I quit!!!!!!!!!

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           The gang was outside the factory, walking to the mystery machine. Sammi's ankle hurt a lot but she just walked it off. She knew soon Velma would say something about taking credit for 'her' plan. "Fred, I can't believe you took credit for my plan again" Velma said and Sammi mentally said "and there it is". "You do mean our plan right?" Sammi asked Velma and Velma completely ignored her. "Some plan. That ghost pawed me for an hour and a half" Daphne complained and Sammi rolled her eyes. "It's not our fault you always get kidnapped" Fred said matter-of-factly and Daphne had this hurt look on her face. "I don't always get kidnapped. Can't believe you'd say that" Daphne said and crossed her arms.
             "Oh please" Sammi said rolling her eyes again. "You come with your own ransom note" Velma said and Sammi smiled at the joke. However the smile didn't last when Daphne ripped Velma's glasses off her eyes. "My glasses!" She exclaimed as she got on the ground. "Who's helpless now?" Daphne said and Velma searched for Daphne's feet as Daphne walked backwards. Sammi ripped Velma's glasses out of Daphne's hands and Velma found Fred's feet instead of Daphne's. Assuming it was Daphne, Velma started to choke Fred. "I'm going to kill you, Daphne!" Velma said as she choked Fred even more. Fred ripped Velma's hands off of him and he rubbed his hands on his neck. "Woah, Watch the ascot!" Fred said and Shaggy intervened in the conversation.
            "You guys, look, I know I'm just
the dude that carries the bags..." he said as Velma ripped her glasses from Sammi's hands. "but we all play an important part in this group" Shaggy continued. "I mean, we're just like a big, delicious banana split. Fred, you're the big banana. Daphne, you're the pastrami and gum-flavored ice cream. And Velma you're the sweet-and-sour mustard sauce that goes on top, with Sammi as the cherry" he said as Sammi thought it over. She was looked as the little sister and was never treated tike part of the gang. She even took a picture of the gang and she wasn't in it. She thought she was better out it than in it and nobody seemed to think so ether. Even her own brother.
          "That sounds pretty good, doesn't it?" Shaggy asked Scooby as Scooby was licking his lips. Scooby nodded and Sammi spoke up. "You know what, Shaggy? You've really put it in perspective for me" she said and Shaggy said "thanks". He thought he was doing something good in her mind but he thought wrong. "I quit!" She said as she started to tear up. "You know that is so like you. Quitting before doing anything to help. Well you can't anyways. I was gonna quit in,
like, two seconds. Now everyone will think I copied off a smart girl" Daphne said and Fred was confused. "Now, wait a minute. Maybe I quit" he said quietly as he looked between the girls. "I do" he said as he nodded his head.
            "Yeah I quit!" He exclaimed and threw his hands in frustration. He walked over to his car and Sammi nodded along. "I'm not staying anywhere I'm not wanted" she said and walked into the dark night. She didn't care if her brother was supposed to be her ride home. She got and idea and called someone she knew since high school. Her friend, Brady. Brady was her friend from before she meet the gang but she wasn't sure if it was a phase or not at that time.
            She dialed his number and she soon heard his voice. "Hello?" He asked as if he had just woken up. "Brady, hey it's Sammi" she said and she could hear him sit up on his bed from the other side. "Hey what's up?" He asked and Sammi felt a few tears fall down. She sniffed and She could feel Brady raise a eyebrow. "Wait, are you crying?" He asked concern filling his voice. "No" she said and wiped her nose on her sleeve. "Where are you? What happened?" He asked and she could hear him get up.
            "I'm near the Wow-O toy factory. I need a ride home" she said and Brady sighed. "Why are you- never mind tell me later. I'm on my way" he said and hung up. She silently cried until she could see Brady's red car. Truth be told, Brady got it because Sammi liked the color. "Hey, need a ride?" He asked as he rolled down the window and put his arm where the window was. Sammi smiled and nodded when Brady motioned her to get in the car. She quickly got in and when she shut the door, Brady pulled her into a hug. Brady had light Brown hair and blue eyes that remind you of the ocean. He always wears something red on him and this time he had a red shirt.
           "What to tell me?" He asked as he pulled away from the hug. Sammi nodded and put her hand up. "Before you take me home can you take me to your place or can I spend the night?" She asked and Brady nodded. Brady and Sammi would have sleepovers when the gang didn't have a mystery to solve. She already had clothes at his house so she didn't have to worry about that. "So what happened?" Brady asked as he start to drive to his house. "Yeah.... I quit the gang" she said and Brady had the car stop to a holt. The last time he checked, Sammi loved the gang.
            "Why?" He asked and Sammi then sniffed again. "I kinda got in a fight with the girls. Though, they never seemed to need me anyway" she said and Brady started to drive again. "Sorry about that. What about Fred?" Brady asked and of course Sammi sighed. "He quit before I did" she said and Brady nodded. "Are you two together or not?" He asked and Sammi's checks where red. Of course, Sammi had to tell someone and it just so happened to be Brady. Shaggy found out when he heard Sammi mumble in her sleep. "Not" Sammi said and Brady nodded.
         Soon they were at Brady's house and Brady opened the car door for Sammi. But he didn't stop there. He picked Sammi up bridal style and Sammi blushed. Brady saw and smirked. Brady then took her inside and set her down in the room he had for her. "Thanks Brady" she said before he left the room to let Sammi change. Sammi put on red fuzzy pants and a red tank top. Of you couldn't tell by now, Sammi loves red. She opened the door and Brady was standing there smiling. "Can I sleep with you?" She asked and Brady nodded. Lucky for him he didn't have a girlfriend or wife. He got under the covers and rolled them back so Sammi could slide under them. "Thanks" she said as she cuddled up to Brady and fell asleep in his arms.
Hey guys. Do this is the second chapter. No Brady is not going to replace Fred. They will still stay friends for the two years so don't worry. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and see you guys next time. 12 views already!!!!!

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