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Tom's POV

It smelled like febreez and bacon when I woke up. I heard music playing. It was old 80's music. 8675309 to be the exact song. I sat up and stretched, remembering what happened last night.
"Oh yea..." I felt sad again until I heard humming coming from the kitchen.
I made my way out of bed and towards the kitchen to see Tord with a long sleeved red shirt on with the sleeved rolled up, black shorts that went about to the knee, he had those cliche yellow gloves on, his hair was up in a ponytail and he was sweeping and doing other stuff as he went.
The dishes were done, everything was so clean you could see you're face in it and there was no sign of blood anywhere! You would have never guessed someone got shot here last night.

Tord turned and noticed me. He smiled and put the broom down and took off his gloves while walking towards me.
"Good morning Thomas! I made you breakfast! It's over on the table!" Tord said, rolling his sleeves down. I was so shocked by the clean-ness of his apartment I didn't even notice the food sitting on the table. It looked delicious. Eggs, bacon, toast, pancakes and a glass of milk.
"Wow...Tord where did you find the time to do this?"
"Well when you fell asleep last night I only slept for a second! I got up around 7:30 took a shower, started on breakfast, did the dishes, met Paul and hauled off Jeremy and now I'm just cleaning everything so it doesn't look suspicious! I told you I have everything under control!" Tord said with a bright smile.

I sat down and ate. Lordy this is good! Tord had a plate for himself too, which was mostly eaten already.
Tord only turned up the 80's music, rolled his sleeves back up and put the gloves back on. He started humming and turned a nob or something on the dishwasher before starting to sweep again.
It was weird seeing Tord like this...I mean the only reason I ran to him last night is because I was scared and he was the closest door to mine. Plus I was tired.
I growled at him, which I'm surprised he heard from his loud stupid Michael Jackson music playing.
"What's wrong Thomas?"
"It's Tom for one..." I said standing up.
"And two I'm sick of you're stupid music and febreez smelling place...I'm going home..." I said starting to walk off.

Tord turned off the music and took his gloves back off, putting them in a cabinet.
"Wait why are leaving? You seemed to like me last night!" Jeez that sounded worse than it meant. I stopped and rolled my 'eyes' while turning around.
"I was scared and tired...thanks for killing the only person I've ever loved by the way..." I said turning back around and opening the door. I even felt tears start to sting my eyes but there was no way I was gonna cry. Not now.
"But..." Tord didn't even try to say anything. He just sighed and looked down.
"Bye then..." He said walking over to the table and picking up the two plates that were there. I gotta say now I felt bad. I'll apologize or whatever later when I'm NOT in just a bog shirt and underwear...

Tord's POV

I was so confused...what has gotten into him? I tried to impress him with my cleaning skills not drive him away! All this going on made me forget about the whole mission I was on.
"Oh god...I totally forgot!" I pulled out the list and sighed. I guess I'll start with Edd's lucky can...that seems to be the easiest thing since we all know where he 'hides' it.

I sigh and walk over to Edd's and knock on the door. Matt opens it with a smile.
"Hi Tord!" He yelled, opening the door more for me to walk in.
"Heya Matt!" I said with a smile. Edd was sitting on the couch watching some old cartoon thing...Doug I think it's called? I don't know I spent my childhood in Norway learning about guns not watching cartoons.
"Oh hi Tord!" Edd yelled giving me a wave, only turning fro the TV for a split second. I chuckled and rolled my eye. Matt goes and sits on the couch with him and I follow.
"So I killed Jeremy last night!" I said out of nowhere.
"WHAT!" They both yelled in unison.
"You...killed him?" Edd said, scooting a little closer to Matt.
"Only because I had to! He was fucking with Tom again! I heard the screams and stuff and then Tom runs to my place and asks to stay with me for the night. Then Jeremy comes and tries to hurt him again so...I shot him...and I gave him two warnings!" I said, trying to explain the best of my abilities.
"What if the police find out?!" Matt yelled, now holding Edd close to him.
"I'm already wanted pretty badly...I've already killed a lot of people...I've already covered up the mess...I'll be fine..." I said, turning to where I was sitting upside down. A few minuets later we hear a cat noise. It sounded like screaming. Edd looked to me and Matt with worried eyes.

"RINGO!" He shouted, running down the hall. Not even five seconds later we heard him scream.
"Edd?" Both me and Matt walked into Edd's bedroom where he was sitting under his opened window shaking, rocking himself and tears were already pouring from his eyes. Matt looked out the window and gasped before getting on the ground with Edd and pulling him into a hug.
Edd sobbed into his shoulder as I walked up to the window.
"Holy shit..." I whisper as I see Ringo had fallen four stories and landed on his neck on hard concrete. Blood was everywhere and I could barely see but I swear he was still twitching.

Hours passed and Edd still hadn't said a word as he sat on the couch, wrapped in a blanket with cola in his hands. I took this chance and went to Edd's room and found the drawer he had his lucky can in, took it and shoved it in my pocket.
"I'm gonna go now! I'll see you guys later!" I say as I walk to the door. Matt gives me a small smile and raises his hand up and then back down as to wave without waving. Edd didn't even look up from the floor, he just squeaked a little. Well that's getting somewhere I guess.

I went downstairs and out the door to see Ringo still there, now covered in ants and other various bugs.
"Jeez with all these people walking around you'd think someone would have done something about this..." I took off my hoodie and wrapped Ringo up in it and started to go back upstairs.
This is getting too easy...I've already got two items...

As I'm making my way to my room I see Tom outside of his.
"There you are commie!" He said as I smiled nervously, putting my hoodie to my side like an american football.
"What's that?" Tom asked as I looked at my balled up hoodie.
"O-Oh! It got hot so I took off my hoodie!" I said, my smile getting less nervous. Tom just made an 'mmmhmm' sound.
"Well I just wanted to say I'm....sorry...for how I acted and...thank...you...for what you did last night..." Tom said pretty hesitantly.
If I wasn't carrying a dead cat and Edd's lucky can I would have hugged him but I just chat with him for a second before walking into my apartment. I put ringo in an air tight container and the lucky can in a plastic bin and put both items in my closet.

This is going WAY too easily...

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