Part 9 - Best Friends Again

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Chapter Nine - Best Friends Again

Aria's Point of View

Once I finally got back to the hospital, I went up to Ezra's room to see that he was still awake, which surprised me. I closed the door behind me, and slowly walked over to him, crouching down beside him and grasping his hand.

"Hey, baby, " I greeted him. "How are you doing?" I asked, but sighed when I realized that he was probably too weak to answer. I rubbed circled on his hand with my thumb, trying to comfort him, silently letting him know that I'm there. He looked so vulnerable, almost like a child. He really did look like he was in pain. He stares at our hands for a moment, before raising his other hand, to remove his breathing mask.

"No, don't, Ezra," I say, placing my hand over his. He ignores me and pulls his mask away from his face.

"I'm sorry," he croaks, his voice scratchy from sleep. Sorry?

"What? Don't be sorry, you don't have anything to be sorry for." I tell him. Then, I remember A. "Shauna's dead. She went after Ali, and I.. I pushed her.. Off of the second story of Spencer's barn. She's dead," I say. Ezra widens his eyes, and I see a ghost of a smile on his face. He nods slightly, then leans back in his hospital bed. "Tired?" I ask. He nods, trying to keep his eyes open. "Just go to sleep, then, I'll be here when you wake up," I tell him. Then, he closes his eyes, and quickly falls asleep.

A few minutes later, my phone is bombarded with texts from Spencer, Emily and Hanna. I quickly read through them.

From: Spencer

Shauna is A? And she's dead? WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN

From: Emily

A is dead?! How?! Answer me Aria Montgomery!

From: Hanna

The bitch is dead, the bitch is dead. La la, the bitch is dead!

I roll my eyes at Hanna's text, and start a five-way call with Ali, H anna, Spencer, Emily and I. They all pick up.

"What happened? Since when is Shauna A?" Emily asks immediately.

"Ezra told me," I tell them.

"What do you mean? He told us that it was too dangerous." Spencer tells me.

"Well, it doesn't matter. All that matters is that that unworthy bitch of a person is dead, and I can come back home," Ali says before I can reply.

"How did you know that Shauna would be with Ali?" Hanna asks me.

"Actually, I didn't. I was coming over to tell her that Shauna was A. I just got lucky and came at the right time, I guess," I tell them truthfully.

"Well, at least we don't have to worry about that anymore," Emily says.

"Okay, no more A for now. I have news." Hanna says.

"You aren't pregnant too, right?" Emily asks nervously.


"Pregnant? Who the hell got knocked up while I was away?!" Ali asks, cutting Hanna off.

"Well, me," Spencer tells her. Ali gasps.

"Spencer, the goody-two-shoes, pregnant? When did this happen? Who with? Toby?" She asks.

"Yeah, Toby. It happened like a week ago," Spencer tells her.

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