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<Tord's POV...again...>

I woke up to the sun shining in my face. I sat up and yawned to see it was already 10. I over slept...again...I sighed and got up, putting my hand through my hair. I walk over to the bathroom and turn on the shower. I took a quick 5 minuet shower and made coffee. I sat by the window and opened the curtains as I admired the view of the city. I smiled as I spotted places we used to go to. Like the old sandwich shop or the movie theater or the arcade. Nice memories. Good memories.

I ate a brunch type meal and turned on the Tv. I decided to wait till the afternoon to confront the others since I was still a bit nervous. Around an hour and a half later I heard Edd and Matt talking outside. I open my door very slightly and listen to the conversation. I know I know stalker alert shut up...

"So we're going to that cafe downtown right?" Edd asked looking at his phone. "Yea..." Matt replied, putting on his green overcoat. "Is Tom coming?" He asked as Edd looked up and sighed putting his phone away. "No...he's out with Jeremy again..." "Oh..." They both looked a bit sad when they talked about this Jeremy guy. Who's Jeremy?

Matt locked his door and started to walk down the hall with Edd, both of them completely silent. "Who the hell is Jeremy?" I say to myself as I shut the door.

I heard Tom's faint voice about an hour later with someone else there talking to him. I cracked my door open and see Tom and this tall strong guy holding his hand and walking with him. They were both smiling and talking about some kind of guardian or galaxy movie? I didn't like the looks of this guy. He was a dark red head with tattoos all over him. I could tell some of the were gang related.

I growled and slowly shut my door. "They must be in some sort of relationship or something.." I say as I go to sit back down but before I could I heard a loud bang outside and Tom yelp. I run to open my door back up. "What do you mean you forgot?!" this Jeremy guy yelled as Tom put his hands up in defense. Jeremy had both his hands on the wall holding Tom back from going anywhere. I could tell he had hit the wall since there was a small hole that hadn't been there before.

"I-It's not that big of a deal-" "NOT THAT BIG OF A DEAL?!" Tom flinched at Jeremy's yelling. He looked at Tom for a second before letting his hands go and sighing. "I love you..." Jeremy said as he held his hands out as to say hug me. Tom hesitated for a bit before smiling and hugging him. I guess that's their way of forgiving each other or something.

They said goodbye and Tom walked into his apartment as Jeremy walked away. I growled again. "That guy has some anger issues..." I close my door again and take a deep breath. I watch Tv for about 20 more minuets before I heard Edd and Matt talking. I smiled as I heard both of them enter the room third farthest to mine. I assume that was Edd's since Matt was in the one closer to me.

I waited a few more minuets before building up all the courage I had. I fixed mt hair and smiled at myself in the mirror. I slowly walked down to Edd's room and hesitated before knocking. "Who could that be?" I heard Matt say "I dunno let me go see! Maybe it's Tom saying he finally ditched Jeremy!" They both laughed as I heard the lock unlock and Edd opened the door.

"So! Did you-" Edd didn't finish before he realized who was standing in front of him. He started to breath heavily and started to back away, the look of terror on his face. "Edd please calm down.." I try to calm him down and slowly stepped inside. I heard Matt scream as I turned to his direction. He was terrified. "Please listen to me!" I turn back to see Edd holding a butcher knife towards me. I put my hands up and start to shake. This was the one time I didn't have a weapon on me. Well...except my arm but I didn't like using the laser type thing it had since it burned a little.

"Why...are you here..." Edd said walking over towards Matt. "I just...I wanted to apologize...for everything..." I said sadly, looking down. "Bull shit..." Edd said quietly moving a little closer to me. "Please put that down! I'm not lying...I wanted to say sorry for everything! All that I did I know it was wrong! It felt so weird not being your best friend Edd! I don't think you know just how many times I wanted to call you for comfort! Or how many times I wish I had your shoulder to cry on!" I said tears starting to sting my eyes.

Edd lowered the knife, realizing I might actually be serious. "Are you...being serious?" I heard Matt ask coming out from behind Edd. "Yes...I just...I know you don't forgive me...but I can't deal with the guilt anymore!" I said, hugging myself. "Your arm..." Edd said putting the knife on a table and cautiously moving closer.

"And your face..." Edd came a bit closer to where he slowly put a hand to my scarred face. "Is this what happened to you...after...everything?" I slowly nodded my head and I heard Matt sniff a bit. He was crying. "Why are you crying?.." I asked. Matt walked over and held his arms out as to ask if he could hug me. I slowly walked towards him and hugged him. "I missed you so much!" He said, crying into my hoodie. "Me too..." I said as I felt Edd hug me too from behind.

Trust Issues (TomTord MIGHT be discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now