined up. sadly, this was not an easy task. Everyone was way too exited, there weren't too many more campers. maybe 20 or so more. But, that doesn't mean it doesn't make anything less difficult. Clarisse sighs. "Gods! could you all Listen for once!" everyone quiets down, "Annabeth is waiting up ahead for the the help in case they arrive early, now, I need you to all line up by Cabin number and follow me! no arguments." At that moment everyone seemed to remember that this was a very serious matter and settled down. "Now, lets move people." and with that they made their way towards Annabeth. "Is everyone here, Clarisse?" Annabeth asks.

"Yeah, they're all here." She responds, gesturing to the campers behind her.

"Good, because they'll be here any-" she was cut of by a loud gust of wind and a ray of colors. "second...." she finished. Everyone looked in the direction of the wind to see four people step out of a portal.

One, a female with her hair, which was blue, puled up into a high messy bun.

The second was a short female albino, pale skin, red eyes, white hair styled into a bob cut. The

Third, was a male this time, (this is jay, IF YOU HAVE A CERTAIN IMAGE OF HIM YOU DON'T WANT TO BE CHANGED, SKIP THIS PARAGRAPH) a brunette, middle of the neck length hair and bangs that covered one eye.

Finally, there was the last one, they were a male with silver hair, that was just past their shoulders. There was a single metal angel wing attached to his right side with metal platelets crawling up his shoulder, eventually turning into silver markings along his face. All in all, it was quite a sight to see.

Annabeth coughs, bringing everyone out of their stupor. "welcome to Camp Half-Blood!" she announces, gesturing to everyone. the male speaks, "The prince says thank you for the welcome."


Frank raises his hand, "Um excuse me for asking, but why didn't he say it himself?"

"well, that's because," Jay pauses " he's incapable of speaking...He has no Larynx...." There was silence as people looked over the young prince. Gears started to turn in some of their heads.


Clarisse gasps. "Percy?!" Immediately everyone has their weapons drawn, ready for any fight that may come their way. The Group, Lazardia's Three Swordsmen, as they are dubbed, stand protectively in front of Percy, "Please, put your weapons down!" The Albino says confidantly, "You are not to harm The Prince in anyway!"

"And why should we listen to you?" Annabeth asks crossing her arms, "he's the traitor here! he killed innocent campers."

"what?" Flynn, The Albino, looks back at Percy, only to see him curled up in a ball, knees to his chest in a silent sob.

"Lord Percy," Rebbeca, "Is this true?"

"Of course it is!" Jay yells. "But it's obvious he regrets it!"

"He still did it though!" Jason says defiantly. That was it. Rachel walks over to Jason finger shoving his chest. "You. Have. No. Fucking. Idea. What. My. Lord. Has. Gone. Through. The. Past. Five. Years." She grabs his face pulling it eye level. "So. I would advise you not to talk ill about Lord Perseus. EVER. unless you want a-"

Flynn coughs. "That is enough Rebbeca, I believe we have made our point...."

"Right, I apologize Your Majesty, for speaking so vilely to old companions of yours."

Percy nods, slowly standing up, wing shifting slightly. "He says its alright, Rebeca." she nods before walking back over next to the others.

"Alright!" Jay claps his hands together once . "Now that all that awkward nes-"

"Hold it!" Annabeth, " Percy is still considered an enemy here, which means we need to hold a meeting on Olympus as what to do with him and whether or not we can trust any of you. " she finished, crossing her arms in either defiance or pride, Jay couldn't tell.

" Alright, " Jay says shrugging, not waiting for Percy's decision. "Show us the why then.~" Annenberg nods and starts walking away beckoning, the counselors and Jay and Percy to follow.
Rebecca and Flynn also start walking but are asked to stay and 'settle in'.

And so, Percy makes his way back to where it all started.

HOLY SHIZ! I FINALLY UPDATED! In sorry for not updating for so long XD I'm back in school, had a huge writers block, combined with laziness is not a good combination....BUT HERE YA GO! ALSO! Because I'm back in school updates will be kinda random for a while XD I apologize


(UNDER EDITING) The One Who Never Speaks- a Percy Jackson Betrayed FanficWhere stories live. Discover now