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Tord looked around. It was a nice place. It was surprisingly clean and had a sleeping bag, a few chip bags and candy bars on a shelf along with some bottled waters, and some more stuff that's just basic needs kinda thing.
"This is amazing Tom! You come here often? There's a sleeping bag and everything!" Tord said walking around and looking at stuff.
"Heh yeah! I come here when I want to be alone, get away from people ya know." Tom said, his hands in his hoodie pockets.
"And you're sure it's safe?" Tord asked, turning to face Tom. He nodded.
"It's got a lock and everything! Nobody ever comes here so don't worry about it, and if they do come in here there's a secret basement and attic!" Tom said which made Tord perk up in interest.
"Oooh that sounds cool! Can I see them?" Tord asked to which Tom nodded. Tom walked down the hallway until he got to a random spot. He reached down and pulled up one of the wooden planks. It lifted more than just one, and there stood a stair case leading to under the building.
"Here's the basement! It's really dark down there, but I have a flashlight and some word search books and other stuff down there." Tom said, letting the floor price fall making a loud thud.
"The attic is upstairs behind a big bookshelf. Kinda like the whole Anne frank thing!" Tom explained while walking up the creaking flight of stairs. They reached an empty room with no door. All that was in there was a dusty old chair and a bookshelf with like...five books on it.
"All the books are in French so unless you can speak it I wouldn't read them..." Tom said, pushing back the bookshelf to show another flight of stairs going upwards.
"It's really small up there so I dot like it, but if you like small spaces that's where you should go!" Tom said with a chuckle.

"This is all so interesting...any idea what this used to be or when it was built?" Tord asked, very interested in the entire thing.
"It used to be a dance class building where the family lived upstairs. They would pretty much just teach ballet, theater, and other stage stuff. And it was built in 1934!" Tom said, having a hard time pushing the bookshelf back. Tord chuckled.
"Let me help you with that..." Tord said, walking over and pushing the bookshelf back. That's when they heard the sound of thunder and instantly heard heavy rain on the roof.
"Dammit...I don't know about you, but I'm staying here until THAT dies down...we walked here so fuck that..." Tom said, making his way back downstairs. Tord nodded in agreement.
"Me too...I hate getting all wet like that..." Tord said, following Tom with his arms crossed. Tom chuckled and looked at Tord with a smirk.
"Oooh really?~" Tom said, slowly making Tord blush.
"NOT LIKE THAT THOMAS! Good god..." Tord said turning into a cherry and looking away. Tom chuckled and sat against the wall. Tord sat in front of him and it was silent for a while.
"Were you...really going to steal our stuff and just leave us...again..." Tom said with a slight whimper in his voice.
"Well...at first yes...I didn't want to though...you guys were all I could ever think about! I just...missed you all so much..." Tord said with a sigh. It was silent again.
"How did you and Jeremy start?" Tord asked, thinking it wasn't THAT personal if a question...but oh boy...

Tom looked up.
"U-Um...we..." Tom looked down, visibly trying not to cry.
"Shit I'm sorry! I didn't know you were still attached to him!" Tord said, scooting up a bit and putting a hand on Tom's shoulder.
"not attached...NOT ATTACHED?! How would I not be! He was my life ever since you destroyed us! He was so nice to me at first...then...after a while he started getting mad at me and hitting me...th-then he started...r-raping me and...h-he...took the only thing I can never get back..." Tom now had tears running down his face. Tord quickly pulled Tom into a tight hug.
"Thomas that bastard probably never loved you! You deserve so much more than him!" Tord let go with a smile. Tom didn't smile back at all. He just started sobbing.
"If you need to talk it out then go ahead! I'm all ears! What...I think I know but...what did he take from you?" Tord asked, sitting cross crossed and focusing everything on Tom.

Tom looked down and pulled his knees up to his chest.
"M-My...um...my virginity...and...trust...and...the feeling of love..." Tom said very quietly as he started crying harder.
"Tom...he didn't take any of those things...you may not physically be a virgin anymore but you haven't done it for real yet...you haven't felt safe doing that and one day you will and it'll be great! As for trust, you trust Edd and Matt right? And I'm hoping one day you can trust me...we're all friends...we trust each other with everything! And love...Thomas...love is something you give but sometimes don't get back...it happens and everyone goes through it...you are so amazing Tom...anybody would be very lucky to have you! Just remember that no matter what me, Edd and Matt will always be here! We'll be there to listen to everything you have to say...we'll never shut you out...I promise..." Tord said with a heartwarming smile. Tom sniffles and smiled back. He lunged at Tord and hugged him as tight as he could.
"Thank you...for saying that...I don't think you know how much it helps..." Tom said in between tears and hiccups. Tord smiled and hugged back, rubbing circles in Tom's back.

Tom soon fell asleep in Tord's lap, laying his head on his shoulder. Tord chuckled and slowly, but surely, put Tom into the sleeping bag without fully waking him. It was pretty late so Tord curled up next to Tom and looked at his adorable sleeping face. This made him smile and realize.
He was slowly falling for the small brunette.

Trust Issues (TomTord MIGHT be discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now