The spooky castle

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              "Like No way" Shaggy said as he looked at the creepy castle behind him. "Scoob and me don't do castles" Shaggy told his sister as Daphne shook her head and Brady chuckled. Brady was actually having fun solving something with Sammi. He never though he would be doing this but he is. "Why not?" Brady asked and he stood next to his "girlfriend".
            "They have paintings that watch you, suits of armor you think is a statue but there's a guy inside who follows you every time you turn around" Shaggy said as Scooby did the motions to what Shaggy was saying. Brady bit his lip to keep himself from laughing but he couldn't help it. "And how many times had that happened?" Daphne asked putting herself in the conversation. "Twelve. We're not gonna do it" Shaggy said matter-of-factly.
            "That's right" Scooby agreed. "Scooby?" Daphne asked and Scooby lifted his paw like he was hurt. "Did you hurt your paw?" Daphne asked concerned. "Would you do it for a Scooby Snack?" Daphne asked and pulled out one. Scooby then started to jump up and down and clapped his hands together. "Oh boy!" He said and jumped up to Daphne.
"And you'll be fearless?" Daphne asked and yelled out a battle cry while he did ninja moves. On the last one he hit Shaggy in the face. (Video of this up above) "Hong Kong Phooey, watch the fists of fury" he told his best pal and Scooby nodded. "Here you go" Daphne told the dog and Scooby caught it in his mouth. "There's plenty more where that came from" Daphne said while Sammi continued.
          "Let's go before someone sees" Sammi said. Sammi, Brady, Daphne, and Scooby were heading inside when Sammi stopped and turned to her brother. "You're not gonna stay out here alone, are you?" She questioned and Shaggy looked around with wide eyes. "No, thank you" he said and ran towards the group.
             Velma had been inside already and was just looking for clues when she heard the door open. She quickly hid behind the moving dummy that was supposed to be scary. She saw Daphne come in through the door and came up with a plan. "Oh, boy. This place is, like, uber creepy" Velma heard Shaggy say as he walked in the door. "Yeah, uber creepy" Velma heard Brady agree and heard her Friend Sammi scoff.
"The only thing missing is a mindless zombie" Shaggy commented and Fred opened the door, closing it behind him. "Joy" Sammi said with Sarcasm laced in her voice. "Fred, get back. I found this place. I call dibs on its clues" Daphne said and Velma could just imagine Sammi roll her eyes. "I've already found some clues" Fred said and Velma but her lip to keep from laughing as she saw the dumb written look on her face.
"What?" Daphne asked and Sammi moved to where she could see Velma behind the creature like dummy. Velma put her finger to her lips to tell Sammi to keep quite. Sammi nodded and got back to listening in to Fred and Daphne's conversation. "It might be dangerous for you" Fred said and Sammi but her lip to keep from Laughing. "If anyone messes with me, I'll open a can of Chinese whoop-a** on them" Daphne said as Velma moved the dummy forward causing Daphne, Brady, Shaggy, and Scooby to scream.
             Velma revealed herself and started to giggle. "Velma!" Shaggy exclaimed as he was trying to steady his heart beat. "What are you doing here?" Fred asked the brunette and Sammi just let out her laugh. "Sorry, was holding that one in" she said and cleared her throats in embarrassment.
"This ride was closed for construction. It's the most likely place to hatch a plan. And I wanted to scare Daphne" Velma said getting back to the topic. "Since we're all together, let's split up and look for more clues" Fred said as he clapped his hands together. "Daphne, you and I-", "Typical" Velma interrupted Fred as she scoffed.
           "What?" Fred asked as Sammi rolled her eyes. "Nothing" Velma said as she walked over to Sammi. "I was always picked last for the teams" she said and Sammi put a hand on Velma's shoulder. "Okay. Daphne, exit through the entrance. Velma and I will enter
through the exit. And Shaggy and Scooby... do whatever you guys do" Fred said pausing as Shaggy had been playing with the dummy's hand.
"What about me and Brady?" Sammi asked and crossed her arms. "You can go wherever" Fred said and turned away with Velma. Sammi felt her blood boil as she stormed off in the direction Daphne went leaving Brady standing there. "Hey Shag!" Brady yelled. "I'm coming with you and Scoob" he said and ran to catch up with the two guys and sighed as he had no idea of what just happened between his "girlfriend" and Fred.
Hey guys. So I know that in the one Daphne where it says a** is supposed to be a cuss word but I don't really like to cuss so when I get some of those lines I will just put the '**' in for you to know. Anyway, tomorrow is my mom and stepdads anniversary so I will not be working on this or any of my other stories. I just wanted to update before then. Anywho, see you guys next time.

P.S. thanks for the 147 reads guys. You rock!!!!!!

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