Conclusion! I think?

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"Fred? Are you all right?" Velma asked as Fred slowly crowned up the window and into her view. She smiled at him as she knew he was alright. She looked down at the bookshelf and saw one last book left. "The last book" she said before pulling on it. A secret door opened up before she decided to step inside and take a look around.
"I don't feel so good" Brady said as he rubbed his stomach. "Reminds me of the time we tried to eat that guy in the hot-dog costume" Shaggy told Scooby and Brady gave Shaggy a questionable look. "Should I question your food habits" Brady questioned and Shaggy shrugged. "Never mind" Brady said and shook his head. Brady went over to the camera and started to play with it.
Velma had now joined Fred in a room with a computer systems and TVs. Velma awed as she looked around and she had pressed a button. "Looks like some kind of school" she commented and looked some more. "In a spooky castle ride? Fishy" Fred said and Velma pressed a button and a TV turned on. "Welcome to America.
I am using the language English" the TV lady said as Velma and Fred looked at each other.
           "Shaggy, look" Scooby said and Shaggy and Brady walked over to the said Dog. The room looked like a TV set. Shaggy clapped and the lights turned on. "Oh, boy. Lights, camera, action, huh, Scoob?" Shaggy said and Brady immediately avoided the kitchen. "Yeah. I think so to. Thanks for asking Shaggy" Brady said and Shaggy shrugged. Brady gave a glare towards Shaggy and Shaggy put his hands in surrender.
           Daphne rubbed her side as she got off the ride and Sammi leaned back trying to pop her back. "Daph, you alright?" Sammi asked and the said blonde nodded. "Hey Sammi?" Daphne asked and Sammi turned towards the blonde. "Yeah" she said. "I'm sorry for what I said two years ago. I was just jealous. I shouldn't of said those things to you" Daphne said and Sammi was shocked. "Daphne. I forgive you. And to be fairly honest, I kinda forgot what you said" Sammi said and Daphne smiled.
         "Want to be friends again?" Sammi asked and Daphne nodded going to hug her. They both smiled at each other as they let go. They then walked on to the next room looking around for clues. Little did they know someone had eyes on them the whole time.
"Now that you're a young adult...'ll need to learn societal dos" the lady on the TV said as she nodded her head. "...and don'ts" the lady finished as she shook her head. Velma and Fred looked at watched other at what she said. "Interaction between young people is polite and casual" the lady said before the scene changed to a family around a piano. The guys walked into each other. "Hey, sorry, bro" the first guy said and the other guy looked mad. "I will crush your bones into dust" the second guy said as he crushed his drink cup and the others stopped playing the piano to look at the scene.
The woman faded into the TV and she shook her head. "Let's see how the situation should be handled. Remember, today's young people
have a language all their own" the woman said and the people who where stopped then returned to playing the piano like last time. The same two guys bumped into each other. "Sorry, bro" the first guy said and the second one shook his head. "No big whoop, dog.
Catch that new vid on the box?" The second guy said/asked. "True dat. I'm up to sniznuff on all popular trends" the first guy answered. "Word" the second guy said as he turned the camera and smiled.
          "It seems to be a brainwashing
facility of some type" Velma told Fred and turned to look at him. "Wherever there's a brainwashing cult, there's always a power-hungry leader" Velma continued and Fred nodded. "The Papa Smurf figure" Fred said and she smiled at him. "Mondevarious" Fred concluded and Velma lost her smile. "Then why would he have invited us here?" Velma asked and Fred started to think about the answer for that.
           Daphne and Sammi had entered a room with a big triangle in the middle of the room. On the triangle, a podium held a pyramid shaped thing on it. Daphne and sammi walked up until the step up to the thing. "You go" Daphne said and Sammi shook her head. "You go" she told Daphne and Daphne shook her head. The girls sighed and Sammi came up with a idea. "Rock paper scissors" Sammi suggested and Daphne nodded. The girls played and Sammi put out rock while Daphne did scissors. "Haha. You go now" Sammi said as she pushed Daphne up to the podium.
          Daphne glared at her before looking at the pyramid shape and picking it up. The sides then started to close in on Daphne and Sammi shouted "Run or jump out". Daphne did just that and jumped out before leaving the room with Sammi following behind.
Shaggy, Scooby, and Brady now looked at the studio with wonder until Scooby burped. "I'll have whatever he's having" Shaggy said as he burped also. Scooby then smirked as he burped louder and longer. Shaggy stopped walking and turned to his best friend. Brady quickly got away from them as he could see what was about to happen.
"Are you challenging me?" Shaggy asked and Scooby smiled even more. "Maybe" he said before he took his collar and yanked it to burped. Shaggy hit the back of his head as he burped then his arm. Shaggy pointed to Scooby and Scooby laid day and took his tale and farted. "Pull my finger. Too late" Shaggy said before he kinda burped into his hand and shook his hand around before "swallowing" it.
"You're in trouble" Shaggy said before farting. The whole time Brady was making a disgusted face and he was horrified when Daphne and his "Girlfriend" walked in. They made the same face as Brady and kept walking in until Scooby could see them. "I'm not stopping till your fur is singed off" Shaggy said before darting three more times on Daphne and his sister.
Shaggy then turned to see his sister and Daphne behind him. "We're here to solve a mystery" Daphne said and Shaggy turned to Scooby. "Yeah, Scoob" Shaggy said and Sammi sighed before she clutched her head. "And yet this is my twin brother" Sammi muttered and Daphne rubbed her back. "By the way Shaggy, that was your idea" Brady said and Shaggy glared at him. An Alarm went off causing the gang to ran out of the room and look for Fred and Velma.
They meet Fred and Velma in a hall and they were running to. "I found a neat and scary clue" Daphne said and Sammi sighed. "We Daph. We" she said and Velma nodded. "So did we" Fred said. "This is a brainwashing
facility for an evil cult" Velma told them and a light bulb went off in Daphne's head. "Maybe this is the secret relic
thingy they worship" Daphne said as she held up the pyramid shape.
"We'll all be relics if we don't
get out of here" Shaggy said and Sammi smiled. "I got a plan. Quick put on the costumes and get in their pose" she said and the gang did just that.

         Brady and Sammi went on one side of the ride and the other five went on the other

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         Brady and Sammi went on one side of the ride and the other five went on the other. Brady was a knight and Sammi was a princess. The looked at each other before a scene happened in front of them. "What's that smell?" The gang could hear as they stood in positions and the wrestler and his minions gathered. "Sir, they found the Daemon Ritus" one of the minions said before the wrestler picked up the small dude.
         "For your sake, they better not
have gone far" the wrestler said before he dropped the guy. "It is time to summon the big muchachos" the wrestler said as he and his minions walked away. The gang sighed in relief except for Shaggy. "Like, oh, no!" He said as he farted again and it hit the fire making it explode a little. Scooby giggled and the gang raced out of the creepy castle and towards the hotel.

Scooby doo and Sammi (Fred x oc) Where stories live. Discover now