XVI. Message.

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A/N SORRY I DIDN'T POST SUNDAY! I had to re think some things...I'm kinda disappointed because I had a really good idea for if I were to add things from other Religions in....so obviously since that's probably not gonna happen I had to rewrite this chapter so if for some reason I changed which of the options I was going to do I would be able too.....feel free to continue telling me which version you want...but yeah...for now you got purely Greek Mythology.-.

"So~ have you made your choice?" The man with the red eyes said.

Percy was dumbfounded. How exactly was he supposed to respond? He couldn't just nod "yes" or "no," it was more complicated than that. Of course he wanted to except, he wanted to SO BADLY! But yet, the price he'd have to pay, was far to great. It could easily ruin his life and kill thousands.
"Huh? What's this? Are you really crying over something so obvious? Just accept the deal," the man with the red eyes kneels down in front of the crying Percy, who is currently sitting on the floor battling this inner turmoil. "C'mon," he grabs Percy's cheek, forcing Percy to meet those hellish eyes. "What have the gods ever done for you? Sure Poseidon did love you, but not anymore, all he feels is sadness and guilt towards you. The gods are clueless, and idiots, they can't see that you clearly regret it. Please, just accept it. You won't regret it. Accept the deal."

"-ore trouble. Just go." Poseidon finished.....slowly and quietly laughter slowly started to fill the space, it was filled with empty happiness, along with being scratchy. And frankly, it creeped a lot of people out.

"Heh....at least you realize that you have caused me trouble. Just not how much."
Jays eyes along with many others looked over to Percy.
"What the fuck? Percy, how?!" Jay was completely baffled. As far as he knew Percy didn't have a larynx, he could actually still see he didn't, the area of Percy's neck was still ever so slightly flatter then most other people's. Percy ignored Jay and continued talking.

"And Incase you didn't realize, I was sent to help you guys by Chaos and Order, who adopted me. Though frankly they are not much better than you...that's not the point. The point is that we are here to help you. So, until this war is over or for some reason I change to the other side, you will stop trying to punish me or any of my colleagues in any form. And you will allow us to stay at camp. Sound good?"
To be totally honest. Percy was sure they didn't hear him that well. It just felt so weird being able to talk again, it hurt, a lot, enough so he could feel blood running down the back of his throat. He probably wouldn't talk for the rest of the day.

"U-uh alright, fine. We will allow you to help us." Zeus finally managed to announce after the shock wore off enough. Sighing in relief, wing relaxing, he leaned against Jay, he didn't think it would be so much work to talk.

Everyone filed out of the building getting back into the car and back on their way to Camp Half-Blood. "Percy." He flinched. He knew this would come, "how exactly did you talk?...you haven't in years! Just what did you do?"....
"It's none of your business."
"Well? I'm waiting!" Percy's head snapped up. Jay didn't hear him?! Noticing Percy's alarm, he realized something. He. Doesn't. Hear. Percy. Anymore.
They were beyond confused...or at least Jay was confused, Percy on the other hand seemed to realize...Percy could feel it...the isolation from others...it was becoming apparent again...

Sighing softly he as did all the others, got out of the van and walked back up the hill to Camp Half-Blood.
Getting there all the campers made their way to the cabins, it had been a long day and was getting late. The few that had stayed behind and not come we're finishing up in the Mess Hall. There would be no after dinner activities tonight.. The day was far too stressful and half of the people seemed ready to drop dead of exhaustion. The small group of Lazardians were no exceptions.
The four of them tonight would be staying in the Big House, it was the easiest option for the night. Girls had one room boys had the other.

.............. Denver, Colorado. 11:33 pm...........

From the shadows a man appeared, red eyes and all, trudging through the light snow and heavy winds he walked down Main Street. Eyes scanning over every corner, every crevice. Until he found it. Two doors. The Doors of Death, despite them not being open, the pale man with the red eyes slipped through easily. Right into Tartarus.
"Sir," he speaks to what seems to be a cage. On first glance that is. Upon looking further into the dome shaped cage you see a figure. Though you cannot see his appearance.
"I have done as you said. The Messenger is found."
The figure laughs, not a very beautiful laugh you notice, it's filled with pain and sorrow. "Thank you, Young one... have they awoke yet?"
"No sir, as far as I can tell he is still unaware of their significance....I apologize..."
You can feel the demeanor between the two change, not to tense, quite the opposite actually... "It's quite alright my friend... he will awaken in time."
" Of course sir, is there anything else that you desire?.."
"No, thank you for you're service."

And with that. The man with the red eyes drops dead.

(UNDER EDITING) The One Who Never Speaks- a Percy Jackson Betrayed FanficWhere stories live. Discover now