Chapter 6

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**Fang's P.O.V**

One and a half month's later...

"Fang, she's throwing up...again." Nudge told me as I walked into the kitchen.

I saw Max hurled over the sink and throwing up whatever was left in her stomach.

I raced over to her like I was in a marathon and grabbed her hair. I placed my hand on her stomach to keep it from slamming into the counter every time she threw up.

This time was worse than others.

Her whole body was convulsing as she tried to throw up everything in her body, but all she was able to do was dry gag. I watched in pain as I saw what she was having to go through. This was all my fault.

It soon slowed down and she eased her way up and grabbed a paper towel then wiped her mouth.

She grabbed her toothbrush on the sink and began to brush, not even bothering to look at me or anyone else in the room. I knew she was ashamed, but she couldn't do anything about it. Neither could I...

We had a tooth brush for Max around every sink in this house. We knew that it took too much of her energy to throw up down stairs and then have to walk all the way up stairs just to brush her teeth.

"Floss, please?" She asked, looking up at me with her hand stretched out.

I went through the drawer and found a container of floss and handed it to her.

"When will this stop...?" She asked, her eyes watering with tears as I walked in front of her to wash her mess down the drain.

I tilted her head up and kissed her forehead. "Soon." I whispered.

Angel came through the door and stood in front of Max. "I found an unborn bird, Max." She said, holding out her hand.

There in her childish sized hand was a small blue egg. "Can we incubate it?" She asked, looking up at me now.

I looked at the egg in wonder. It was such a beautiful color...and so small. "Of course," Max said. "I'm feeling a bit motherly right now." She chuckled, placing her hand on her stomach and then winking at me.

Max walked over to the little closet beside the staircase and pulled out one of our heating pads that was originally mine when I had back aches. "Here, let's take the little guy to your room and then place him on the heating pad to keep him warm." Max said, heading to Angel's room, Angel following at her heels.

I shook my head, thinking about how cute they were.

Max was definitely getting heavier now. She had gained at least ten pounds this week from the extra baby weight, but she was still the same in my eyes. Beautiful, as usual.

Since we are mutant freaks, we didn't know if her pregnancy would be the same as normal ones. To tell you the truth, I think that her pregnancy was going a LOT faster than a normal females. Maybe that was why she lost her period and got pregnant so soon, I thought as I washed the counter with a paper towel.

If she found out that she had lost her period in half the time it took her to get pregnant, then that only means that her pregnancy must last only half the time a normal one would...

And that's only four and a half months.

"Oh my God..." I gasped as I dropped the paper towel in my hand and leaned against the sink.

"Oh God, Fang!" I heard Max scream from the other room.

I dashed to Angel's room faster than sixty miles an hour. I almost ran into the door frame as I slid on the wooden floor and took a sharp turn into the bedroom.

Max was sprawled onto the floor, hands clenching her stomach. Angel was at her side, wiping away beads of sweat pouring down her face and taking off her shirt. "What do we do?!" Angel gasped, looking horrified at me.

"The baby-" Max gasped, as I ran to her side and leaned down to pick her up.

"AH!" She screamed as I pulled her into my arms.

I layed her on the bed, not knowing what the hell I was supposed to do.

"What hurts, baby?" I asked, my voice quivering.

"I'm cramping up. My stomach is ripping itself apart, goddammit!" Angel and I both looked down at her stomach. It looked normal.

Max let out another blood-curdling scream, and her body folded in itself. She clenched her legs to her stomach and shivered and then I noticed something.


Blood was staining her pants.

"Angel, get some towels, now!" I barked at the terrified nine-year-old standing behind me.

"Okay, Max, listen to me. We are going to have to get your pants and underwear off. Do you hear me?"

She nodded.

"It's probably going to hurt your stomach, so move slowly."

Tears stained my eyes as I watched her weak body start to move straight.

I lifted her hips up with one hand and slid down her clothes with the other.

Blood was everywhere. Angel came back with towels and then left the room once she saw all of the blood staining her bed sheets.

"Max, the blood... It's coming from..."

"Oh my God, no! This can't be fucking happening! Not to our baby!" She cried, tears pouring from her eyes as she sat up.

I looked at her as her body shook with utter depression. Her face went pale and she started to moan with agony. "Our baby..." She whispered in a broken voice.

"What's wrong with our baby, Maximum?!" I asked, bringing her bloody, nude body into my arms.

"The pains... The blood..." Her lips were as pale as her face.

"I had a fucking miscarriage, Fang! Our baby is dead!"

My heart dropped down to my feet and a lump grew in my throat. I swallowed loudly and closed my eyes. "No..." I murmured.

"I'm so sorry..." She said, watching the tears run down my face, clenching her hands around my tensed arm.

We just sat there and held each other. Totally heartbroken and feeling completely alone in each others embrace.

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