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6th june 2016; 4:54 am

dead footsteps dragged across the crunchy leaves. the darkness engulfed the person and the weather mimicked how he felt. trickles of water dripped down his body as he got drenched in the rain. the boy who was once afraid of the thunder didn't show any signs of fear when thunder boomed across the sky. his fears meant the least to him at that moment. the person that meant the world to him was no longer there.

why was he still alive?

how could he live without his jimin?

that question played in his mind nonstop.

he didn't even know how he was managing to stand up right now. he felt weak and just wanted to drop down on the spot. yet he kept on going.

he found himself sitting in the park where he and jimin once always went to. he sat in the same spot jimin once used to sit on.

he looked up at the mere half of the moon that managed to be visible and shine despite the storm. the way jimin always did. he shined in a dull crowd. that was his charm. but he was no longer part of the crowd anymore. he was part of the sky now.

taehyung sat at the bench, eyes showing no emotions. his face remained stoic. his mind wasn't processing anything properly. he didn't even realize that he was shivering due to the coldness.

when the rain stopped, birds that were hiding in their shelters began to sing. that snapped taehyung out of the trance he was in.

his red eyes softened and he felt a lump in his throat as he listened to the nameless birds sing. the way jimin did. the more he listened to it, the more the melody began to sound like jimin's song.

he missed jimin.

his lips quivered and he broke down into continuous sobs.

"ji- jimin," he managed to say as he lifted his shaking hand to cover his eyes.

should he not have asked jimin to go?

but wasn't jimin in a better place now?

the dilemma he was in was tearing him apart.


6th may 2010; 7:21 pm

taehyung saw jimin after a long night the next day. he wanted to approach jimin like he always did, but he didn't want to anger jimin anymore. it took every bit of him to hold himself back from going up to the latter.

he only looked at jimin from afar, and he planned to do the same for the days that followed as well. his attention was always on jimin. he got caught staring a few times and he'd act like he was checking something behind jimin every time.

it's not that taehyung was stalking jimin or anything, but he kept on seeing jimin a lot more often outside of school. he concluded that it was mainly because they lived in the same neighborhood and that their encounters were pure coincidence. he made sure to have no interactions with the other as he was asked to, of course. he'd seen jimin thrice today itself, including right now.

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