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Tommee bear.
'That's next...' Tord thought as he looked out his window. 'Well either the bear or the mirror.' He thought the bear would be easier since he was starting to get closer to Tom. Loud knocking interrupted his train of thought. He got up and went to the door and opened it to see Tom.
"Oh hey Tom..." Tord said, opening the door more so Tom could come in.
"Look!" Tom yelled, turning around and grabbing Tord by his collar so he was at Tom's height.
"I still feel bad! So we're gonna go eat tonight ok! You can't say no cause you JUST told me you weren't doing anything tonight! Be ready at 6:30..." Tom said, crossing his arms as he walked back out the door and into his apartment. Tord was (S H O O K) shocked to say the least. 'Weirdo...' He thought.

It was 5 and Tord decided to go ahead and take a shower since it took him a while to dry his thick ass hair.

//Tom's POV//

'Maybe it was a little sudden...' I thought as I paced my living room. 'Oh god what if he hates me now for being forward!' I thought, stopping in my pacing. "Oh no..." I whimpered, looking at the ground. I decided to go apologize instead of crying like a baby. I knocked but nobody answered. I knocked again, nothing. I heard music in there. More modern this time...was that trap music? The door was unlocked, surprisingly. I walked in and tried to figure out where Tord was. I followed the sound of the music to the hallway and the first door on the left. The door was cracked open, so I decided to stupidly look in. Turns out it was the bathroom. Tord was shirtless and thank god he had a towel wrapped around his waist. He was indeed listening to trap music while singing into a hairbrush, which he held with one hand while the other dried his hair. He was dancing too.
I smiled. 'Cute...' I thought but I almost yelled at myself before I remembered I was pretty much breaking and entering. 'I DON'T like him like that!' I told myself. Tord kept pretending to sing and I kept watching. Until he caught himself in the mirror. His face went from happy and laughing to...almost depressed. He slowly turned off the hair dryer and put the brush down. He ran his human hand down the side of his face that was scarred. He almost looked like he was gonna cry.

Not gonna lie I felt bad...seeing him almost cry from his past. It was genuine too since he didn't know I was here. His sadness turned to anger.
"You know you're a freak right! You think they forgive you HA! It's funny to hear you say how they're your friends!" Tord was speaking to himself through the mirror. He now had a few tears running down his face.
"Especially Tom! He hates you the most! Nothing you can do will change that! I bet if you go eat with him he'll spike your drink or something and kill you right there!" I hated hearing Tord talk so badly to himself.
"That...that's not true!" Tord yelled back at himself.
"Is too..."
"Maybe I could just put makeup over it?"
"HA! You aren't a girl pussy!"
"But..." Tord sighed and looked down. He brushed his hair again and put some gel in it before walking towards the door. I yelped and ran down the hall into a random room. Guess which room it was. Tord's bedroom. My luck. I hid in the closet behind some clothes. 'Maybe he still does what he used to and only keep the long sleeved stuff in here...' I thought.

Tord walked in. He sighed and fell onto his bed, his hands covering his face. He sat like that for a while before getting up and walking my way.
"Shit" I said under my breath as I sank back into the clothing. He opened the closet door and stood right beside me. He was so close. He had scars going down his right side and god damn he was ripped. I felt myself blush but shake my head. He grabs a nice red and black plaid shirt and some black pants with, what looks like holes in the knees. He walks out and closes the door. I let out a long held sigh of relief. I got some socks and boxers out his draw and went to take off the towel that was around his waist. I went to cover my eyes, and I did but...half of me didn't want to. I waited a bit before looking through my fingers. He had his boxers on and was currently unbuttoning his shirt to put it on. I blushed again. God I need to stop thinking like this!

Lets go cliche! I was about to do it....I didn't want to but I can't help it! I did...I let out a kitten sneeze. Reason being I was trying to make it quiet but...it just turned into a kitten sneeze...He looked up and started walking over here. I was starting to panic. He opened the door and froze. 'Shit shit shit shit shit' I thought as he walked inside the closet. He stayed still. So did I. It was an agonizing few minuets until he reached his hand in the clothes and got me by the collar of my hoodie before pulling me up to him, his arm raised as if he was gonna punch me, and his face full of rage. I put my hands up in defense and looked away, shutting my eyes.
"Tom?.." He said, slowly putting me down. I just stood there staring. I could feel myself blushing, considering he was still only in his boxers and his damp hair trying to hang in his face. 'Dammit stop staring!' I told myself but just couldn't look away.
"Why were you in my closet?" He asked, kicking me out of my daze.
"Uh...I-I..." I sighed.
"I wanted to come over here to tell you sorry for being so forward! I heard music and followed it until I saw you singing in the bathroom! Then you yelled at yourself for things that aren't true! Then you started coming towards me so I panicked and ran in here!" I yelled, looking down in embarrassment. I could tell Tord was blushing.
"I-I AVERTED MY EYES WHEN YOU WERE CHANGING!...By...by the way..." I said, had to make sure he knew that. This only made him blush more before a shit eating grin was plastered on his face.
"Aww Thomas were you spying on me?~" He said in a flirty tone. This made me look up and turn ten shades or red. His eyes were half lidded, and his smile was slightly to the side. He was also leaning down a little.
"Were you just trying to see my di-" I pushed him. I had to! What was I supposed to do?! I started storming out the door.
"Aw Tommy common I was just playing!" Tord yelled, chasing after me, STILL IN HIS DAMN BOXERS!
"Put some clothes on dammit! It's almost time to go..." I said before walking out the door.

Trust Issues (TomTord MIGHT be discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now