Chapter 11: Ayato Won't Give Up!

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He still had a stong grip on you. Ayato didn't want the others to take you to the fitting room of the children's corner.

"I'm. Not. Letting. Her. Go." Ayato growled.

"Ayato, we're in public~ Please try to act civilized...~" Laito tried calming his older brother.

"No way!" Ayato glared at Laito.

"Let me go! You're hurting me!" You whined. But Ayato wouldn't budge.

"It's amazing how we even got him here..." Reiji commented.

"I'll have to agree..." Yui giggled at Ayato's childish behavior.

"(Y/N), don't believe anything they say to you! I'm not letting you go!" Ayato ordered you.

You weren't having it. You struggled out Ayato's grip by biting on his bare hand. He released you almost immediately.

"(Y/N)?! WHY?!" Ayato whined. "Damn it, do I have to chase you throughout this store as well?"

"I don't get what's your problem! I'm nervous too, but I wanna give this a shot!" You argued.

"It's also amazing how well (Y/N) is taking this." Reiji remarked.

"T-Then... I'll be happy to fit her, Reiji." Ayato glared at Reiji.

"No, Yui will. You sit and wait. Or, most preferably, you go home and wait."

"Yeah! Yui's nicer than you anyway!" You agreed.

"What is with you going against me all of a sudden? One trip out the house and you look like you're completely free!" Ayato barked.

"Please don't argue here, home is enough..." Subaru glared at Ayato.

"Shaddup! I'm going with (Y/N) whether you guys like it or not!" Ayato protested.

"You're such a possessive freak..." Shu commented.

You were panicked. You didn't want Ayato of all people barging in on you! You wanted to enjoy the thrills of school again, since you've forgotten about the joys of it long ago. As a quick maneuver to avoid Ayato, you grabbed Yui's hand and led her to the fitting room Reiji assigned you both to go to earlier. Yui stayed silent, not wanting to upset any of her... Predators.

Kanato noticed, and whispered to himself, "Teddy, we should keep a close eye on them..."


"That's strange... You'll have the same uniform as me. I guess it's to keep track of all the students..." Yui thought aloud.

"Yui, I got a question." You mumbled.

"What is it?"

"...Why are these skirts always so short?"

Yui was dumbfounded. She never thought you'd ask her that type of question.

"I can't say I really know, (Y/N). Oh! Maybe you can ask one of your brothers!"

You thought for a moment. You were certain that most of your brothers would just try to shake the thought off you, or go to a different topic. Then, you knew exactly who'd be completely fine with giving you an answer. Laito. He's always been intrigued by your innocence.

"You're right. I can ask Laito!" You exclaim happily.

"Well, let's go show them your uniform. It looks well fitted, but you never know. I hope I didn't make a mistake." Yui shivered at the unsettling thought of what would happen to her if she made a mistake.

You walked out with a small smile on your lips.

"Aww~ (Y/N), you look so cute~" Laito complimented your appearance.

"Teddy and I approve. You made a somewhat good effort, Yui..." Kanato hugged you from behind, making you jump a bit.

"Seems perfect. Prepare to get up every evening, eat a healthy 'breakfast', and go to school in an orderly fashion." Reiji stated without complaint.

"Good enough. Just wish they'd make a longer skirt." Shu mumbled under his breath as he turned his gaze away from yours.

"Actually, I think it's suitable. Given how much of a rambunctious child she can be at times, her legs won't get caught in the skirt itself and she would cease to trip." Subaru commented while studying you from head to toe.

"Tch. I don't like it." Ayato blurted out with a small pinkish blush.

"You're blushing, you know." Shu stated bluntly.

"N-No, I'm not! Shaddup! You guys don't know what you're talking about!" Ayato stammered.

"Now you know she's too young for that, Ayato~" Laito teased.

"Stop being foolish. Your opinion doesn't have a worth anyway, Ayato. You were against this from the start, so you have lost the privilege to participate." Reiji ordered.

"Damn you, Reiji." Ayato glared.

"We'll take it, miss." Reiji glanced at the clerk who was at the counter.

"Of course." She quickly prepared the receipt. "I know I'm not a main character, but thank you for your purchase."

"Thank you!" You brightly smiled.


"While it's still daylight, you should get some sleep, (Y/N)." Ayato sighed.

"Why are you so against me going to school, Ayato?" You innocently asked.

"N-Nothing! Not until you're older! J-Just do me a favor and don't talk to any boys except for me and the others!"

"Okay... But why do I have to change my sleep schedule?"

"You didn't hear Reiji earlier? We're vampires, we're most active at night. So sleep as much as possible until I come back to wake you up."

"Fine..." You hugged your brother. "Even though you're a huge, irrational meanie, I still love you!"

"Good, rabbit." Ayato chuckled, hugging you back.

"Don't call me that!" You whined.

"Whatever. Get some sleep." He lightly ruffled your hair and left.

As soon as he closed your door, you remembered something. "I forgot to ask Laito my question... Maybe when school starts, I guess."

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