Part 5 - Figuring Things Out

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Chapter Five - Figuring Things Out

Spencer and Toby POV

Last night, Toby had stayed with Spencer at her house to comfort her. He had just found out about her being pregnant about twelve hours ago. Now, he was lying next to Spencer in her bed awake, thinking about their 'situation.' He had his arm wrapped around her, sitting on her abdomen, and his chin was resting against her shoulder. She wasn't asleep, either. It was pretty early in the morning, only 3am, but neither of them could fall asleep. Their thoughts kept them awake. Thoughts about becoming parents at such ages, telling their parents, and possible outcomes. Outcomes such as Spencer's parents kicking her out, and of Spencer's dad shooting Toby for impregnating his daughter. That most likely wouldn't happen; probably just the first one. But, if that did happen, she always had a home with Toby at his loft.

They also thought about 'A,' and what (s)he would do. Spencer had shown Toby the text that she had gotten, and he had just shook his head and ran his hand through his hair.

"Spencer, don't think about that, okay? So, everyone will know. It'll be okay if that happens, alright? We'll just have to tell everyone before they found out that way. Just don't worry about it, you don't need anymore stress," he had said. She nodded her head, then leaned on his shoulder. He sat there with her until Spencer asked if he would stay with her for the month while her family was away. Of course, he'd said yes. They had then went upstairs and got ready for bed.

Suddenly, Spencer turns around to face her boyfriend in bed. He shifted his glance down to her tear-stained face. She had been silently crying for a long while now. All he had been able to do was hold her, like she had requested.

"Toby, what if 'A' makes me get rid of the baby?" She croaked, her lower lip trembling. He ran his hand up and down her arm, trying to comfort her. It helped, but not completely.

"It doesn't matter if he makes you, because he won't. And I'll kick A's ass if he does. We aren't getting rid of this baby, Spencer. Only unless you want to, okay?" Toby told her. She nodded, then shifted so that she could rest her head on his chest. A few minutes later, they fell asleep, their bodies peacefully entwined together.

Ezra and Aria's POV

When Aria woke up, she was alone on the couch, and the TV was off. She sat up and looked around, but didn't see Ezra. He must be in the bathroom, she thought, rubbing her tired eyes. She shifted her gaze to the coffee table across from her, and saw that her phone had lit up with two new text messages. She wanted to look at them, in case it was one of the girls, but also didn't want to, in case it was A. She cautiously picked up her phone, unlocked it, and saw that the first message was from.. Paige. Aria furrowed her eyebrows, then opened the message.


Can you help me? I really need to talk 2 Emily!

Aria sighed, then decided to answer that one later. The next text was from Ezra.

Ezra Fitz|8:38am

Hey, just went out to grab some milk. Be back soon. Love you.

Aria smiled, then decided that she didn't need to answer that one. She looked at the time, and it said that it was only 9. He would probably be back within ten minutes. She then got up and went to the bedroom, fixing her hair in the dresser mirror. Suddenly, a piece of paper sitting on the bed caught her eye, and she immediately froze. A. It has to be.

She lowered her arms to her sides, then hesitantly walked over to the bed, picking up the paper, reading the note aloud to herself.

"'Think you could get away from me that easy? Nice try, bitch. -A.'" She crumpled up the paper, then threw it on the ground, putting her head in her hands. A had found her only hideaway, the only place where she felt close to "safe", with Ezra. Her eyes welled with tears, and she took her phone out again. She didn't want to be here alone, when A could be anywhere. Even in the cabin with her. She quickly dialed Ezra's number, and he answered after the third ring.


"Ezra, when are you going to get here?" Aria asked, pacing around the room.

"A few minutes, why?"

"Can you just hurry, please?"

"Okay. Are you alright?" He then went into a whisper. "..Is it A?"

Aria sighed. "Yeah, he left me a note in the bedroom."

"IN the bedroom? He got INSIDE the cabin?! How long ago was this?"

"Ezra, I'm fine, just.. Just get here fast, okay?"

Ezra sighed. "Okay. I'll be home in five minutes. Make sure the doors are locked."

"Okay. I love you."

"I love you too." Then, they ended the call.

Emily's POV

Emily was starting to get annoyed. Her phone was blowing up with text messages and phone calls from Paige. Didn't she know that they were over? She was pretty sure that she made it clear when she dumped her.

She groaned when her ringtone started up again, and finally decided to answer it. "What? What do you need, Paige."

"Can we please talk about this? I've been trying to get a hold of you for weeks!" She said, exasperated. Emily rolled her eyes.

"We've been over this! You gave up Alison; I'll never forgive you for this!" Emily exclaimed.

"Why can't we work this out? I love you!"

"Paige, we're over and that's final." Then, she hung up.

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