At the airport

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Sammi had just left to go to the airport while Brady was still packing. She giggled at Brady trying to hurry but failed to do so. He kept forgetting stuff. Sammi got their and could see the mystery machine not to far. Sammi sighed as she walked and got to the ticket desk.
"Can I help you mam" the lady at the desk asked me. "I need a ticket for Spooky island" Sammi said and the lady nodded. She got the ticket and told Sammi which direction to go to. As she was walking, she put her sunglasses she had on in her bag and bumped into something, or someone.
"Fred!" Sammi said as she looked at the person she used to have a crush on. "Sammi, what are you doing here?" Fred said before their orange loving friend came up. "Fred, Sammi" Velma said and the two looked in her direction.
"Velma, are you going this way?" Fred asked and Velma nodded. " How have you...?" Velma asked pausing. "Been" Sammi finished for her. "Yeah" Velma agreed and Sammi smiled at her. "Great, I'm on the lecture circuit with my new book..." Fred said pulling out his new book. "Fred on Fred: The Many Faces of Me" he said showing the book. "Jinkies, that's impressive" Velma said and Fred smiled.
"And yourself?" He asked Velma and Sammi looked over at her. "I've been working at NASA, developing
hydropowered missile defense systems. But, more importantly..." she put a dramatic pause in for effect. Fred and Sammi's minds were blow at that moment.
"I'm on a journey of self-discovery" Velma said before a woman's voice came over the intercom. "NASA?" Fred asked. "Charter service to Spooky Island
will begin boarding momentarily" the woman said and a familiar voice could be heard by the three.
"What do you mean I can't have seven carry-on bags?" The voice of Daphne Blake said before Sammi looked up in her direction. "That's so economy" Daphne said before Sammi muttered "Crap". Daphne heard and looked behind her. "Oh, no. I'm not talking to you guys" she said before putting on her sunglasses and 'zipping' her lips and turning around.
"What the heck are you doing here?" She said turning around again. "Isn't it obvious? We all received the same letter from one Emile Mondevarious, the reclusive owner of Spooky Island" Velma said and Daphne stomped her foot while Sammi rolled.
"It's not fair. I was gonna solve
the mystery all by myself" Daphne said going up to the three. "How are you going to save yourself when you get caught?" Fred asked and Sammi crossed her arms. "I'm a black belt now. I've transformed my body into a dangerous weapon" Daphne said and Sammi, Fred, and Velma started laughing.
              "It's true" she said defensively. "Far out. I guess we're, like, all going to Spooky Island, man" the voice of Shaggy said and Sammi turned to see only her brother. "Where's Scooby?" Velma said and Sammi knew where he was. From a distance she could see 'Grandma'. "They don't allow big dogs
on the plane" Shaggy said as Scooby walked and stumbled a few times.
          "You've got to be kidding" Velma said as she shook her head. "No one is stupid enough to believe that" Daphne said with a disgusted face. "Who's the ugly old broad?" Fred asked as he leaned into Shaggy. "Apparently someone is stupid enough to believe" Sammi told Daphne as she pointed to Fred.
          Scooby kissed Fred on the cheek and Shaggy told him "Say hello to Grandma". Sammi's phone started to ring and Sammi pulled it out of her pocket. "That's Brady, be right back" Sammi told Shaggy and Fred heard it. He never told anyone but he liked Sammi. He didn't like the thought of Sammi with some guy named Brady.
          "Brady, where are you?" Sammi asked and Brady sighed. "Sorry, I forgot to get toothpaste. So.... I got some at the store" he said and started to laugh nervously. "You forgot to do laundry, didn't you?" Sammi asked as Brady's underwear was in the dryer. "Got that right. It sounded better to use toothpaste" he said and Sammi started to giggle.
            Sammi looked at Fred and his face showed anger. She didn't know what it was so she shrugged it off. But she couldn't help but feel her heart race. "See you in a little bit, Brady. Bye" she said in a sweet voice that she only used when talking to Brady. "Brady had to go to the store so he is now on his way" Sammi told Shaggy and Fred felt more Jealous.
       "Who's Brady?" Fred asked and before Sammi could answer the intercom came on. "Aloha. Flight 3774 to Spooky Island, now boarding" a flight attendant said in the intercom and the gang was now in a circle. "I wouldn't have agreed to come if I knew" Velma said and Shaggy stepped in.
            "Wait, just think about it
for one minute. Mystery Inc. reunites. We'll be a team again, just like the old days. So come on let's do that thing where we all put our hands in, lift them up, and go: Wa hoo" Shaggy said as he imitated the motion where you put your hands in the middle. "Only if Fred and Velma do it" Daphne said and Shaggy turned to look at the others.
           "People are watching, Shag" Fred said before he left. Daphne put her sunglasses on and walked to the desk she was at. Velma smiled a bit before she walked to get on the plane. Shaggy looked over at his twin and she smiled before she put her hand in. "I'll be glad to work with you guys" she said and Scooby pulled his hand up. "Yeah, Scoob, "roo-hoo." Come on, buddy" Shaggy said before he put his arm around his sister and got on the plane.
           Sammi now sat on the plane listening to some music on her MP3 player. "Yeah I don't want to B told to grow up, And I don't want to change
I just want to have fun. Yeah I don't want to B told to grow up, And I don't want to change,So you better give up" her player sang by Simple plan and she felt someone sit next to her.
She looked up to only to see Fred. She tried to ignore her heart beating faster but she didn't. "So again, who's Brady?" He asked again and Sammi thought of a plan. "He's my boyfriend" she said and saw a familiar brown head boy. "Brady, you made it. Brady, this is Fred. Fred this is Brady" she said and Brady wrapped one of his arms around Sammi. He heard Sammi tell Fred that he was her boyfriend.
"Alright, well I better sit in my seat. Do you think you'll be ok back here with him?" He asked/whispered to Sammi and she nodded. "Go on. I'll be fine" she told him and Brady went to his seat, but not before kissing her on the cheek. She sat down while smiling and Fred's face burned with anger.
"Rello" Scooby said to the two before he smelled a cat. He looked to see if anyone was looking before barking like the dog he is. "Uh Grandma?" Sammi asked and Fred held his hand up. "Sammi, it's simple
behavior modification. To cause a dog to discontinue any action, flick it on the nose. Observe" Fred told Sammi and she knew it would end badly.
"Dude" Fred said before he flicked Scooby's nose. Scooby didn't like that so he punched Fred in the face. Fred's face landed on Sammi's lap and stayed there for a while.
"Sit, Grandma! Bad, Grandma!
Don't eat the kitty!" Shaggy yelled and saw where Fred's head was at. "Fred get your head out of my sister's lap" Shaggy yelled before going back to yelling at Scooby. The whole time Sammi's face was burning. Maybe she just can't ignore old feelings.

Scooby doo and Sammi (Fred x oc) Where stories live. Discover now