Chapter 2

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The Long Wait

**Fang's P.O.V**

To tell you the truth, I don't know how long we sat there; but we sat there, naked in each other's arms.

I was the first one to say something. "What should we do?" I asked, both of us finally falling back onto the pillows. Max placed her face on my chest, and I felt the tears leak from her eyes.

"I don't know." She said.

I pressed my lips together again, not able to say anything now...

"Fang..." She moaned, but this moan was not out of pleasure, but of pure agony. My eyes started to sting.

Hold yourself together, Fang. Max needs you to be strong. I told myself, looking down at the beautiful creature sobbing in my arms.

"Max... Maybe we got lucky... Maybe this is all just in our heads, and one of those sperm cells didn't get to where it was supposed to go. Maybe we have nothing to worry about..." I said, rubbing my hand up and down her spine. "I mean, that happens, right?"

"Yeah-h," she said, her voice breaking.

"Then let's hope that that is what happens..." I whispered.

"I'm sorry, Fang..." She said, a sob ripping through her body once again.

I blinked back the new tears in frustration. SHE was sorry?! It was MY fault! "Please don't say that..." I pleaded.

She sniffled, and rubbed her eyes. "Is there anything that we can do?" I asked.

"Not that I know of. I'm only a seventeen year old mutant, Fang. I don't know how things like this work... You know that." She sobbed again.

"Is there any type of medication? Like...some 'Morning After Pill'" I asked, my voice hopeful for a solution.

"You I am pregnant...then the meds would kill the baby?" She asked, her expression bewildered.

"That's what we want, Max. We can't take care of a baby!"

"I can't believe you..." She stood up, and grabbed her clothes. And when she was walking through my door, I swear I heard her whisper, "Murderer."

I stayed there all night. I just layed there in my bed, looking at the ceiling. Yes, I put my clothes back on after Max left, but I didn't move once I got under the covers again.

The next morning, Iggy came through my door and sat on my bed. "I know you guys don't notice often, but I'm not stupid. I heard you and Max crying last night, Fang. What's going on?"

I sat up groggily, and met eye contact with Iggy. Even though he was still blind, it seemed like he knew exactly where my face was.

I pressed my hand to my face, wiping away the crust that was around my eyes from crying so much last night.

"Fang?" He asked, his hand looking for my shoulder.

"We into a big disagreement, Ig." I told him honestly.

He rolled his blank eyes. "Whatever man." He got up and walked to my door, and then turned around around and looked at me. "Ya know, I remember when we used to tell each other everything...but now, it's like I'm living with a stranger." And then he walked out of the door with a sad expression on his face.

Three days later...

"Something's up," Angel said, coming up behind me as I headed up to my bedroom after breakfast.

"You aren't the first one to notice," I said in a smug tone.

"Then why are you and Max blocking me out?" She asked, frustrated.

"Why are you trying to read my mind?" I snapped back.

"I want to help-" She started.

But I interrupted. "Well, you can't. Nothing can fix this," And then I slammed the door and locked it.

I walked over to my bed and looked at the nightstand. I saw my lamp that I've had ever since we first moved here three years ago, and took it into my hands. I quickly threw it at the wall and it exploded into pieces with a large clash!

Max came running through the door at once. "Fang, you idiot!" She screamed, I could hear her stomp her foot, making my floor rattle.

I didn't even look at her. I knew I wouldn't be able to hold myself together if I did. I just sat on the bed and placed my head in my hands.

Max came and sat down beside me, then placed her hand on my back.

We didn't say anything. She just rubbed her small hands up and down my wings and the small of my back. When she finally pulled her hand away, I began to feel sick from the loss of touch.

"I don't know what to say," she whispered.

I lifted my head up to see a tear trailing down her face. I realized how much of an asshole I had been in that moment, so I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and kissed her head.

"We can get through this," I said, running my fingers down her arm.

"I've missed you," Max murmured, leaning over to place a kiss on my hesitant lips. I gladly took her and pulled her onto my lap. Our lips were rough, tears running down our faces. I had missed her so much too. God, I had missed this. I missed her sweet body, and smile. I wasn't making her smile anymore. I was hurting her.

I ran my fingers under her shirt and placed on her back. She pressed her breasts against my chest as I pulled her in tighter. "I'm so sorry," I said, breaking our kiss.

"It's okay, Fang. We will get through this." She said, reminding me of my previous words.

I placed my lips back on her's again. More tears running down both of our faces. I flipped her over onto her back, as I began to crawl up onto her. I pushed my lips on her now swollen ones.

Her legs wrapped around my waist, and pulled me to her even closer, my length touching her entrance, with only four pieces of fabric keeping me from being inside of her.

"You know," I said, "this is what got us here in the first place..."

"Ugh," she groaned, and then sat up, "you totally ruined the moment, Fang."

She smiled and gave me a "light" punch to my arm, and I had to chuckle.

"So..." I said.


"When are you supposed to get your next period?" I asked bluntly.

She sat back and thought for a moment. "" She said, her eyes becoming glossy.

Max had never been late a day in her life, that much I knew. So, this was bad. Very bad.

"What now?" I asked.

"We wait."

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