Body switch(normal pov)

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           Shaggy saw Fred's head pop up for a bit before it went into the pool of swirls again. Shaggy reached his hand in and he grabbed Fred's soul. "Hey, buddy" Shaggy said as Fred's head started to float around in Shaggy's hand. "Shaggy! Someone must have spiked my root beer last night. Talk me down, man" he said and Shaggy looked around to see if anyone was there. Luckily for him, nobody was there.
           "Fred, you're a frigging protoplasmic head" Shaggy said and Fred bit his lip. "I know. But I'm still the best-looking protoplasmic head here" Fred said before Shaggy hit his head like a volleyball. Fred's head traveled until it got to where his body was having a meeting along with Daphne's. "How do you drive this?" Fred asked as he started to see his body.
           "The Darkopalypse's upon us. Get what you need for the ceremony" Fred's body said before the group nodded and head in different directions. "On your right. Your left. I'm coming, good-looking!" Fred said as his soul swiveled to the right then to the left as his body went into a room before closing the door. Unfortunately Fred was not so lucky as he hit his soul head on the door and started to bounce all over the place.
          Meanwhile with Shaggy, he found a random guys head but put him back in saying he was only looking for his friends. Finally he found Brady's head. "Shaggy. Thank you. Tell me that this is all a dream" he said and Shaggy sighed as he shook his head. "Yeah, I wish but it's not. Hey did you see my sister?" Shaggy asked but Brady shook his head. "But I did see Daphne" he said and Shaggy nodded saying thanks before letting Brady go.
        Shaggy quickly found Daphne and he pulled her out. "Put me back, Shaggy. I'll figure a way out myself" she said and Shaggy looked at her. "Like, how?" He asked and Daphne looked down like she was thinking. "I don't know. I'll use my tongue as an oar
and swim to the edge" she said before Shaggy said sorry and let her go. Her soul tried to get back but it went anyways.
         With Velma, she went inside the building she was going to go in before she looked back to see a soul heading her way. She saw Sammi and Brady ahead and assumed it was one of theirs. She saw another one head that way and said "Yo, yo, you, yo". Brady and Sammi's body turned to face the brunette and Velma body slammed Sammi into a room and grabbed Brady's hand.
"What the...?" Sammi's body said before a soul collided with her body and she ended up in a chair. A soul then ended up in Brady's body and he was knocked back onto the floor. The both of their body's shook before two purple creatures popped out from Sammi and Brady. Sammi cowered in fear in the chair while Brady scooted back farther on the floor as the creatures advanced after them. "You could use a little sunlight" was heard from Velma as she opened the blinds and let sunlight in the room.
The creatures glared at her before they got spots all over them like the creature from Velma's body did. The one from Sammi's body foot started to spark before the creature jumped holding its foot. The one from Brady's, it's arm, started to spark and it kept slapping it to put it out. Eventually the creatures exploded with Sammi and Brady still cowering in fear.
Brady then hesitantly got up before walking over to Sammi. Sammi removed her hands from her face and slowly got up looking at her hands. "That's one part of the mystery solved. The creatures need our bodies to survive in sunlight. Like a human suit. SPF 1,000,000" Velma said and looked at Sammi and Brady who had fear written on their faces.
"Sammi, Brady? Are you guys OK?" Velma asked and they both nodded. "Yeah, but I'm not Sammi" Fred said and Velma's eyes went wide. "And I'm not Brady" Daphne said and Velma had her mouth hanging open. "Fred, Daphne?" She asked and the two had their, or Sammi and Brady's, bodies turned to her.
With Shaggy, he finally found his sister and he almost jumped up and down when he saw her. "Are you ok?" He asked and Sammi nodded. "Alright, let me go so I can get to my body" she said and Shaggy nodded letting her go. Shaggy looked up and saw the Daemon Ritus. Sammi caught up with Brady and they ran into Fred and Daphne before they entered having the same as the others happen to them.
Meanwhile with Fred, Daphne, and Velma. "I couldn't get to my body. I didn't know where else to go. It's not easy to steer when you're pure spirit" Fred said to Velma and Daphne nodded. Fred looked down to see the outfit Sammi wore yesterday was on. He looked even more back before he shot his head up and said "Hey". The girls looked at him and he smiled. "I can look at myself naked" he said before Daphne had a disgusted look on Brady's face. "Oh, brother" Velma said as she rolled her eyes and walked out with "Brady" following. Fred looked down one more time before he ran to catch up with the other two.
Sammi and Brady grumbled and groaned as they walked through the forest before seeing their bodies and Velma. "Get your hands off me Fred" Sammi said out of Fred's body and Velma looked toward her. "Sammi?" She questioned. "He planned this somehow, didn't he?" Sammi asked and Brady looked at her. "Yeah well what about Daphne?" He asked and Fred walked up toward his own body. "Hey, good-looking" Fred said in Sammi's body, but used his own voice, before he started to circle around his own body.
             "Fred, you egocentric..." Sammi said as Shaggy then ran up and stopped as he saw the gang. "Please tell me you guys are you?" He asked and Sammi stomped Fred's foot. "Fred keeps touching me" Sammi said and Shaggy looked at his sister and Fred. "Makes you nostalgic for the homicidal creatures" Velma said as Shaggy walked up to them still holding the Daemon Ritus. "I stole this. I hope it helps" Shaggy said before he put it on a rock. "The Daemon Ritus" Velma said before everyone's souls came out of the body the were in and jumped around before landing in a different body.
"I'm me again" Sammi said and Fred's body glared at her. "Yippee for you" Velma said in Fred's body and Daphne turned to Brady. "Man, like, why am I wearing a dress?" Shaggy said in Velma's body. Daphne looked down and saw she was in Shaggy's body. "Everyone remain calm. Velma what the hecks going on?" Brady's body asked and Fred's body held up a finger.
           "If I am correct...due to the instability of protoplasm in the proximity of the Daemon Ritus" Fred said before the gangs souls jumped out and got into another body. "we're going to continue randomly changing bodies until..." Brady said in Velma's voice before the souls jumping out happened again. "Jinkies" Velma said as the souls got into another body. "until the protoplasm realigns with the correct bodies" Velma said in Shaggy's body.
"I'm Fred again" Sammi said clinching her fists. "Daph, what's wrong with you? Don't you ever eat?" Shaggy asked before the souls jumped out for the last time. "I'm me" Brady and Fred said at the same time and Brady looked at the purse in his hand. "I'm back" Sammi and Daphne said and the to looked at each other with a smile. "Like, me too" Shaggy said touching his stomach to see.
            "Told you so" Velma said with a smug look on her face. An explosion went off in a distance and the gang turned to look. "Let's go" Sammi said grabbing the nearest persons hand. That person just so happened to Fred. The rest of the gang followed until they got to the beach were their was a hut. Daphne had been here recently. "I guess that was the wrong ingredient" the guy by the fire said and the gang was about to approach the man but Daphne stopped them.
         "Wait. I know how to handle this guy. Hey, you! What're you doing?" She asked before walking over to the guy. Fred put his free hand up as a what the look. "Yes. That is masterful" Velma said sarcastically and Sammi rolled her eyes. The gang walked up to the man and Sammi the whole time kept her grip on Fred's hand the whole time.
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