X. Time

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'as if you are my parents. True parents don't abandon they're children....' he finally after many attempts is able to escape from Jay's arms and runs up to Chaos and full blown Uppercuts him, causing Chaos to stumble backwards before falling on his ass in shock.


'Oh god.' Chaos thinks. 'we really fucked up didn't we.....'

Percy stayed in the position he landed in when he punched Chaos breathing heavily before standing up straight and shaking out his hand, not breaking eye contact the Entire time.

Order was in shock, she had never in all the billions of years she's been alive she's never seen or thought anything like this would happen. you know, Chaos being punched.

Jay didn't know what to think, he just stared in shock. 'even after all the years he's been imprisoned, along with the fact that he was, and still is malnourished, he was able to punch Chaos and not have his hand break, no, have all his bones crushed at making contact with the godly being was a mystery.


Chaos was the first to break the silence. "Damn, we really screwed up didn't we." Percy's face has the "are-you-fucking-kidding-me-you-now-just-realized-that" look.

"A-anyway..." Order speaks, breaking the tension. "Percy, Earth really needs you, i know you don't want to go in fear of being recognized...but it's highly unlikely given your current....appearance....you would be goin-" Percy raises his hand asking her to stop.

'......I'll go.....'

"What?! REALLY?" Chaos yelps causing Percy to cover his ears at the noise.

"what is it?" Jay asks in anticipation.

"he says he'll go..." Order says slowly, not really sure how to react.

"what?!" Jay looks to Percy in bewilderment. Percy nods, confirming what Order had previously said. "yay!" Jay runs up to Percy and hugs him, shaking him in the process.

'GET OFF' Percy manages to get the one hugging him away and looks away before looking back at the others. 'so what now?'

" Now, we go and meet the others." Chaos announces.  Percy tilts his head to the side in confusion 'Others?' Order nods, "yes that is what he said , but trust us no one besides jay here knows your past, well he only knows some of it."

Percy nods in approval. "oh one more thing before the others tell you the details, we will not be there, you will be going as our son, Perseus, no last name as we do not need to have one. Finally, we need someone in the group who you can trust to be able to read your thoughts at all times, whether you want them to or not. there are two people who are willing to do it." Chaos pauses. "those  two are Rebecca and Jay. We need you to chose who think is most trustworthy."

Percy thinks, on one hand Rebecca was the first one he met and is very kind, but he doesn't know her very well....On the other hand is Jay, the one who Percy has gotten to know very well for the past five years and has helped him stay alive in the cell.

Percy face palms. It was obvious, he smiles and points to Jay. ' I want Jay.' Percy knew it was risky, having someone to trust again. After all....'no. It's not time to think about that right now.'

"YAY!" Jay glomps Percy, making them fall to the floor 'UHG! get off me!' Jay gasps in surprise. " i can already hear you voice!"
Percy glares.'then you heard what I just said, GET OFF ME!' Percy shoves Jay off of him as hard as he can, well he attempts to, somehow Jay, cannot and will not let go and Percy can not get him off, even though he was able to punch Chaos he cannot get the damn "bird" off him!
Percy sighs giving up and just lets Jay hug the living daylights out of him.

(UNDER EDITING) The One Who Never Speaks- a Percy Jackson Betrayed FanficWhere stories live. Discover now