Chapter 5: Day of Play!

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Trailing into the afternoon, you carry on with your day. You were still shaken up about Reiji, since he's never hurt you before. But even so, he showed no remorse. You shivered at how happy he seemed when he hurt you.

You cowered yourself into your room after you've finish your breakfast. You hugged your knees as you sat on the softness of your bed. You were so deep in your own thoughts that you didn't notice Laito and Kanato coming in your room and sitting next to you with worried faces. They, and of course Teddy, hugged you warmly. You looked up them, your eyes swollen from so much crying.

"(Y/N)~ It's okay. Remember our promise?~" Laito reminded you.

"Yes, our day of play together. Teddy is very excited, (Y/N). I can definitely say that I am, too!" Kanato smiled at you.

Teddy "dried" your remaining tears as they soaked his stuffed paw. You smiled at his sweet gesture, and took your knees away from your face. You "shook" Teddy's paw, smiling up at Kanato.

Laito, smirking behind you, winked at Kanato.

Kanato asked you to get your plush toy, and while your back was turned, Teddy was "whispering" to Laito.

"How will you tickle her while she's not looking?" Kanato whispered for Teddy, his face behind the bear's head.

Laito twisted his lips to a wider smirk. "Just distract her."

With that, they nodded at each other and you already jumped on to bed with a stuffed bunny instead. You've had that bunny since birth, and you always protected it to keep it intact and clean. Of course, as the years passed, it aged. When you were about four or five years old, you carried that bunny everywhere, possibly the reason of earning the nickname of "Little Rabbit" from Ayato. You haven't taken out that bunny in a few years, until now.

"Oh? You wanna play with your bunny? Teddy says that's okay." Kanato said with his signature wide-eyed smile. While you and Kanato had your stuffed animals play and "talk", Laito was closely analyzing your movements, almost like a predator. In this case, like a bloodthirsty vampire. But he wasn't after your blood. He was after your body.

Slowly, he inched closer behind you, making sure he wasn't startling you until the right time. You didn't realize how close he was until he was literally breathing down your neck. You turned your head slightly, and Laito gave you a small smirk.

"Laito---?" You were interupted by vicious tickles! You rolled all over your bed laughing, barely having enough air to mutter a full "Stop!"

Laito, amazingly, still kept his smirk, as well as become more vicious with his tickles. You were so out of breath that you had no energy to laugh. And that's when Laito stopped, evilly chuckling at your exhausted state.

"Just worry about breathing itself, for now, (Y/N)~" Laito teased you.

"We're basically dead, what do we care?" Kanato said through Teddy. You smiled at your brothers as you sat up and giggled a little bit. You've almost completely forgotton about Reiji. Then you remembered again. Your sweet little smile faded along with your giggle. You got down from your bed and walked over to your door, but before you could open it, you were stopped by Laito.

"Still worried about Reiji, (Y/N)?~ If you are, the best decision would be for us to go with you. After all, we don't want another accident~" Laito sadistically chuckled. Kanato stayed silent as he remembered the image of your face being nearly crushed by Reiji. He wanted to speak, he wanted to keep playing with you, but he didn't want to argue with you. He didn't want to yell at you.

Laito and Kanato walked you down the corridor once more, all the way to Reiji's room. It wasn't pleasant. You felt very scared and nervous. It was also silent during the whole walk. You were so into your little thoughts that Laito had to pull you to the side to show you that you've made it to Reiji's door.

"Knock." Kanato said while hiding his sadistic grin behind Teddy's head.

"We'll wait right here for you~" Laito responded with a genuine smile.

As you knocked softly on the door, you nervously waited for a reply.

You heard a heavy sigh come from the other side. "Come in."

Slowly, you turn the knob of the door, putting on your bravest face. Like a blur, you walk in and close it with a slight slam, baffling Kanato, Laito, and even Reiji at your behavior.

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