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It was around 12 and Jeremy was still drinking. Jeremy started to get drunk and when he got drunk the slightest things ticked him off.
I decided to drag him out the bar and back home. He didn't try and stop me cause he knew I'd stop at nothing to get him out of there. It was a silent walk home, Jeremy still had a beer in his hand.
When we finally got home Jeremy did what he always does when he gets too drunk. He pins me to the bed and does what he wants with me. It hurts, yes...but I know he loves me...so I go along with it. I ask him to stop most of the time but he never does so I give up pretty quickly.

//Tord's POV

I woke up around 1:30 in the morning to loud bumping coming from next door.
"Ugh..." I sat up, not remembering where I was. In my mind I thought it was Paul and Pat doing...whatever...but then I remembered.
"Wait...is that coming from Tom's room?" I got up and put my ear to the wall and listen closer.
"Jeremy stop! Th-That's a little too hard!"
"I'll stop when I want bitch! Shut up!"
I was shocked...how could Tom just let him do that! I walked out my door to go over to Edd's to see what he thought about it. When I saw Matt in the hall listening closely to Tom since he was his other next door neighbor.
"Oh! Hey Tord..." Matt said sadly, looking down.
"What does Edd think of all...that?" I asked which made Matt sigh.
"He's really stressed over it...sometimes it gets so bad to where he doesn't have a voice the next day...and Edd hates seeing him like that..."
"Oh that is IT! I am going over there and-"
"Don't...Tom will just rebel even more..."
"Matt he's getting raped over there! We can't just stand here and do nothing!"
Just when Matt was about to say something else Tom's door opened and Jeremy walked out. He was wearing a white stained tank top and light gray shorts. He looked pissed. He pushed me against the wall and walked past swinging open the door to the stairs and stormed down them.

"What's gotten into him?" Matt asked but I didn't answer. I was already walking over to Tom's. When I opened the door I immediately heard sobbing. I walked over to Tom's room to see him sitting on his bed with nothing but his boxers on sobbing into his knees.
"Tom?" I said quietly, which startled him.
"T-Tord?! What are you d-doing here?!" Tom said in between sobs.
"I...heard you in here...yelling for him to stop..." I said as I walked over and sat on the other endof his bed. Tom just looked down and started to cry harder.
"S-Sorry...I'll be quieter next time..."
"There shouldn't be a next time! Tom-"
"He always does this...I've honestly gotten used to it..." Tom said in his normal voice, wiping his tears and putting his knees down.
"That's terrib-" I couldn't finish my sentence before Jeremy burst in through the door holding a couple sodas, which he dropped.

He growled at me before picking me up and walking towards the door.
"Jeremy please put him down!" Tom yelled, getting up and chasing after us.
"Shut up whore!" Jeremy yelled kicking Tom before opening the door throwing me out and slamming the door back shut. Matt came running up to me with a sad face.
"I'm so sorry...I tired to keep him occupied but..."
"It's fine...I've obviously been through much worse..." I was talking about something like an amputation I had to go through without any pain medication at all...I think I'm good...

We heard screams coming from Tom's room and glass breaking. The door was locked though of course. We just sat there listening...truely not being able to do anything...if we called the cops not only would they also arrest me but Tom would be heartbroken...so all we could do was listen.

The next morning I was at Edd's eating breakfast with him and Matt. When Tom walked in.
"Hey guys!" Tom said with a smile. He had a black eye and a band-aid over his nose. You could see the hickeys down his neck and even a dark purple line going all the way across like someone tried to choke him.
"Oh my god Tom! What happened to you?!" Edd screamed, getting up from the table and running over to Tom.
"Oh! No need to worry Edd I'm fine!" Tom said in a cheerful tone. I knew it was all fake.

We didn't do much that day. We played some bored games and watched Disney movies for a while.
"Well...I gotta get home...Jeremy is already gonna be made I'm out ten minuets past nine..." Tom said getting up from the couch and heading towards the door. I decided to go home too while Matt decided to stay with Edd for the night.
It was silent for maybe five seconds when I walked in my apartment until I heard Jeremy screaming at Tom again.
"Where the hell were you?!"
"I-I was with Edd and Matt!"
"You were with HIM weren't you?!"
"Wh-Who? Oh you mean Tord! N-No of course not!"
"Liar! Get on the damn bed..."
"B-But we went pretty strong last nigh-"
"Does it look like I care?!"
God why does Tom 'love' him so much...I sigh and sit on my bed listening to the same noises I did last night. More yelling came about half an hour later with more glass breaking. Then I heard a knock at my door.
I got up and opened it to see Tom crying his eyes out. He was in a black and white stripped shirt that was too big for him and his boxers. He was staring at the floor.
"H-Hey! Tom! What's wrong?" I asked leaning down to his height. He just glared up at me for a minuet before hugging himself and looking to the side.
"Can...C-Can I stay w-with you tonight?..." I was honestly shocked.
"Sure of course you can!" I said, opening the door wider for him to come in.
"TOM?! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" We heard Jeremy scream from Tom's room.

"Please close the door!" Tom said while standing behind me and clutching to my shirt. I shut the door and locked all the locks. I got my gun and stood by the door.
"Just go lay down on my bed...you look exhausted..."
"What about you?"
"I'll be fine..."
"Why are you being so nice to me? I thought you hated me?"
"Well...same question to you! I suspect I was the first person you ran to when running from Jeremy...I thought you hated ME..."
Tom was silent and sighed before walking into my room and assumingly laying on the bed. I waited a while until I heard banging at the door. I heard a squeak come from the kitchen. Tom was hiding behind the small island I had.
"Tom! Why are you-" More banging came from the door. I signaled for Tom to get down and I hid my gun behind my back before opening the door, looking as tired as possible.
"What the hell do you want?"
"I know he's in here..." Jeremy said with a raspy, evil voice.
"So what if he is? You aren't getting to him..." I said with a confident yet calm voice. Jeremy just growled and pushed me to the ground. He spotted Tom and started marching towards him, yelling awful things while doing so.
I could see Tom tearing up so I stood up and cocked my gun. Jeremy stopped and slowly turned towards me.
"Get...OUT!" I yelled as Jeremy chuckled.
"There ain't no bullets in that!" He yelled as I giggled as well while shooting his shoulder. He screamed and held it, looking at me with terrified eyes. I continued to laugh.
"Oh really?!" Jeremy looked at me like I was crazy.
"Now...you are going to leave Tom alone...and leave my apartment...GOT IT!" I yelled, walking closer to him. He growled and started walking towards Tom again. I put the gun up to his head.
"Take one more step...I dare ya..." Jeremy just smiled and started to run at Tom before I pulled the trigger.

Jeremy laid on my floor, blood pouring out his head. Tom was speechless. He got on his knees and started crying.
"J-Jeremy?...I-I'm so sorry..." Tom said quietly, laying his head on Jeremy's chest.
"Tom...you know I had to do that right?..." I said, putting the gun down. Tom silently cried for a bit before slowly nodding his head.

I sighed and patted his back.
"It's really late...wanna get some sleep?" He nodded before lunging at me, wrapping his arms around my neck to where we were in a close hug.
"I NEVER WANTED HIM TO DIE!" He yelled before sobbing into my shoulder. I slowly hugged back, rubbing circles in his back.
"It's ok...I've killed many people before...so there's nothing to worry about..." Tom cried for a while before finally falling asleep on me. I chuckled and picked him up carrying him to the bed. I chopped Jeremy up and texted Paul. After I took care of THAT problem and cleaned the blood, I walked back into my room to see Tom breathing pretty heavily.

He was sweating and whimpering and he would move his head from side to side every once in a while. I sighed and crawled in bed next to him. I wrapped my arms around him and started rubbing circles on his back just like a while ago.
He started to calm down and tightly held onto my sleeves while his breathing slowed down. Slowly but surely he was all the way calm and not long after that I fell asleep as well with Tom wrapped up next to me.

Trust Issues (TomTord MIGHT be discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now