Part 1 - Ezra's Pain

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Part 1 - Ezra's Pain

"It's so beautiful.."

    "NO! No." Yelled Aria when she saw Ezra's wound. He fell, and she caught him, slowly lowering him to the ground. The others then saw what happened.

"EZRA!" Spencer yelled, rushing forward.

"Oh my God, Ezra!" Emily shouted.

     "No, please! Ezra! You keep your eyes open, don't you close your eyes, keep them open!" Aria shouted, sobbing beside him, her hands on his face. His eyes slowly closed. "Don't you die on me!"

"Somebody call for help!" Ali shouted, tears running down her face.

      "EZRA!" Hanna kept yelling his name. The sight was just too much for her. She sat down and started crying into her hands. Emily was the only one who had enough composure to get her phone out and call 911. Tears were still running down her face, though.

"911, what's your-"

       "My friend was just shot!" Emily cut the receiver off, quickly telling her the address. No one cared about getting caught now, all they cared about was getting Ezra an ambulance.

      A few minutes later, they heard sirens wailing, and saw lights flashing. Paramedics then opened the doors to the roof they were on, a stretcher at hand. They rushed towards Ezra and Aria, trying to pry her from his side.

      "No! No, let me come with him! Please!" She shouted, watching the paramedics get him onto the stretcher, Emily holding her back. Spencer was covering her mouth with her hand, and Hanna was being comforted by Ali.

      The medics finally obliged, and everyone watched as they rode the ambulance to the hospital. Everyone followed in Spencer's car, but they blocked Ali from view, just in case 'A' was watching. They knew by now that 'A' was always watching. The Liars now knew that 'A' wasn't afraid to kill. They had known it all along, but now they were positive.

"Do you think he'll be okay?" Hanna asked, still being comforted by Ali.

      "I hope so, Hanna. Did you see Aria?" Emily replied. Spencer looked at them in the rear-view mirror, tears streaming down her face, but nonetheless, incredulous.

      "Guys, do you know what this means? Ezra took a bullet for us! He fought off 'A' for us. He's got to be on our side! We were wrong all along, Ezra is innocent!" She said, turning into the hospital parking lot behind the ambulance. Everyone thought over what Spencer had just said, and they all agreed. Another person checked off their 'A' suspect list.

      Back in the ambulance, Aria was a mess. She was sobbing into her left hand, her right clasped tightly around Ezra's. After all he's done, she's still in love with him. And it shows.

      The paramedics had put a breathing mask over top his mouth and nose, and had put a neck brace on his neck to help stabilize him, just in case the bullet had reached his spinal cord somehow.

      Once they had reached the hospital, Ezra was swept away by various doctors and nurses, leaving Aria to wait in the waiting room. A few minutes later, Hanna rushed to her side, followed by Ali, Spencer and Emily.

"Ali, why are you still here? What about you-know-who?" She asked in between sobs.

     "I can manage a little time to help my friends in need," Ali replied, rubbing Aria's back. Hanna hugged her side, and Aria buried her head in Hanna's neck, her body wracking with harsh sobs. Then, she started coughing. And coughing. Like she couldn't get any air, but she could, in a way. Her face started turning red.

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