Chapter 19 | Strange Captain

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"You seem awfully excited today." Sakurai pointed out. It'd been about a week since she told me not to touch her. Nothing much had happened, really. But now I sat at my desk, not able to shut up or stop bouncing around.

"Today's soccer tryouts!!!" I said excitedly.

"Save some of that energy for when it comes. Don't tire yourself out sitting at the desk." She said.

"Good point..." But I didn't want to. I couldn't sit still. I was so excited to finally try out for something at this school.

Lunch came, so Sakurai and I went outside. Inagaki had gotten to where she liked to join us now. It really annoyed me, though, because it took away from my time alone with her.

We were correlating asking our parents if we could walk home together instead of being picked up. But Sakurai said that her parents would be very reluctant after what happened to me. 

"Oh, how's your mom?" Sakurai asked.

"She's getting there. She'll be better eventually, I'm sure." I said. My stomach twisted with a horrible feeling. What if she doesn't get better, though?

I bit my lip to try to make the thoughts stop, before I finally tried to find another conversation topic. Inagaki was pretty cool, but... I wanted to see Sakurai.


This is it!!! I'm finally here!!!

I walked into the locker room of gym to change for soccer tryouts. Most everyone around me had the perfect bodies for it, and for a minute I felt a little self conscious, until I realized that I did, too. 

I was one of the best players at my other school, so I was excited to see what I was up against this year.

There was this one kid, standing at the front of the room, who seemed to control it all. He had blue hair and slightly darker blue eyes. He was wearing the school's uniform, and was practically sizing all of us up as we got half naked and changed. He was creeping me out, honestly.


Soccer tryouts weren't that hard. This school's standards were LOW. So, now I was back in the locker room, sure that I nailed these tryouts. I grabbed my bag and began heading for the door when someone tapped me on the shoulder.

I turned to see creepo from earlier, who turned out to be the team Captain. 

"You confuse me." He said.

"What do you mean??" I asked.

"You're not built very good... At ALL, but you can play really well. You're one of the best players I've seen in this school. It seems you have a natural ability at this game." He said.

UUUUMMM.... HOW do I respond to that?!

"Okay..." I said.

"You don't have to worry. You definitely made the team. Why didn't you go to a big powerhouse school?" He asked.

"Well... Lots of complications." I said.

"I see. Well, I'm Akizuki. It's nice to meet you, Mikuno." He shook my hand, again, a thing that I HATE. Also, why is this kid acting so high and mighty? He's a YEAR older than me.


"Hey, mom." I was sitting on the bench outside the shop, talking to my mom on the phone.

"Hey, honey. What's been going on?" She asked.

"Not much. I made the soccer team." I announced.

"Yay!! I'm so proud of you! Maybe you'll grow up and be a big soccer player!" She said.

I chuckled, "Yeah... You doing any better?" Please say a little, please say a little...

She sighed, "Not really... The doctors said the unknown whatever in my body is spreading. They're trying to stop it before it damages any major organs." It's spreading... If it were to get to her heart... No...

"Oh..." I said.

"I'm so sorry, baby. It won't be long before I'm out and you can come back home, I promise." Come back home...

That's right. If she gets better, I have to move back in with her. I want her to get out of the hospital, but... I don't want to leave Sakurai. I'm pretty sure that... I love her. I'm not going to leave.

"Y-yeah..." I really don't want to leave... But... I want mom to get better...


The next day all I could think about was mom's illness or disease or whatever she had. I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that it was spreading, and could go to her organs. I really didn't want to lose her.

I sat at my desk, petting Chico on the head while Sakurai read her book. "Oh, how did soccer tryouts go?" She asked.

"I got in." I said.

"Good job!" She said.

I wasn't excited about soccer anymore. But Sakurai always put me in a good mood.


Her parents had agreed to let me walk her home, and so did my dad, so now we walked. NOTHING was happening at school, so I didn't get many special moments with Sakurai anymore.

Sakurai were walking along the sidewalk in the city, walking to the road that leads to her house. We were walking by an alleyway when I got a glimpse of a extremely creepy guy standing there in a black hoodie, his face slightly deformed and... Insane looking in general.

In just a split second, Sakurai was no longer by my side, but being grabbed by him. Chico started barking his head off while I stood, completely frozen for a second.

"Mikuno?!" She called. She knew something was up. 

Chico began to bite at the ankles of the guy as he tried to run through the alley. I approached was sure to corner him.

Now realizing that he had made a stupid mistake, he was trying to figure out his options.

"Let her go." I said.

Sakurai was as still as could be. This must be horrifying for her.

He hesitated, but refused to let her go.

"I SAID... let her go. It'd be in your best interest to do so. This dog is not going to stop at just your ankles. If you try to hurt her, he WILL rip you apart, limb by limb. But... HE'S not the one I'd be afraid of..." I said, giving him the most malicious look I could muster.

He reached for his pocket and I knew something bad was about to happen. I ran at him and tackled. I didn't even consider the fact that it might be a gun and I could be dead. I was just making sure Sakurai wouldn't be. She had no way of knowing if there was a gun pulled on her.

I got him on the ground and yelled at Sakurai to get Chico and get out, start yelling for help. I was struggling to keep the guy on the ground, and couldn't pin his hands. All I had was my body over his. 

I heard Sakurai's footsteps and was watching her leaving, when I felt the sharp pain slice across my stomach.

He had a blade...

*Author's Note*

This chapter took a turn, didn't it? Sorry about that, I got writer's block and that was one of the ways I could think to get out of it XD. I hope you enjoyed it, though.

Thank you very much for reading, and I'll see you in the next chapter!!!

~Angel Lynn~

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