Part 4 - Spoby Problems

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Chapter 4 - Spoby Problems 3

Three Weeks Later

Spencer was walking on the sidewalk to the nearest drug store. Aria was with Ezra at his house, taking care of him. Ali was off again, as soon as their plan was figured out. She didn't say where she was going, just that she would be back when A was gone, and would contact them in secret when she needed anything, such as money. Hanna and Emily were at Emily's house, chatting about something. Spencer didn't care what at the moment. All she cared about was settling her thoughts once and for all.

'A' hadn't been doing anything lately, except for the common threatening text message. It was relieving, and also scary, because he could be planning something big. Bigger than shooting Ezra with a bullet.

Spencer had been feeling weird lately. She was acting weird, too, and a lot of people had called her out on it recently, as well. She had been throwing up all through the week, and when she pressed on her abdomen, it felt harder than usual. She knew that this could just be a stomach bug, but she couldn't push away the thought of being.. Well, it scared her to even think about it.

Her? Pregnant? It sounded nearly impossible. She was only a teenager, and she hadn't even graduated from high school yet. Then again, she was stupid enough to do it with him. Him... Toby... What would he say if she was pregnant? No doubt it would be his.

Spencer was brought out of her daydream when she slammed into the automatic doors that entered to the pharmacy. Whoops.. She wasn't looking where she was going. The doors then opened, and she embarrassingly walked in, her cheeks flushing, and her nose bruising. She walked to the section that held various feminine products. Pads, tampons.. And pregnancy tests. She grabbed the first four brands she saw, then sped over to the register. The cashier, whose name tag said 'Sylvia,' gave her a sympathetic look, then rang up the tests.

"Twelve seventy-five," she said. Spencer handed her the money, then picked up the plastic bag containing what she just bought. "Good luck," Sylvia wished her. Spencer thanked her, then left the store. She walked to her car, got in, then drove home. Thankfully, her family wouldn't be home, since Melissa was off who-knows-where, and her parents were.. Well, she didn't know. They had only briefly mentioned where they were going before they were gone. All she knew was that they would be gone for almost a month. Some parents.

She closed the door behind her, set her keys down, then ran upstairs to her bathroom. Spencer locked the bathroom door, just in case, and quickly tore open the first box. She quickly took it, then waited for the results. Five minutes later, two blue line showed up. Positive.

"That can't be right..." She mumbled under her breath opening the rest of the boxes, quickly taking them all. The first one showed up a few minutes later. Positive. The next, positive. Then positive, and positive. Five positive pregnancy tests. Spencer double-checked the instructions, then sat down on the lid of the toilet, rubbing her hand over her face.

She was pregnant.. Pregnant..

Oh, god. She's pregnant. As in, having a baby. And, in these circumstances? Not the best event to happen. Ecspecially with 'A' around. Not good. Suddenly, she broke down. She was sobbing for probably ten minutes. Then, she realized, that crying wouldn't do anything.

She then took out her phone to text Toby. If she was going to tell him, she would tell him as soon as possible. As she was typing out her message, she was interrupted by her receiving a text from an unknown number. Great. A.

Unknown| Received at 12:33pm

Congrats, you've gotten yourself knocked up. I can't wait to tell everyone. ;)

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