Part 7 - Makeups or Breakups?

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Chapter Seven - Makeups or Breakups?

AN: I just wanted to quickly say that I strongly ship Spoby, so in this story, Toby will not be A, because I like him too much :). I do have to say though, it does make sense if he is. I just don't want him to be, so in this story, he won't. Just to make my feels happy, and so I don't become an emotional wreck, lol. Anyways, thanks so much for reading and reviewing! Luv y'all!

Aria's Point of View

I walk into the bedroom, then lay down on the bed next to Ezra, wrapping my arms around his torso, resting my head on his chest. "I love you," I said, wanting that to be my apology. Ezra sighed, then rubbed my back.

"I love you too." My cheek pressed against his chest. I heard his steady heartbeat, which calmed me.

"..I'm sorry," I told him after a while. Ezra kissed the top of my head.

"I know. Me too. You were just worried."

"And you were just tired." I said. I wasn't sure it was true, but he's usually cranky when he's tired.

"Yep. Are you hungry?" Ezra asks me, sitting us up. I nod my head, and we stand up, heading for the kitchen.

Hanna's Point of View

I opened the door, and Travis was standing right in front of me. We shared eye contact for a moment, before I averted my gaze. I had been so confident with him before, but now I felt like I was melting, and I felt like I was in the spelling bee, back in the second grade, not being able to speak. Stage fright. I've gotten over it, but now, standing in front of Travis right now, it felt like that night all over again.

"Hey, Hanna," he started. "Can I come in?" He asked. I looked at him for a moment.

"Uh, oh! Yeah, sure." I stuttered, opening the door wider for him to enter. He walks inside, and I watch him as he walks into the room where the pool table sits. I close the door behind me, following him. Travis leans against the pool table, and I stand next to him. We haven't really talked since he drove us back from Aria's uncle's cabin, and that was when I nearly broke down in front of him, and I've been bashing myself ever since; I felt really embarrassed afterwards. I mean, nearly breaking down in front of a cute guy? Not my idea of an ideal meeting.

"Soo.." Travis started. I decided to bring up the voicemails I've been leaving.

"Did you get my voicemails? I've been trying to call you," I told him. He nodded.

"Yeah.. My phone was just.. Dead, so.." He told me. I knew he was lying. If his phone was dead, then why didn't my calls go straight to voicemail? He IS trying to avoid me! I thought.

"No it wasn't, Travis. I know that for a fact," I called him out. He sighed.

"Hanna, you and I both know that you aren't-" I cut him off.

"No, Travis, don't! I know what you're going to say, and you're wrong! I'm over him! Caleb can marry that dead girl for all I freaking care!" I tell him, raising my voice. Travis sighs.


"Don't! Just. Freaking. Don't." I warn him. I am over Caleb. I really am. "I don't want to hear it! I'm over Caleb! Don't you understand that?!" I ask him. He opens his mouth to respond, but before he can, my phone beeps, and I jump. I hesitantly open up the message, and my fears are confirmed: A.

'Oooh, drama! Looks like Han is having boy problems!


I widen my eyes, then look around quickly, and when I do, I spot a shadow moving in the dark, and immediately get scared. He's watching us, and he heard on our fricking conversation! Even worse, it's like 11 at night!

"Hey, Travis? Can you, like, stay here? Tonight?" I ask. He slowly nods his head.

"Okay, sure. Why?" He asks. "Isn't your mom home now?"

"Um, kind of.. But she's not home that often, since Mrs. DiLaurentis hired her," I explained. I wasn't really sure if that was the real reason that she was barely ever home, but that excuse would do enough good for me that I wouldn't be alone tonight, with A on the loose. Travis nods, and I walk over and dead-lock the front and back doors, closing the window blinds. I wish I could just get some damn privacy!

Travis then picks up his jacket. "Can I just go grab some more comfortable clothes?" He asks. No, no. Don't leave, please, I'm being stalked!

"Yeah, sure," I clear my throat. "Just be quick, I don't want to be alone," I tell him. He nods, then unlocks the door, walking out. I quickly re-lock the door behind him, and sit down on the small love seat by the front door. I turn on the lamp next to it, and nervously lay back. Suddenly, all of the noises of the night jump out at me, and I can't help but be terrified at every little sound. An owl 'hoo's outside, and I jump.

Hurry up, Travis!

Spencer's Point of View

I wake up, and see that Toby isn't next to me anymore, but I smell bacon. I quickly sit up in bed, which makes me dizzy. I run into the bathroom, and throw up my daily dose of morning sickness - my favorite part of being pregnant at seventeen. I'm at least glad that Toby didn't hear me .. Vomiting.

I quickly clean up, then jog downstairs to see Toby making bacon. I smile then walk over to him, wrapping my arms around his torso, leaning my head against his naked back.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty," he greets me. I respond by placing a small kiss on his shoulder blade. "Why are you being so cuddly today?" He asks me. I shrug my shoulders as he flips over a piece of bacon. "Stressed?" I sigh inwardly, then nod, knowing he could feel it against his skin. I'm not surprised that Toby knows I'm stressed; he knows more about me than I know about myself, really. That, and I usually 'cling' to him when I'm stressed. His words, not mine.

I'm stressed with absolutely everything; my pregnancy, A, Ali, telling my parents about the baby, the list just goes on. Toby finally turns off the stove, and puts the bacon on a plate, wiping some of the grease off with a paper towel. He then washes his hands, and we sit down and enjoy the delicious breakfast my boyfriend miraculously made.

Hopefully, everything will work out for the better.

Author's Note:

Guys, I'm so sorry I haven't updated! I just got this cool new free editing job, and I've been editing my first client's story over on Wattpad! But, I actually really got into this chapter, especially with the Hanna/Travis part. At first, I didn't like the idea of them being together, but now I'm starting to warm up with the idea.

Oh, and sorry if some of my PLL facts are off! I have a terrible memory concerning when things happen on TV shows! D:

But anyways, than you all for the lovely reviews! It means so much to see that people are enjoying this story! Sorry, again, if the characters seemed a bit OOC in this chapter; I'm trying to work on that. I usually don't have a problem with that, but in the middle of me writing this story, and, stupid me, forgot to save it, causing half of it to erase! I had to rewrite from the Hanna and Travis part down! But, I think it turned out preetttyy well! :D

Thanks again!


HaleyWhaleyWhosFabulosooooooo :D

AKA, Halegirl06

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