XV. Sold

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Gasping, Jay wakes up in a cold sweat.
"Just what was that?" He looks over to Percy's bed, only to discover a bed and the blankets thrown off to the side.
Jay sighs and glances over to the old grandfather clock, letting his eyes adjust, he notices the time 3:33 am. Now he was really confused as to where Percy went. Getting out of bed and carefully maneuvering his why through the Big House, he finally gets outside.
Jay sighs in relief of seeing Percy, asleep, on the cold, hard grass.
What Percy could be doing there? Jay didn't have a clue, why? BECAUSE he couldn't hear Percy's thoughts! Like, what the hell?

Shaking his head, freeing him of wandering thoughts, he walks over and crouches down by Percy, shaking him to wake.
"H-hey, Percy...wake up, what are you doing out here at half past three A.m?"

Percy sits up rubbing his eyes, wing stretching out to remove the "pins and needles" feeling in it. "I was talking to Chaos and Order about my abilities I have now and was working on them." He thinks before face palming, that's right! He can talk now! Opening his mouth to state his thoughts, no sound comes out. "What the hell?" His eyes widen, "Lies."

Percy quickly gets up, grabbing Jays hand and sprinting into the Big House, frantically searching for something to write on.
Finding a pen and paper he then begins to place his words down.
Okay. Two things, one. The reason I was out there was because I was talking to Chaos and Order about my abilities....Second.. hesitating, before sighing and writing again, Look, I cant tell you what I did, but I think I made a HUGE mistake, and I'm sorry....

"What are you talking about? What did you do?..."
I can't tell you...
"Bull crap. You can tell me anything!"
Not this....
Jay shoves the Ping pong table out of annoyance, causing Percy to silently yelp and back harshly into the wall, whimpering slightly as his wing is forced into and uncomfortable position. Jay however, doesn't notice.
He shakes his head and Jay steps closer, "Lord, Percy! IT CANT BE THAT BAD CAN IT?!"
"YES IT CAN!" Percy screeches, wing flaring and scratching up the wall, " YOU WANNA KNOW WHY?!"
"YES. I do."
Percy pauses...not wanting to say what he is about to say, but it's inevitable. "I-I think I sold my soul to a devil, s-so to speak..."
......... "What? Y-you're not serious are you?
"Because, I wanted to speak again...yet, it seems I don't have a free will over when I can talk, I-I got scammed alright?"

"Oh gods," Jay stumbles back, "H-how long do you have?"

"Three months.....and they made me swear on the River Styx not to tell anyone...."

(UNDER EDITING) The One Who Never Speaks- a Percy Jackson Betrayed FanficWhere stories live. Discover now