entry sixteen

25 1 0

no one wants a broken toy
all battered up and beaten down
no one plays with a broken toy
they prefer the new and clean ones
no one hugs a broken toy
why waste love on that melted plastic
no one kisses a broken toy
they leave themselves for the new thing
no one sleeps with a broken toy
afraid the jagged edges may hurt
no one trusts a broken toy
the strings snapped a long time ago
no one talks to a broken toy
the voice was stolen anyways
no one touches a broken toy
it's a taboo
no one loves a broken toy
because i'm still sitting among these shattered pieces
waiting to be wanted
waiting to be played with
waiting to be hugged
waiting to be kissed
waiting to be slept with
waiting to be trusted
waiting to be talked to
waiting to be touched
waiting to be loved
i'm a broken toy
broken toys only wait
broken toys can only hope
that's all a broken toy can do

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