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<Tom's POV>

I was drug out my room with Tord and Edd staring at me. I thought I told that commie bastard not to even TALK to Jeremy.

I sigh and look down. He was holding my wrist really tight. "Can you loosen your hand a bit...you're hurting me..." "and?..." was his answer. I look down again. Don't worry Tom...he loves you with all his heart! More than anyone!

That's what I told myself at least...

<Tord's POV>

Imma kill him. That Jeremy guy is gonna die! "Why does Tom even stay with him?!" I yell, crossing my arms. "I don't know...me and Matt have tried all we can to get them to separate...I...have a strong feeling Tom has no choice...Its getting to the point I want to go to the police about it..." Edd said turning to look at Tom and Jeremy walk off.

I stayed silent.

"Tord?..." I heard Edd say.

I couldn't move...I was just staring at them...it...looked like Tom was struggling to get his arm away from Jeremy...

"Tord whats wrong?" I heard Edd say once again.

I could feel my eye twitch when I saw Jeremy pull Tom's arm back.

"Tord?!" Edd yelled shaking me.

"Excuse me Edd..." I say in a monotone voice. I stepped past Edd and up to Tom and Jeremy. "Hey Jeremy!" I yelled as he turned around. "What do YOU want breadhead?!" Jeremy yelled letting go of Tom's hand. "I don't 'perciate you grabbing onto him like that..." I say with a growl in my voice.

"So?! He's MINE!"

That was it...I was gone.

I threw a punch and hit him dead in the face. He threw one as well and I dodged it. I kicked his shin and he fell to the ground. I got on top of him and went to town on his face. Punch after punch landed right on his cheeks.

"IM GONNA KILL YOU!" I scream as both Tom and Edd pull me off of Jeremy.

He stands up and falls back onto the wall and Tom ran over to him, tears running down his face.

"WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU!?" Tom yelled. I got out of my daze and looked at all the blood everywhere. I saw how bad I beat Jeremy. "I HATE YOU! THIS IS WHY I NEVER WANTED YOU TO COME BACK!...come on baby...I got you..." Tom said helping Jeremy up and putting an arm around him. He walked back to his apartment glaring at me.

"Tom...wait I-" I started but Edd tugged on my arm. "Tord...I think you need to calm down...you're just making it worse..." Edd said with sadness all over his face.

"I...I'm sorry..." I say looking down, tears stinging my eyes again. "It's ok Tord...I...I'm actually glad you did that...I've been wanting to do that for a while now..." Edd said looking down.

<Tom's POV>

"I am so sorry about him! I didn't even-" I tried to say before I got a punch to the face. "WHO THE HELL WAS THAT?!" Jeremy yelled at me. "I-I'm sorry! He's just a bastard communist who-" I got another punch to the face.

"I don't care WHO he is...I want to know WHY he was saying he "didn't like the way I was holding you?!" THOMAS YOU AREN'T CHEATING ON ME ARE YOU?!" Jeremy yelled.

"N-No! Of course not! I hate Tord!" I say doing the jazzhands.

Jeremy gave me and uncertain look before he sighed and smiled. He stood up straight and put his arms out. I smiled back and hugged him.

"I love you..." He says.

I smile brighter. "I love you too..." I say in return.

<Tord's POV...again>

I was sitting at the small cafe we were eating at listening to Matt and Edd talk about random shit. Again with that stupid Guardians of the Galaxy movie?!

I sigh and look towards the window. I can't stop thinking about Tom for some reason. I hope he's ok..What the hell is wrong with me?!

"I HATE HIM!" I yell outloud...woops...
"Tord? You ok?" Edd asked looking to me with worry.

"O-Oh um!...yea...fine..." I say looking back down. Edd and Matt exchange worried looks before looking back at me. "You know it's ok right...that you beat the shit outta Jeremy.." Matt said with a smile.
"Yea but what about Tom?! I hope he's ok! I mean he seemed to care about Jeremy but I know Jeremy doesn't care about him I mea-" I stop talking.
I look to see Edd and Matt smiling at me with cat faces.

"What?" I ask sitting up. "You like Tom...don'tcha Tord..." Edd asked, his cat face intensifying.

"WHA?! N-NO!" I said, a slight blush appearing on my face.
"Thats a lie!" Matt said yelling louder than I'd like him too dammit! We're in a public place!

"I-I don't like him that way! I...just want him to be my friend ok!" I said crossing my arms and looking away.

"mmmhmm suuuuure" Matt and Edd both say in unison. I DON'T like him...do I?

<Tom's POV>

Me and Jeremy were at a nice southern type restaurant. It was cute. There was electro swing playing and people dancing on a small dance floor at the front of the place.

"That looks fun huh Tommy!" Jeremy asked looking to me. "Eh..I guess..." I said looking away. I secretly really wanted to go out there but I'm too badass to admit it.
"Common Tommy! You know you wanna!" Jeremy said in a jolly tone holding out his hand. I hesitated before rolling my "eyes" and taking his hand.

He drags me out onto the dance floor and we start dancing like I never have before. I felt like I was in Texas! It was great!

It was Peggy Suave. I don't think me and Jeremy have ever had this much fun! I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe. He twirled me around and caught me as we did some kinda ice skating shit.

We did this for maybe an hour. We got to the bar and we were panting like wild dogs. "Wow...that was great Tommy!" Jeremy said with a wide smile on his face. "Well...I've been down to Mississippi before! If you like that go down there!" I say as we both chuckle a bit.

Jeremy orders a few drinks. A few turn into a lot. A lot turned into too much. Too much turned into o shit.

This is where it got bad...

Trust Issues (TomTord MIGHT be discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now