Chapter 19

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"The way to love anything is to realize that it may be lost."

                                                                                     - Gilbert K. Chesterton

"Good luck for your solo Chloe! Like the song says, you're perfect, so believe in yourself and just let the inner you out." Maddie says, giving me a hug. "You too Madds. You're gonna shine like a firework!" I say. I'm up first and I'm really nervous. The fact that Nia still isn't backstage yet just makes me even more nervous. "Now, please welcome Chloe with 'Perfect'!" the announcer announces. I take a deep breath before walking in and getting into position. I try to do as Maddie said and just believe in myself and dance with my heart and soul. The moment the song ends and I walk offstage, Maddie jumps at me and tells me I did an awesome job. I hope the judges think what she is thinking too.

"Next up, Maddie with 'Firework'!" Maddie run onstage like in her old solo 'Manhattan'. By the time she's halfway through the dance, I figured it was pieces of 'Cry', 'Manhattan', 'Birthday' and some new moves put together. Maddie is almost done with her solo when Nia comes running up to me. "Thank god you made it in time Nia! Abby would have flipped!" I wish her good luck just as Maddie gets off and she prepares to go on.

Nia does a stunning job with her solo. It's the best I've ever seen her perform. Her facials were beautiful and her legs were straight and toes pointed. The moment Nia came back off stage, all three of us formed a group hug and congratulated each other. We make sure to get back into the dressing room before anyone starts worrying. I scoot over onto Josh lap and he kisses me down my neck while I ruffle his hair.  Maddie walks past and intentionally makes kissy sounds. But it's not in a mean way like before. Abby tells us all the numbers were amazing and that she was proud of us.


We all sit in a row holding hands at awards. "Okay everybody, let's get started with our junior soloists!" the announcers announces the winners from tenth up, but I don't even pay attention until we're at the top 3. "In third place, we have Maddie with 'Firework'!" Maddie looks a little disappointed when she goes up to receive her prize. "In second place, we have Chloe with 'Perfect'!" I go up to receive my prize, feeling excitement bubbling up inside of me. Neither Maddie nor I won first, that could only mean one thing... "In first place, we have... Nia with 'I Won't Give Up'! Well done Nia!" I watch Nia's fave go from neutral to shocked, then happy. She receives her plaque and stands beside me. We all bow together for the first time ever.

"And now, highest scoring duets." Again, I don't listen until we get to 3rd. In third place, we have 'My Best Friend'! In second place we have... 'Oath'!" Maddie screams and hugs me so tight I can't breathe. She drags me to accept our plaque, squealing non-stop. "And, ladies and gentlemen, our top duet for today is... 'If This Was A Movie'!" I scream and run towards Josh, who grabs me and spins me around before accepting our plaque. "Well done everyone! Now, we'll move on to junior groups." Josh examines the plaque as the announcers says the placings tenth through fourth.

"In third place, we have 'Live, Live, Laugh'! Our scores for first and second place are really close. The judges even had to take into consideration the costumes. So now, presenting to you our second place winners, 'Counting Stars'!" All of the girls get up and I pull Josh along too. We all stand at the front of the stage together, waiting for the first place group to be announced. "And in first place, we have a very beautiful group number, 'Shake It Out'!" Maddie, Paige, Josh and I scream and start jumping up and down in front of the whole audience. I think Abby considers that as unprofessional but who cares! Paige runs up to the announcer to receive our plaque. Just looking at it makes me feel so proud.


Back in the dressing room, the partying has already started. All of us are running around and screaming and the moms are randomly dancing to the music playing over the speakers. Then there's Josh and I, kissing in a corner. I feel a little embarrassed, but Josh likes it, so whatever. Then Abby enters the room.

"Well done all of you! It was a clean strike. Nia, I'm especially proud of you. I'm also proud of my two duets and my favourite foursome, not that the rest weren't ever so amazing! This is a very good conclusion for this season. But I have some, I don't know, sad news for you. Maybe it's good news for some, but I'm retiring. I'm not teaching anymore next year. Gianna will take over and choreograph and teach. I'll still be around the studio, of course, but I'll just watch. No more yelling, no more scolding. I'll miss doing this, but I really want some time to enjoy life too." Abby finishes what she has to say.

I can't believe this day had really came. We all assumed Abby would just work till her dying day, but now she's retiring. I'm the first to get up and hug Abby. "Thank you so much for all you're done. I'm very, very grateful." I whisper into her ear, holding back tears. The rest of the girls join me in hugging Abby. Even Josh comes over. "Thank you girls for being my family when I had none left and always bringing me so much joy. And you too, Josh, even though you're only been here for a few weeks. I used to teach you when you were younger and you'll always be that sweet, loving boy to me." We hug Abby for awhile more before we break up the hug and take pictures. I just can't stop crying no matter how long Josh holds me in his arms and reminds me Abby is still going to be at the studio.

I'm just going to miss having Abby boss us around and scold us and remind us to point our feet. You just never realize how much something means to you until it's taken away.

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