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About an hour later we were all laughing again and having fun. "That's amazing you survived that fall!" Matt said looking at me with wonder. "Well...it's a little harder to kill me than most people think." I say winking at him. He giggled and I heard a knock at the door. "Oh no..." I heard Edd say. "Stay here..." Edd said as he went to the door and answered it. "Hey Tom!" "Hey..." Tom said in a quiet voice. "Um...what...what's up?" Edd said. I could see the nervous smile on his face.

"Uhh...I was wondering what you were doing?...What..are you doing?" I could see him try to look inside but Edd kept him from seeing me. "UHHH...BOARD GAME! We...were playing uh....candy land!" Edd said his smile growing. "Cool! Can I play?" Tom said pushing past Edd and into the room. He paused when he saw me.

"Uh...Tom?" Edd said, putting a hand on Tom's shoulder. "What...is...HE doing here?!" Tom yelled pointing at me. "He's just apologizing Tom! He lives next to you now!" "WHAT?!" Tom yelled turning towards Edd. "Tom please calm down..." I say standing up from the table. "You dare come near me I will NOT hesitate to stab you!" Tom yelled. Why does everyone want to stab me?

"Tom..." Edd said in a stern voice. "Please just...try and listen to him...me and Matt are pretty sure he's genuine..." Edd said in a soft whisper. "Maybe that's what he wants you to think! Do you not remember what he did to us?!" Tom yelled as Edd grabbed his shoulders "Listen to me Tom! I swear if you don't even give Tord another chance I'm gonna be VERY unhappy! and you know how I get when I'm unhappy..." I saw Tom's expression turn from anger to terror.

"...fine..." Tom muttered. I could tell he was lying. He glared at me as he walked to the table and sat across from me. It was awkward. "So um...Who...Who's Jeremy?" I said with a smile trying to get a conversation going. Tom looked up surprised. "How did you know about him?" Tom asked, obviously angry. "Uh...I heard Edd and Matt talking about him and I saw you with him a while ago..." I said with a small smile.

Tom stood up and slammed his hands onto the table. "FUCKING STALKER!" "Tom!" Edd yelled as he pulled on his hoodie to tell him to sit back down. Tom did so and crossed his arms as he looked away. "He's my...boyfriend..." Tom said in a low quiet voice. "Oh really~" I said chuckling a bit.

"I swear to god if you even TALK to him!" Tom yelled glancing over at Edd to see Edd giving him a glare.

"S-Sorry...just...trying to start conversation..." I said quietly looking down. "What kind of conversation is that?! Talking about my personal life is a good conversation?! How pathetic..." Tom said, his glare on me getting worse. "I...I'm gonna go now..." I say as I stand and walk towards to door. "Hey Tord..." I hear Edd say. I turn around and saw him smile. "Welcome back..." He says as I smile back and walk out and shut the door.

I heard Tom yell and for some reason it hurt when he said I was pathetic.

It's ok Tord it's just Tom...and you HATE Tom...hate...

I walk inside my apartment and see it was only about 4. I sigh and decide to call Paul and Pat. I pick up my phone and call them.

"Hello?" Paul says

"Hey Paul..." I say

"Oh hey! Hows it going?"

"Good! Well...with Matt and Edd...Tom still uh...hates me to the max..."

"Aw well he'll come around! Just be your sweet self and he'll forgive you in no time!"

"I doubt that..."

"Tord stop being so negative!"

"Sorry I'm just...tired..."

"Yea I understand...just don't push yourself..."

"I know I know...I won't..."


Out conversation went on a bit longer and we hung up. I was bored again. Maybe I should read something.

Before I could even pick out a book there was a knock at the door. I open it to see Edd. He looked very cheerful and that made me smile. "Hey whats up!" I asked "Nothin...just wanted to say hi again! I enjoyed talking to you and...I was wondering if you wanted to come with me and Matt to dinner tonight!" "Oh wow really? Sure!" Edd chuckled "What about Tom?" I asked. Edd looked away with a sad look on his face.

"He's...going out with Jeremy again..." "What's up with him? I saw him pin Tom to the wall..." "He...Has anger issues...me and Matt have seen Tom with bruises and cuts and stuff..we're almost positive it's from Jeremy but...every time we say something Tom yells at us about them loving each other..." Edd said sadly.

It was silent for a bit before we heard glass shatter in Tom's apartment. "Oh no not again!" Edd yelled as he banged on Tom's door. "well...ANSWER IT!" I heard a deep voice yell. "O-Ok..." I heard Tom whimper from inside. The door opened and Tom smiled. "Hey E-Edd..." Tom said trying to cover up he was crying. I could tell he was and I'm sure Edd could tell too.

"Are you ok in there?" Edd said in a quiet voice. "He's just fine..." Jeremy said as he came into view and put his arm around Tom's waist. "We were just heading out..." Jeremy said. I saw Tom's face fall into sadness and for some reason I got mad.

"What was that glass breaking and whimpering?" I said stepping out of my apartment. Jeremy glared at me. He smile and said through his teeth "Nothing..." He pushed Edd out the way and dragged Tom out the door and started down the hallway.

Ok now I REALLY don't like that Jeremy guy...

And I'm gonna do something about him...

Trust Issues (TomTord MIGHT be discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now