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Tom has been in his room for three days. He hasn't come out once for anything. Tore felt guilty, scared and sorry. He didn't want to feel this way, he wanted to be able to laugh at Tom'a misery. He was worried though. He was currently at Edd's, trying not to freak out. He was sitting at the table with his hands in his hair, thinking of the worst.
"Tord...so explain this to me again?" Edd asked, sitting across from Tord.
"M-My uncle...wants me to do this mission...where I take those five things...so I can prove I'm not soft...BUT I DONT WANT TO DO THIS ANYMORE EDD! I...I really hurt Tom...what if...he cuts again..." Tord said, tears swelling in his eyes.
"Oh Tord...the things you get yourself into...listen...have you though of apologizing?" Edf asked in a calm tone.
"H-He doesn't want t-to talk to me..." Tord said, tears now falling. Edd sighed and got up. He walked out the door, leaving Tord alone.

Tord could hear that Edd knocked on someone's door. He could only guess it was Tom's.
"Tom it's me!" Tord heard Edd yell. It was followed by a door opening, then closing. He no longer heard Edd and peeked out to see Edd wasn't there anymore. Tom had let him in. Tord began to lightly sob. Why? He didn't want to cry...he hated it...it showed weakness! That's all he was...weak. Maybe he should take after Tom...since no one likes him anyway, at least that's what he thought.
"I'm so sorry..." Tord whispered to himself as he slid down the wall and held his knees close to his chest and cried into his arms.
A little while later Edd came back to see a sleeping Tord on the floor. He had tear marks going down his cheeks, and he was clutching a pillow.
"See! Look at him..." Edd said to Tom, who was standing next to him. Tom sighed and got down on his knees. He shook Tord a bit. He woke ups d rubbed his eyes.
"Edd?...what did Tom sa-" Tord took his hands away and saw Tom sitting in front of him. He teared up again and lunged at Tom, hugging him.
"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry" Tord said over and over. Tom hugged back.
"Tord...it's okay...Edd...explained everything..." Tom said, rubbing Tord's back.
"You know just because you have people you care about doesn't mean you're weak..." Tom said, pulling away from the hug.

"Tom...you don't understand...they're gonna come hunt me down and kill me now...if I don't get this mission done..." Tord said in a monotone voice, looking to the side. Tom gasped.
"They'll...probably kill you too..." Tord said, his voice cracking. Tom growled.
"Tord you need to learn to take care of these things yourself!"
"Okay...I'll just leave then...I'm never going to see you again...this is to protect you...goodbye Thomas..." Tord said standing and starting to walk away.
"Wha-What?! NO!" Tom yelled standing up and grabbing Tord's arm.
"D-Don't leave me!" Tom yelled, angrily.
"Then what the fuck do you want me to do Tom?! It's either I get the stuff or you and me die!" Tord snapped back. Tom backed up a bit, his face showing a hurt emotion. Tord sighed and looked down.
"I'm sorry...just...I don't know what to do Tom..." they both stood there for a second.
"I know a place..." Tom said out of the blue.

Tord was confused.
"A place you can hide...I'll tell them you retreated...they'll never find you here it has a lot of secret passage ways and stuff!" Tom said, a smile spreading across his face. Tord smiled back.
"You sure about that? What if they catch us!"
"Then I'll be happy knowing I died doing something for a friend..." Friend...that word made Tord giggle.
"We...we're friends?" Tord asked, a slight side smile appearing. Tom snickered and nodded. Tord was happier than he was.
"Alright then Tom...lets give this a try!" Tord said as Tom yelled 'yes' and hugged Tord again.

"It's a pretty big place too! So we can come visit and stuff!" Tom said as they walked down the stairs to the lobby.
"It sounds nice...how did you find it?" Tord asked as they walked out the front doors.
"Oh! It's this old abandoned place I found when I was a teen!"
"That's doesn't answer my question..." Tord said with a smug smile. Tom rolled his "eyes" and sighed.
"I was...running from the cops...I was just hanging with the wrong crowd is all..." this is when Tord burst out into laughter.
"YOU?! The cops! Wow I would have never guessed!" Tord said sarcastically.
"What is that supposed to mean? You think I've been arrested before?" Tom asked in an offended tone.
"Tom I KNOW you've been arrested..."
"...fuck you..." Tom said quietly. Tord chuckled again. They kept walking for a while and Tord was getting bored.
"Where is this place exactly?" Tord asked, groaning.
"We're almost there...it's downtown..."
"You should have told me! I could of driven us or something..."
"In this big ass city? Hell no..." Tom said very exaggerated. They reached a big building, attached to other buildings. It had boarded up windows and such.
"Here we are!" Tom said, putting his hands in the air.

Tord wasn't impressed.
"Uhuh...it's so amazing Tom..." Tord said in his sarcastic ass tone again.
"Stop being a baby! Common I want to show you inside!"
"Heh..that's what she said..."
"Tord dammit! Shut the fuck up!" Tom yelled, grabbing Tord's arm and starting for the door. They had to hit the door a couple of times to get it to open, but it eventually did. Tord walked in and saw nothing line he thought he would. It wasn't out of shape or anything. It was actually quite nice! He could live with this.

Trust Issues (TomTord MIGHT be discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now