Chapter 1

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In The Beginning

**Fang's P.O.V**

I would never regret anything I have done in the past. Especially the night Max and I finally got to make love.

If you are just now tuning in, please listen well. I hate repeating myself, but this is a bit important...and I think you should know how I got to how I am now.

I've loved Max every since I first spoke to her. Hell, even when I first saw her! That sandy blonde hair, and those nice tanned arms were pretty much the color of my heaven. She was beautiful. She still is beautiful. She always will be beautiful.

I'm seventeen now. I have been Max's boyfriend for three years. But now...I don't know what I am. A boyfriend? I'm not sure. Well, you will just have to see for yourself.

It all started on a sunny day. Nudge, Angel, Gazzy, and Ig were all playing outside of our little home in Utah. Max and I sat on the porch, admiring how oddly warm it was for this time of day in September. "It feels nice," she commented, as I held her in my arms as we rocked slowly on the wooden rocking chair.

"Sure is," I said, rubbing my hand up and down her arm. She curled into my side, and looked up at me. I took her tea mug out of her hand, and took a sip. She smiled at me as I handed it back to her.

I leaned down and kissed her hair. She smelled so sweet today. A new shampoo maybe? It was strawberry scented, I think. I took another whiff. Ah, heavenly.

"What is it?" She asked, noticing that my nose was pretty much buried in her hair.

"You smell good," I said, my voice muffled.

She pressed her hand to my cheek, and slowly leaned up a bit. I bent my neck down, and pressed my lips to hers. Our lips made a "mwah" sound as they disconnected, and she giggled at my cheesy smile planted on my face.

I took my other hand and ran it along her slender leg. She was so soft and firm. I loved it. The hand that she had placed on my face was now trailing down to my chest. She wrote little words on my shirt with her finger. Some letters I couldn't make out. But I was pretty sure that she was spelling 'I love you.'

I pressed my lips against her ear, "And I love you," I said, then kissed her cheek.

She pressed her lips against mine again, and I chuckled at how forward she was with what she wanted. I know what you're thinking. Max would NEVER act like this... Well, you're wrong. She loves me, and isn't afraid to show it.

"Fang..." She whispered, her eyes turning up to gaze at my dull dark ones.

"Mhm?" I hummed.

She stood up and took my hand, then pulled me up to my feet. "Max, where are you going?" Angel asked, coming back down to the ground after flying in the air with the others for about thirty minutes.

"I need to talk to Fang privately," she said, giving Angel the leader voice, and telling her to wait outside with everyone else.

"Seriously, what's up?" I asked, as she opened the door and lead us inside.

She stayed silent, her eyes on the floor as I trailed behind her, our hands still intertwined. I started getting nervous when she headed towards the our bedrooms.

The way that the house is made, the younger kids and Iggy slept downstairs in their separate rooms. While Max and I take the two master bedrooms up stairs. She turned down the hall and went straight into my room.

"Max..." I began, but she held her finger to her lips, telling me to stay silent.

I watched as she turned around, and closed the door, locking it swiftly, and coming back over to me. "What's going on-" I was about to say, but Max had pushed me onto the bed, and climbed on top of me, and then our mouths crushed together.

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