The past and meeting Sammi

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A girl with Brown hair sat in the living room of her own house. Her brother had gotten Detention earlier and he had decided to make friends along the way. She was glad for her brother to make friends but she wondered if she would make any friends of her own. She always had trouble making friends if her own and her brother didn't seem to have much luck. Their mother had seen the troubles that the young girl and her brother had and so when the moms son found a dog one night she let them keep it and since then the two siblings have grown together.

The two siblings are none other than Norville "Shaggy" Rogers and Samantha "Sammi" Rogers. Her brother, finally, just got back from wherever he was at and he entered eating a Scooby snack. "Where have you been?" Sammi asked as she walked over to the kitchen and got herself a drink. She opened the fruit punch bottle before looking at her brother and taking a drink of it.

"I've been out. Where's mom?" Shaggy asked already knowing about his Dad being at work. "She went to bed an hour ago" Sammi said putting the fruit punch down and crossing her arms. "Where's Scooby?" She asked and the great Diane then entered hearing his name. Scooby walked over to Sammi and the girl bent down to pet the dog. "Rhere I ram" he said putting in a few "r"s before he spoke. The dog always did that and it never bothered Sammi one bit. It didn't even bother her that the dog could talk. "Well...... you should get to bed. School tomorrow" she said to Shaggy and then hugged her brother good night, heading to bed herself.


The next morning, surprisingly, Shaggy had woken up the girl. "What time is it? Did I not set my alarm clock?" She asked and Shaggy shook his head. "I want you to meet the gang" he said and he got out of her face and she sat up straight. "The gang?" She questioned and Shaggy left the room. Sammi sighed and quickly got dressed and ready for the day. She dressed in a red tank top with leather jacket. She put on some light red shorts she found the other day and walked out of the house with Shaggy. She got up in the front of the vehicle while her brother drives. "Are we going to get to school in one piece or am I going to have to drive" she said jokingly and Shaggy fake laughed.

"Very funny. I will let you know I am a good driver" Shaggy said had said defensively and Sammi sighed. "You know I'm only teasing right" she said and laughed at her twin brothers goofyness. Did I forget to mention that they were twins. Well I am truly sorry. Anyway the two twins got on the road and where at school in five minutes. "Shaggy, why did you drag me out here when school doesn't start for thirty minutes" Sammi said and she usually didn't mind going to school. She just wasn't one to be there at the butt crack of dawn. She liked her sleep. Her and her brother shared that trait.

"The gang should be here any minute" Shaggy said practically bouncing in his shoes. If he was this excited for Sammi to meet "the gang", then they were good to her brother and he liked them. Just then a orange old car drove up and parked behind the van Shaggy had. "Hey Shaggy, is this the van?" A smart looking girl wearing all orange said and pointed to the van the twins dropped be up in. "Yes this is it. Also this is my sister Saman- Sammi" Shaggy said as Sammi stepped on Shaggy's toe.

"Ok, nice to meet you" the orange girl said and Sammi nodded shaking the girl's hand. "And you would be?" She asked as she stopped shaking the girl's hand. "Sorry, I'm Velma Dinkley" she said and Sammi gave her a smile. "Did you have to step on my toe" Shaggy said as Scooby came into view. Scooby liked laying down in the van and didn't even noticed it had stopped moving.

A purple mini van then pulled up and parked behind Velma's car. A red head girl came out and smiled. "Hi. I'm Daphne Blake" she said waving and Sammi waved back. "Hi I'm Shaggy's sister Sammi" she said back to Daphne and Daphne smiled. "I didn't know you had any siblings, let alone a sister" Daphne said and Sammi chuckled. "Yeah, I am his sister. His twin to be exact" she said and both girls eyes went wide.

Scooby doo and Sammi (Fred x oc) Where stories live. Discover now