The final battle!

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Velma and Fred explained the plan and soon music was heard throughout the cave. "Oh, no. The ritual's beginning. Quick. Attach this to the vat" Velma said before tossing the rope to Shaggy. He sorta caught it and ran over to the vat attaching it. Sammi saw Shaggy's clip attached to the rope and could see what was going to happen if she didn't do something. She ran over to Shaggy but it was to late.
         Fred and Velma jumped down and the rope detached itself from the vat and it pulled Shaggy up in the air. Shaggy then hit the roof of the cave and it made the pulleys system let go of the roof dropping Brady and Daphne to the side. Shaggy was then thrown out into a hallway and into a guy dressed up. "Quick, hide the Daemon Ritus" Velma told Fred before they hid the Daemon Ritus in a bag they had from earlier.
Brady and Daphne climbed in some tunnels to get outside. Daphne went first and Brady was right behind her. "You know this is not a bad view from where I'm at" Brady said and Daphne's cheeks went red. "I thought you and Sammi were together?" Daphne asked and Brady chuckled. "We did that to make Fred jealous" Brady said and Daphne "oh"ed before moving again.
Sammi ran over to where Shaggy was and saw Shaggy in a weird outfit and an unconscious guy behind him. People had started to dance as they sang a ritual. "Shaggy? What are you doing in that ridiculous outfit?" Sammi asked and Shaggy panicked and pushed Sammi into a empty hallway. "Look I need you to go find Scooby. I am going to be disguised as one of... whatever that guy was" he said and Sammi nodded before creeping down the Hallway.
She found Scooby in a room with a few girls fanning him. "Would you like another Scooby Snack?" A girl asked and Scooby nodded. Sammi smiled. Scooby looked over at her directions and he smiled. Sammi put a finger to her lips and Scooby nodded when the girl's weren't looking. "We'll be right back" a blonde girl said and all the girls left. Sammi quickly entered the room and hugged Scooby. "Scooby, I missed you! Come on let's get you out of here" she said and Scooby had a sad face.
"Rwhat if I don't rwant to go?" Scooby asked and Sammi had a confused look on her face. "We are you talking about?" She asked and Scooby sighed before sitting up. "Rhaggy didn't rarelieve me when I said Mary Rane was a ran in a rask. He ridn't rarelieve me but these reople do" he said and Sammi hugged him and held him tight. She couldn't believe it and she didn't want to.
          "Well, it looks like we have an uninvited guest. Though of course we were hoping you would be here" Emile said and Sammi froze before slowing turning around to see Emile in a blue outfit. "Why? Why are you doing this?" Sammi asked and Emile motioned for them to take Sammi.
Meanwhile Shaggy was dancing in the hallway he had been in as people walked by. He had ended up hitting his elbow on the now unconscious guys face at least five times. He had started to wonder where Sammi was until he saw them take Sammi and Scooby done the Hall. He ran down there after him and hoped Fred, Velma, Daphne, and Brady were all right and hid the Daemon Ritus.
The ritual dance had ended and Velma and Fred had tried dancing with them and Velma had stopped when everyone else did but Fred was not so lucky. Fred was still dancing pointing his arms back and forth. "Yo, yo, yo. Yo, homedogs. You forgot the next part
of the dance where we do the Electric Slide, you know" Fred says and starts dancing again.
Two guards them grab Fred and Velma. "Fred. Velma. Welcome to my little end-of-the-world party. I've waited a long time for this moment. Thank you for returning the ultimate party favor: The Daemon Ritus. And now, behold the sacrifice" Emile said as four guys came out, with masks on, holding Scooby Doo as he waved to the crowd.
         "Thank you. Thank you. Hello, thank you. Thank you. Shaggy?" Scooby said/asked as he had heard a noise from his right. "Let's run for it. We gotta get out of here" Shaggy told Scooby and Scooby shook his head. " I'm a sacrifice. Hello" Scooby said as he started to wave. "A sacrifice? Dude, that's not a good thing, Scoob. I'm sorry I yelled at you. And I'm sorry I haven't been a very good friend since we got here" Shaggy said to Scooby and Scooby looked down for a bit.
       Fred and Velma's eyes widened as they saw Shaggy talking to Scooby. "Now for our intruder" Emile said and Sammi was in two guards arms as she kicked trying to be let go. Fred went to go to her but the guards behind him stopped him. Scooby and Shaggy had now gotten to the end. "Let's run out of here screaming in fear like two lunatics, okay? On the count of... Let's make it five. One. Two" Shaggy said before a claw N' goo Tuana was controlling went into Scooby and grabbed his soul.
"Scooby!" Sammi screamed and Scooby's soul was lifted up. Emile had placed the Daemon Ritus on his chest and the tub of souls soon went up spinning like a tub draining. More guards had captured Shaggy as he took off his mask. The souls then traveled over to Emile as the Daemon Ritus consumed them. "The moment is at hand. Through the Daemon Ritus, I shall absorb the energy source. And now, to complete the transformation...I shall absorb the pure one. Ultimate power shall be mine!" Emile said and Sammi elbowed the guards before her and Shaggy jumped up on the claw and was riding around and soon knocked Emile over.
Meanwhile Daphne and Brady ahead made it to the top of the island where the sign was. "Come on Brady. We got to get this vat open" she said and Brady nodded before going over to the lever. He started to pull. Daphne saw he was struggling so she grabbed the lever also and helped pull. It was stuck.
Back with the other Scooby's soul was running around until he got back to his own body. "Cowabunga!" He said and Sammi and Shaggy got down before Shaggy was running over to Scooby and Sammi went over to Fred and Velma who were about to take off the mask. Fred grabbed onto the bottom and lifted it up to reveal a robot. The robin then started to mumble before it said "I shall absorb". The Daemon Ritus was then absorbed into the robot body before it popped open to reveal..... Scrappy Doo.
"Puppy power! I've outsmarted" Scrappy said before the robot shocked him a few times. "Scrappy Doo" Sammi said and Scrappy sat up. "Correction.
The new, improved Scrappy. Because I, Scrappy-Dappy-Doo, have absorbed enough energy to rule the world with my all-powerful army! And I've brought you here, puny, pathetic Mystery Inc to witness my moment of triumph. All I need to complete my transformation is Scooby-Doo" Scrappy said as he grew and looked like a weird big dog.

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