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Tom slowly opened his eyes and stretched. He looked around and noticed he was in his little hide out. He looked to the side and saw Tord sleeping next to him. He smiled and started shaking Tord awake.
"Tord! Rain is gone and it's morning! Edd and Matt are probably worried sick!" Tom said with a giggle. Tord yawned and when he saw Tom he smiled. He loved waking up to see his face.
"Morning Tom..." Tord said rubbing his eyes. Tom looked away and started remembering what they talked about last night. Tord noticed and quickly came up with a solution.

"Wanna go get ice cream?" Tord said with a grin.
"Tord it's the morning? A bit too early for ice cream huh?" Tom asked, smiling a bit.
"Thomas we are grown adults and we do whatever the fuck we want! Come on let's go get ice cream for breakfast!" Tord said, standing up and stretching his hand out for Tom to take. Tom sighed and shook his head.
"What am I to do with you Tord, I swear you're a child!" Tom said, taking Tords hand and standing up.
"Only the best child!" Tord said with a big grin, pulling Tom out the door.

When they got to the ice cream shop, Tom stopped in the door, a look of fear on his face.
"Tord...lets go home Okay..." Tom said quietly, tugging at Tords sleeve and hiding behind him. Tord looked over at Tom confused.
"What? Why-"
"Please..." Tom said, holding Tords arm even tighter. Tord then got worried and looked up. He saw a man working the counter who was a skinny guy but looked creepy as hell. Pale skin, bright blue hair and silver eyes with a scar on his right cheek. He was just smiling and staring at Tom. Tord growled and slowly stepped out the shop pulling Tom with him. Once they were out, Tom stayed close to Tord and Tord wanted to know more.
"Who..." Tord asked in a stern tone, keeping his gaze ahead.
"Wh-what?" Tom asked, slightly looking up at him.
"You know exactly what I'm asking Thomas...who the hell was that? You left out part of the story last night didn't you?" Tord asked, looking at Tom with a mad expression.
"Um...he...he was one of the uh..." Tom tried to find the right words, but couldn't think straight due to keeping back the water works. Tord sighed.
"Sorry...can we stop for a second...I need to know Tom...who is he?" Tord asked, stopping and pulling Tom into an alleyway.
"J-Jeremy would take me to his friends house sometimes...and they were all in a gang...they're we're four of them at the most and they would all...they would...jump me and rape me at the same time and it would last for hours...Jeremy was their leader...they know he's gone missing so now they're all going to be after me!" Tom said, a scared look appearing on his face.
"Tom...why didn't you tell me?" Tord said calmly, pulling Tom into a hug. Tom couldn't get anymore words out before hugging back and starting to cry again.
"Th-they never stopped Tord...I'd pass out sometimes...I wanted it to stop but it never would...I was so scared but my stubborn ass would never admit it!" Tom said in between sobs.

"It's over! Jeremy is gone and I'll make sure those guys NEVER touch you! Do you understand me?!" Tord said angrily, bending down to Tom's height. Tom slowly nodded his head.
"I know you're out here!" A voice yelled cheerfully. Tom looked at Tord in fear and cling to him again.
"That's him...he's looking for me..." Tom whispered. Tord growled again, and grabbed his gun from his pocket.
"Stay behind me..." Tord said, accent thick as he stepped out from the alley and faced the voice. Surely the man was standing there, a wide smile plastered on his face.
"Come on Tommy! Come out and play!" The man said, stepping closer.
"You aren't laying a finger on Thomas..." Tord said in a low, dark voice. The man chuckled and started walking towards Tord. He pointed the gun at the man, but he didn't stop.
"That doesn't scare me! It isn't loaded!" The man yelled. Tord rolled his eyes.
"Jeremy said the same thing but I still put a hole in his head!" Tord said with a grin. The man stopped.
"So it was YOU!" The man yelled, an agreed expression now on his face. Tord chuckled while nodding.
"And you're next if you don't back up! We hid the body, cleaned the evidence, and NOBODY KNOWS OF HIS DISAPPEARANCE! So unless you want to be like that, you should back the FUCK up!" Tord yelled, fire in his eyes.

The man growled.
"You're safe for now Thomas...but this devil can't protect you forever!" The man yelled, turning and walking back to the ice cream shop.
"Like hell I can..." Tord whispered before looking over and seeing Tom gone.
"Tom?" Tord said, frantically looking around.
He listened very closely, his training HAD to come in handy in this situation. He heard voices. One was Tom's and it was coming from across the fence at the end of the alley. Tord walked over and peeked over the fence to see
Tom being blindfolded by two people dressed in all black.
"I-I didn't kill him you bastards!" Tom yelled, the people starting to tie his hands together.
"Shhh..." one said before duck taping his mouth shut. Tord was now filled with rage.
"LET HIM THE FUCK GO!" Tord yelled, hoping the fence and pointing the gun at the two.
"It was me that killed Jeremy so if that's what you're here for then I'd suggest you scram!" Tord yelled as one cursed and they both took off running. Tord freed Tom and he immediately hugged him.
"That's it...you're staying in that house too! I'm not gonna let you go unprotected from those...creatures..." Tord said, looking Tom in the eyes. Tom was obviously going to object, but closed his mouth and sadly nodded.
"Smile Tom...I'm going to keep you safe...

No matter what..."

Trust Issues (TomTord MIGHT be discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now