Chapter 9

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**Max's P.O.V**

I squinted my eyes and looked up, noticing the chopper that was coming down onto our land of many acres. I handed Fang to Iggy as I walked out onto our grass and stood by where the helicopter would soon be landing.

Placing my hand above my eyes as I looked almost into the bright sun, I could feel the sweet heat on my face; it felt nice for a change.

"Move, move!" Shouted one of the men in the helicopter. I backed away and then felt the rush of wind coming at my skin. I turned to Iggy and grabbed his arm, pulling him closer to the chopper's entrance as its wings began to come to a steady still.

"Get the gurney and a breathing mask!" One of the tall men yelled as he hopped from the door and ran towards us. "Excuse me, Sir, can you hear me?" He asked as he took Fang from Iggy's arms.

"Iggy," I said, "stay with the children, you're in charge. No bombs." He kissed my cheek and then nodded.

"Bring back my best friend safe, okay?" He called to me as I ran to where they were putting Fang; Iggy going back to the kids.

"I promise!" I said, and then I was inside, surrounded by frantic paramedics.

"Take him to the veternarian hospital south of Bridge Street," I instructed the pilot.

"Are you crazy?" He yelled back as he started the propellers back up.

"Just do it!" I shout back and then looked over at Fang, his was face blank. I crawled over to his side in the tight space and held his hand in mine.

"Everything is gonna be okay," I told him, then kissed his perfect lips with mine; a tear slowly slid down my face as I prayed to God that he would be alright...

**Fang POV**

It was dark where I was. Absolutely no sunlight whatsoever. For a second, I pondered on the fact that I might actually be dead. Was that a relieving feeling? Hell no. If this was death, I was screwed, because this was gonna last for an enternity. Oh, well that's just great, isn't it?

Then I started hearing voices. Huh, so this is how Max felt a while ago. God, and these voices were annoying, too. There were just so many of them.

I tried to yell 'shut up' at them, but I couldn't get any words to form. What the hell was going on?

"He is in a slight coma," I heard someone say. A female. A doctor? Holy shit, was I the one in the coma?! Oh, hell. This is just messed up. "I'm pretty sure he can hear us right now. He will come around shortly."

Soo... I was still alive? Well, that made me fell a little bit better. Emphasis on the little.

And then, an angel came to me in my mind. "Wake up, Daddy..." She whispered, her hair tousled on the top of her head; she was in all white. She looked the same as she did in the corn field. "It's not your time yet, wake up, and tell Mommy that I love her." She said, and then...she left.

"Scarlett..." I whimpered, but realized that I was actually talking now, not just in the dream-like comatose state I had just been in, and, soon enough, light streamed into my focus. The florescent lights hurt my eyes at first as my pupils were just adjusting from the absense of light, and refocusing on the brightness.

"What?" Max asked as I saw her coming towards my hospital bed.

I looked around and saw pictures of animals...well...everywhere. Cat calendars and posters of dogs with cute quotes were hanging on the walls around me. A diagram of the canine body was located on the door. Oh, I thought, I'm at the vet. How cliche?

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