Chapter 12

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Olivia's P.O.V
Everyone had go to sleep, except for me I just laid there with my eyes wide open. Eventually I had found myself be shook awake. I woke up to find Newt standing over me with fear reflecting in his eyes. Before I could get a word out he said "Olivia come on love we have to go. Now!"  We started running were everyone else was. "WHAT IS GOING ON?" I yelled getting there attention. "We're under attack by Greviers." "Ok then?" We had to battle the Greivers but unfortunately we lost Alby. Everyone was in a down mood. So we watched Gally and Thomas fight by the campfire. And once again I couldn't go to sleep.

I woke up to the sound of yelling and no one was in the hammock but me. Why do they just leave me here? I got up to see what's going on. "You can't trust him he's a Greenie and claims he knows the way out!" Gally yelled "There you go being jealous again." I state and all eyes turn to me. "Just pick the side your on. Stand by Gally if you want to stay here and stand my Thomas if you want to leave." Newt and I went to stand by Tom along with Chuck, Winston, Minho and others.

We all headed for the maze and I knew this was a bad idea. But I couldn't be in the glade for another day. I missed home. We all were jogging through the maze when we came to a stop. And I heard Minho and Newt talking to Tom as I was going to walk over there and Thomas stung himself. I ran over to him. "Why did he do that?" "He said the only way we were going to get out of here is if someone remembered so he stung himself." Minho replied. Why? He's going to go through so much pain! If I had told everyone I remembered he wouldn't have done this.


Thomas still hadn't woken up and Newt kept telling me not to blame myself but how could I not? Then all of a sudden I heard a gasp of air. So I turned around and Thomas stood up looked at me and said "You."

A/N Ohh cliffhanger!! Don't forget to vote of comment plz. Share my story with others
-Thanks, Sara

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