entry thirty-two

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we're worn down puzzles pieces
all of us no longer fit together like we used to
we don't match perfect
some have gaps
some no longer have the printed photo
each have their own story behind the damage

imagine me as a single puzzle piece
every time i get hurt, cut a small chunk off
i've been yelled at in my house
there goes some
my boyfriend leaves me
there goes another
my grades start to sink
another is gone
my friends forget me
soon i'll merely been a thin sheet of cardboard

each person is a puzzle piece
we all interlock perfectly
only if we are cautious
wearing one piece too much
causes a disrupt in balance
the puzzle is never finished

picture like the giant puzzle
each person their own piece
if you want the puzzle to be completed perfectly
you must not wear down the pieces
rebuild and restore them
to their former glory
to finish the puzzle

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