Chapter 11

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"Where there is love, there is life."

                                                                 — Mahatma Ghandi

"Hey Chloe!" I hear Brandon's voice say the moment I enter the dancers'den. "Hey." I reply as I sit down on the bench beside him. "What's wrong?" Brandon stops whatever he was doing and asks. I simply shake my head. "Come on chlo!  Something's wrong and I know it, so tell me and maybe we could make it better together." Brandon rests his hand on my shoulder.

"You know how Josh and I just broke up and now he's on the elite team even though he hasn't danced in forever? It's a really bad arrangement! It just gives Josh more chances to try and get me back again. I sorta still like him, but I don't know if I can trust him. It also makes it really hard to focus on dance." Everything rushed out after each other once I started on the first word.

Brandon lifts my chin so I'm looking straight into his beautiful eyes. "I don't know what I should tell you, or whether you can trust Josh again, but I know you can trust me." Then he does something I never imagined he would do to me.

He pulled me closer...

And kissed me.

"Chloe?" he's so soft I can barely hear him, but the hurt is evident in his voice. I pull away from Brandon to look into the eyes of Josh. His eyes were filled with sadness and anger. As he left the room, he slammed the door so hard it nearly fell off it's hinges.

I felt really sorry for him, but when Brandon pulled me in again, I remembered something. Josh Hyland played me. So hey, don't I get a chance to play him back?  So this time, I kissed Brandon back. Hard.

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