51. The Hard Part

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"The Hard Part"

Caitlin’s POV

 “Man…That was some kiss.”

I rolled my eyes. He always does this!

“And I would be lying if I said you haven’t gotten better sweetheart.”

I looked at him trying not to smile. He had this smirk on his face, and not his usual one, it wasn’t a sexual smirk. It was kind of in between sweet and sexual, if there is even an in between for those too words.

When I looked up at his hair and immediately started laughing. There was no way I was going to be able to hold that in. He started laughing with me a little and asked, “What is it now? You are always smiling and laughing when you’re with me.”

“You make me smile. You make me laugh. Now come here.” I said motioning him to come closer to me. I needed to fix his hair, or I wouldn’t be able to stop laughing.

I combed his hair back and to the side, like he has been usually styling it. I needed to do something with it because his hair was all wet and sticking straight up.

“Having fun?”

I stopped fixing his hair and gave him a look.

“It’s not working. Hold on.” I put a finger in the air, showing I wanted him to wait.

I put both my arms on the back seat and kept my legs in the front. I’m sure Austin was enjoying the view, and probably anybody in front of the car. At least we were still parked and no one was in the parking lot since it was raining. I wouldn’t be surprised if he makes a comment about it.

I looked everywhere in the backseat until I found what I was looking for. I grabbed the beanie and made my way back to a sitting position in the front.

“Nice ass.”

“Thanks.” I shot him a look and put the beanie on his head.

I had his hair pushed back and the beanie was holding it down. He looked cute. Honestly I like him better when he has his hair pushed back like that. I leaned back to admire my work.

“There. You look better.”

“So I didn’t look good before?” He asked. I knew he was joking because of the smile on his face. That smile. Oh god. It makes me melt every time. Okay back to reality. He was acting different than before.

Austin started the car and we pulled out onto the road.

“Why are you acting different?”

“What do you mean different?” He asked not looking at me even though I was staring at him.

“Like you were all sweet and now you’re just joking around and stuff like that.” I’m not good at explaining as you can tell.

“Well after today…I felt closer to you. I got to know you better that I did before. I always joke around with my friends…And I always tease the girls I like.” He smiled, but kept his eyes on the road.

How am I going to tell him I have to go back to school tonight? We are heading back to the condo now. I’m just going to come out and say it.


“Austin?” I yelled from the bottom of the stairs. I was going to tell him my decision. I told him to let me think for an hour, but really I was packing up my clothes and belongings getting ready to leave. Alex took my suitcase outside and put it in Austin’s car without him noticing. I asked Alex if I could talk to Austin alone. He went down to the gym after he said goodbye to me.

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