Two years later

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Sammi had been doing great the past two years. She wrote her own books and when she wasn't writing she was acting in the big movies. She worked with high top directors and was proud that she moved on. Brady had been a great friend. He let Sammi live with him until she found her the right place. He supported her with her work and even got a few jobs himself with her line of work.
At this moment, Sammi was going to visit her brother and his dog. Sammi still talks to Shaggy and Scooby. For one thing, she can't really ignore them and Shaggy and Scooby treat her as one of them. As if the others, she couldn't care. What was said that night really hurt. She even finally got over Fred. Or at least she thinks she did. She couldn't tell. She felt though that she would be in a relationship with Brady instead of Fred at the moment. She didn't know if it was true or if Brady was her fallback. She didn't want that but she couldn't help it.
               Sammi smiled as she thought of seeing her brother. It had been a while. "Excuse me! Excuse me Miss" a random guy shouted at Sammi and she looked around to see who it was. The guy ran up to her and she stopped walking. She could see the mystery machine not to far from where she was standing. "Can I help you?" She asked and the guy nodded. "I've been sent by Mr. Emile Mondevarious to invite you to his amusement park, Spooky Island" the guy said and Sammi sighed.
"Look I would really like to help, but I'm not a detective anymore. Besides I really need to go see my brother" she said and the guy smiled. "But he'd like you to solve a mystery.
He'll pay you a fee of $10,000" he said and Sammi shook her head. "Sorry, but I didn't work for the money" she said and started to walk away but the guy grabbed her hand. "He'll provide Free airfare" he said and Sammi shook her head again. "Room and board" he tried again and Sammi shook her head. "All you can eat?" He tried and she shook her head again. "An extra plane ticket for one?" He questioned and Sammi stopped. She could take Brady and finally have a vacation and solve a mystery.
                "Ok, fine. I'll take the mystery" she said and the worker smiled once more. She took the envelope that had her name on it and saw her brothers name on one. "You haven't talked to my brother yet?" She questioned and the worker shook his head. "Follow me" she said and lead him to the mystery machine. "They should be in their" she said and the worker nodded. He banged on the door and said "I'm looking for a "Mr. Rogers" and a "Mr. Doo." The detectives?" He said and Sammi could hear moving inside the van. "I'm looking for a "Mr. Rogers"
and a "Mr. Doo."" He said again and Shaggy and Scooby popped out of the van holding you guessed it, food.
          "I'm sorry, dude. I'd love to help you out. You look like a really nice guy. We're not detectives anymore" Shaggy sis then noticed his sister. "Hey Sammi" he said and Sammi smiled and hugged him. "Hi Scooby" she said petting the dogs fur. "I've been sent by Mr. Emile Mondevarious to invite you to his amusement park, Spooky Island" Emile said and Shaggy shook his head. "We don't go near places with "spooky," "haunted," or "creepy" in the name" Shaggy said matter of factly.
              "Or hydrocolonic" Scooby added and Sammi shook her head pinching the bridge of her nose. "Right, but that's for another reason" Shaggy said as he tries to walk away but the worker wouldn't let him. "But he'd like you to solve a mystery. He'll pay you a fee of $10,000" the guy said and Shaggy said "It's just, materialism
is not really our bag, man" he said and he tried to walk away again. Hint: tried. "Free airfare" the guy tried again and Sammi knew where this was going.
           "No, thanks" Shaggy said shaking his head. "Room and board" the guy said and Shaggy shook his head again. "And all you can eat" the guy mentioned and at that Shaggy smiled. "All you can eat?" Scooby said before fainting. "You know if you just said "All you can eat" they would have been on board" Sammi said and the guy nodded learning from this experience.
             "Come on Shag. I need a ride home to Brady's" she said as she dragged Shaggy by the ear. "Ow, ow, ow" he kept repeating as she dragged him to the driver seat of the van. Sammi opened the door and threw Shaggy in. She picked up Scooby and sat him in the middle. Sammi sat next to him and she smiled sweetly at Shaggy. "I love you bubby" she said and Shaggy nodded saying he "believed it".
Shaggy started the engine and drove off to Brady's house. "Thanks Shaggy" she said as he drove off and Brady was at the door smiling at Sammi. "Hey stranger" he said and Sammi giggled. She hugged him and he returned it.
          "Brady!" Sammi said innocently. Brady raised an eyebrow at her and sighed. "What do you want?" He asked and Sammi batted her eyelashes. "Can we go to a amusement park called Spooky Island?" She asked and Brady raised his other eyebrow. "You got called into a mystery huh?" He asked his arms crossed. Sammi nodded excitedly and Brady sighed. "Alright, we'll go" he said and Sammi hugged Brady. "Alright, let's get packing" she said and Brady nodded. "Now when we leave we have to go in separate cars. I've got some stuff I need to get from the store" he said and Sammi nodded the smile never leaving her lips.
Edit note:

I changed her job cause I liked this better and so it wouldn't get confusing with another book on Wattpad.

Scooby doo and Sammi (Fred x oc) Where stories live. Discover now