Chapter 20 | Be There

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I immediately felt everything begin to grow weak. Instead of feeling helpless, or sad, anger overwhelmed me.

I slammed my fist onto his hand as hard as I could, making him drop the knife, and it cluttered away. 

I was using one hand to keep myself up, and used the other to slam into his deformed face. I felt nothing but overflowing anger that I had to get out. 

I couldn't see. I couldn't think. I couldn't do anything but punch. He was going to pay for cutting me, and trying to steal Sakurai.

Suddenly, I heard a gun, "Freeze!!!" All of my awareness seemed to return in that moment. The pain from my stomach nearly overwhelmed me, but I froze.

"Hands in the air." Are they going to arrest me?

I tried to straighten and put my hands up, but my stomach opposed. I had to grab it somehow, so I only put one hand in the air.

"Both of them." The officer growled. I took a few deep breaths before quickly putting them up and hunching over as much as I could.

"Move off of him." He said. I did as he said with struggle, before moving to face them and seeing Sakurai and Chico standing beside him and 3 other officers.

"Which one attacked you?" He asked.

"U-um..." She didn't know what to say.

"It was him." I said. He turned to her, raising an eyebrow. Of course, she couldn't see this gesture, so he spoke up, "What's your name?" He asked, turning to me.

"Mikuno. Mikuno Matsui." I said.

"Yeah, he's my friend. He was walking me home." She confirmed.

"You can put your hands down." He decided. They immediately retreated to my stomach. I glanced down and saw that my shirt was soaked with blood. It scared me that I didn't even feel the pain while I beat the guy up.

They called an ambulance for both of us. I looked back at him and my stomach turned. His face looked more deformed now than before.

I looked up and saw Sakurai carefully approaching, "Mikuno? Where are you?" She asked.

"I'm on the ground. Walk a few steps up and you'll be kinda close." She did and then got on her knees.

"What happened? Why are they calling an ambulance for you?" She asked.

"I got a little scratched." I admitted. 

She sighed, "I'm sorry..."

"No, I'm sorry. If I hadn't suggested us walking home together you wouldn't have had to go through that." I replied.


Sakurai reluctantly called her mom, and had to have her come pick her up. But the ambulances arrived before her.

They began walking over to me and I refused to get up, "I'm staying with her until her parents get here." I stated.

"No, you're not. You're going to the hospital." The doctor said.

I shook my head, "I'm not chancing her getting snatched. So I'm not moving." I said simply.

"You don't want us to give you a shot, do you? If you don't, you'd better get in the ambulance." They were talking to me like I was stupid. I knew what I was doing, and I was willing to delay the beginning of my healing process to keep Sakurai safe.

"I'll stay with her. Don't worry about it. You're really close to getting arrested. If you don't get in that ambulance, I will. Understand?" 

I finally stood and walked to the ambulance, annoyed that I had to leave Sakurai behind.


The doctor explained, after I'd been checked over at the hospital, that it was just a big scratch. It didn't go too deep, and it would heal on its own. They made me stay at the hospital until they could get the bleeding to stop, though. It felt like forever just laying uncomfortably in the bed, wanting nothing more than to leave as soon as possible.

"We're ending the walking home thing, understand?" Dad said.

"Yeah, yeah." I had expected nothing less. 


Finally, about 3 and a half hours later, I was set free from the hospital. Of course, I had a nice little bottle of pain drugs, but I didn't plan on taking them. I knew they'd make me feel horrible. 

Dad lectured me on how I needed to be more careful and how I almost got faced with some charges, too, for beating the crap out of the guy. But I didn't really care. I was just relieved that Sakurai didn't get a scratch. If he had hurt her.... He would be dead.

Dad didn't let me go to school the next day, which was also the start of the weekend. So, I got extra weekend break, but it was lame.

On Sunday, I finally convinced dad to let me visit mom, just for a little while. So, I took the keys, and headed out. I hadn't seen mom in a good while, and something was nagging at me to see her. 


Nothing special happened at the hospital, or that day, at all. I had a nice conversation with mom, and then left a few hours later. I couldn't stay all day, though, because I was in pain, but I promised her I would be back in a few days. 

I drove the old car as rain poured from the sky, raindrops bouncing off the windshield onto the hood. I still felt on edge, though, even though mom had been perfectly fine when I visited her.

My ringtone shocked me out of my depressing thoughts and I scrambled to see who was calling. 


"H-hello?" I picked it up, putting it on speaker.

"Hey... Um... My parents invited you to dinner whenever you feel like it. Like, it doesn't have to be today..." She said.

It's three now... If I get home on time, I should be able to lay down for a few hours.

"I'm coming today. What time?" I asked.

"U-um... Around 7." She said.

I agreed to the time, and we chatted while I drove back home. 

You really help me, Sakurai... But it hurts that you don't like me back...


I'm fine the way we are. If she's happy, and I'm happy, what's the point of getting in a relationship? 

I'll be there for her, either way. 

*Author's Note*

I hope you guys enjoyed that one!!! I'm writing this through pain. I started physical therapy for my recently broken ankle a few weeks ago, and I just had to do two days straight of exercising for an hour on an ankle I couldn't even put weight on for 3 months.

I am ACHING!!! But I wanted to write this chapter because ideas are flowing.

Anyway, thank you very much for reading, and I'll see you in the next chapter!

~Angel Lynn~

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