28. Eye Of The Hurricane

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"Eye Of The Hurricane"

Austin’s POV

I woke up to my mom yelling.

“Austin! Get up! It’s already 3 o’clock!” She yelled from downstairs.

I jumped up. I really slept for most of my day? Whatever. I got up and got dressed. Today was the day. Today I will pay Justin the money he wants, just for revenge, and hopefully he will leave Caitlin alone.

Caitlin. I love her so much, and she doesn’t even know it. I almost kissed her last night. But, I had a little self control left in me so I just kissed her on the cheek. Friends do that right? Friends. I don’t like calling her my friend. I want her to be more than that to me. But, I can’t. And anyways she had a date with Kyle today. God, I hate him. Alright, yes, I’m jealous.

Before I knew it, it was 5:30. Justin gave me an address to meet him and said be there at six. I can’t be late. Who knows what this messed up guy will do to me if I’m just late.

I skipped down the stairs and walked to the door.

“I’m going out!” I yelled to my mom where ever she was.

I tried to close the door, but then I heard her.

“Austin wait!” She yelled running down the stairs.

“Mom I have to go.” I again tried to close the door but she stopped me again.

“Austin Carter! Wait a minute!” She finally got my full attention by using my full name. She stood in front of me.


“Where are you going?” She asked nicely.

“Out…With Alex.” I lied. I couldn’t tell my mom about what I was doing. She would probably kill me before Justin could if I was late. No one really knows what I do. Whenever I do something like kill someone, it’s someone the police have been trying to track down. I usually flee the situation and no one knows. And the police don’t try to find the person that did it because it doesn’t really matter. I have only killed like one or two people in my whole life. Caitlin is the only one that knows what I REALLY do. Other people think I just did drugs and drank, but I only did drugs and it was just smoking. I stopped anyway. I changed.

“Oh okay…Is Caitlin going?”

“Mom…Caitlin and I are just friends…nothing else.” I said, never wanting to believe it was true. I then closed the door and walked to the car. I put on my game face.

I had the money in a little bag. I had my gun hidden in the waist line of my pants. I had a gun license, so it isn’t weird. I started up the car and buckled up.

“Its go time.” I said to myself pulling out of the drive way.

Caitlin’s POV

It was 10:30. I asked my dad to drop me off at the coffee shop on Walter St. I told him I was meeting Austin there. My dad actually liked Austin. If he knew that I was going to see my ex he wouldn’t bring me. He said he never like Kyle from the start.

My dad pulled in a parking space and let me jump out. I said goodbye and walked into the coffee shop. I sat down at a little table in the corner because I didn’t see Kyle anywhere. I checked my phone and I was ten minutes early so I just waited.

I waited and waited and waited. How was I this stupid? He stood me up. I fell for the trap. He is probably laughing right now. I was about to get up when someone came and sat down text to me at the table. He was sitting very close. He moved his chair over a little closer and I looked up at him.


It was Dave. The scary guy that took me in the first place. He is also the same one that Austin said wanted me dead. Just when I thought I was pulled out of this mess, I was pulled right back in. I was now in the eye of the hurricane.

Then there is Austin. Austin works with Dave. He can’t know about this. He wouldn’t do that to me. Right? I don’t know, maybe he isn’t the same person I thought he was.

Then right when I looked up at him my face went completely pale and my insides churned. I didn’t know what to do. I froze. Suddenly an object poked the side of my stomach and stayed positioned there. I looked down and saw it was something in his jacket pocket. A gun. He had a gun inside his jacket and it was aimed at me. It was even touching me.

“You make any movements or say anything, I pull the trigger. Just do what I tell you. Got it?” He said with his deep, scary sounding voice. I just simply nodded my head.

“Good. Get up, come outside, and get in the car. Now.” He said.

He pulled me up with the gun still pointing at my side. Again it was hidden so no one in the coffee shop would notice. He had his arm wrapped tightly around my waist, hurting me. He walked me outside and threw me in the back seat. I hit my head on the side of the door and everything went black.

I was starting to wake up. I was remembering everything that happened. I looked around at my surroundings. I was in a room, probably only like 8 by 8 feet. It was really small. The only thing in the room was a door. I ran up to the door and tried to open it. No use, it was locked.

I then heard voices on the other side of the door, so I put my ear to the door and listened carefully.

I heard an all too familuar voice. It hit me. I then kept my ear on the door, but slowlyy slid down the side of it and curled up into a ball and softly cried.

It was Austin. He was on the other side of the door. I use to love him. Was this all set up? Was I just a prop for his little plan. He said he loved me. I loved him.

Nevermind...I take it back, I still love him.

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