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      Shaggy, Scooby, and Sammi were eating at the restaurant when Brady came up to them. "Hey can I eat with you guys?" He asked and Scooby nodded before Brady pulled up a chair and started to eat. Sammi smiled at her best friend and shook her head. "How groovy is this, man? Spooky Island finally came through with its all-you-can-eat deal. And there's nobody I'd rather gorge myself with than you, Scooby-Doo" Shaggy said and Sammi looked at him. "What about your sister?" She asked and Shaggy gulped.
       "You to Sammi" Shaggy said and Sammi gave him a look. Brady smiled at the pair and shook his head. "My best friend" Scooby said as he smiled. "You're my best friend, buddy. You're beautiful like a beautiful piece of pizza" Shaggy said as he put a hot pepper on his piece of pizza. He took a bit before spitting it back out. "Gross" Sammi said and frowned at her brother.
        "Zoinks! Them peppers is, like, hot" Shaggy said and Sammi could see the gears turning in Brady's head. "Wimp" Brady and Scooby said and Sammi raised her brow. "Let me try one" Sammi said and Shaggy handed her one. "Wimp? You think you can handle it? Why don't you put your mouth where your mouth is?" Shaggy said to Brady and Scooby and gave them two whole jars of peppers.
          Sammi could see what was going to happen and put her drink in front of Brady. Brady gave her a puzzled look before he looked at the peppers in front of him. "Your on Shag" Brady said and took the jar and ate all the peppers. He smiled before his features read horror. He then screamed before grabbing the drink and chugging it down. Scooby at all the peppers that was in front of him before he had the same reaction as Brady.
         Scooby grabbed a jug of water that the waitress was bringing to another table and chugged it down. He than took a tray and tried to cool down his tongue while Brady put some ketchup in his mouth. Shaggy took the ketchup from Brady  and poured some on Scooby's tongue. Scooby sighed in relief and fist bumped Brady.
       "That was good. Hot, but good" Brady said and Sammi shook her head. "Like, how'd that taste man" Shaggy said. "Delicious" Scooby said and smiled. "Well, let's get two more" Shaggy said. Brady rolled his eyes and looked at Sammi. "Get them water" he asked and Sammi nodded. They both got up quickly before they heard a shout of pain. Sammi shook her head at those to goof balls.
Hey guys so I know this is really late and updating but I have no excuses. Sorry. Anyways so there will be a sequel so don't worry and I will try to get it up here in about a month or two but it will be up.

Scooby doo and Sammi (Fred x oc) Where stories live. Discover now